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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good day Nesters......sorry I haven't been around much.....I have popped in to have a quick read, but just couldn't keep up. From what I've read, everyone is doing well......some struggles, but lots of determination. Well done everyone!
    Have been busy with getting FIL discharged from hospital, getting his set up with at home care, getting his new meds organized for MIL to dispense 4 X 87 she just can't follow the dosages of 7 different pills.
    And know I'm babysitting my 10 month old grandson for the weekend. So I had to everything very organized for the old folks.
    Babysitting him will definitely ensure an AF weekend! No question! I even managed to make a huge pot of chili con carne and buy the rest of the SuperBowl menu items for tomorrow. Kids will be back in time for that, and this way I don't have to do much cooking ......I'm sure ill be exhausted by then!

    Son in law sat drinking his beers (he only has them Friday and Saturday generally) last night, and I was in the kitchen doing the chili. Didn't even bother me a bit. That was nice, as I would usually have had a glass of wine going while cooking. Feels good!

    Happy AF Ground Hog day!


      Newbies Nest

      RunningCourage;1455528 wrote: Sometimes a craving appears like a bolt out the blue. Like a strike of lightening. Like a smack in the chops when yer least expecting it. Your day is just tiddlypom and then


      And there it is, dangling in front of your eyes, your nose, your mouth like the proverbial carrot.

      Just happened to me just then.
      FLATMATE: Rugby's on.

      ME: Oh? 6 Nations?

      FLATMATE: Aye.

      ME: Who's playing?

      FLATMATE: Scotland vs England. I've had a shit day so going to break social convention and be a lassie sitting by myself in a pub to watch the game. You wanna come?

      ME: Aye... maybe...

      And there it is - the craving has started. All I can think is 1) the cold pint or two while watching the game and 2) that i don't drink... and then i'm feeling confused. *oh no!*


      ME: But I don't drink. So i can either go to the pub and not drink and watch the game, or just not go and not watch the game.

      I choose the latter. I choose the latter because a)I think part of me is really still weak in areas and doesn't want to be needlessly tempted and b) I have just come in from work and really just want to slouch for a while. Also c) I'm no rugby fanatic - I'm not gonna cry, or even miss it, if I don't see the game.

      Anyway - posting this here cos it's funny how the ol' craving mind can come along and punch you when you least expect it.

      Happy weekend folks.
      Tis maybe a good idea since yiz are gettin beat :H

      Only kiddin RC


        Newbies Nest

        sweetpea29;1455536 wrote: Tis maybe a good idea since yiz are gettin beat :H

        Only kiddin RC
        :H :H :H Cheeky fecking pea :l


          Newbies Nest

          The only thing RIGHT NOW that alleviates all the things you dislike about your life APPEARS to be AL.

          The FACT is that none of the things you dislike will really disappear if you drink.

          The FACT is, if you want to deal with LIFE, you gotta do it sober, without running to a poison that TAKES life.

          Is it easy? NO. It's fecking hard. Will you cry? Probably. Will you scream and yell, shout and have temper tantrums? Perhaps. Will you hate it before you love it? Most likely.

          BUT if you want to be HONEST with yourself, and honest with life... AND DISCOVER THAT LIFE HAS HAPPINESS FREE FROM AL - then there is one option and one option only. Give it up - for YOU, for today. And say that everyday ("for me, for today") for the next wee while.

          Guy from NC - you owe it to yourself. You owe yourself the best life you can give yourself. And I know there is a life there for YOU. An awesome, loving, fantastic adventure. It's yours. Take it. Fecking take it.

          LIFE is NOTdependent on Facebook, on alcohol, on cigarettes or drugs. LIFE IS an amazing, beautiful, happy, gloriously exhilarating rollercoaster of experiences and sensations, discovery and revelations.

          Don't get me wrong - we all have shit days. But fuck me, let me face the shit days sober and be all the STRONGER for it, than run into a bottle and hide like some frightened rabbit.


          PS - Sorry if this sounds harsh, mate - I am saying this to me as much as I am to you

          I hope RC doesnt mind me reposting this from yesterday. It was HIS reply to AGUY over in gen discussion.

          I found it really helpful and exactly what i needed to hear and probably will do again in the future.

          Slay- those grey clouds and nightmares will pass and we will indeed hang tough girl x

          Pine- always love your words, yes i do need to learn how to truely relax without depending on poison x

          Best wishes to Jenni on day6 and No Sugar day 10 And you Siren x

          Greetings and thanks to Lav, Byrdie, Kuya, LolaB, RC, Tess, New Day and any i've missed, thanks for being here and helping me on this journey :l


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady;1455497 wrote: was a Super BOWEL party...not bowl!!! Somebody needs to fix that sign!!! :H
            Sorry, Byrdie, my mistake!! Hubby wonders why I'm laughing. "Inside joke," I explain. You are too funny, Byrdie, too funny!! :clapclap:
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              RunningCourage;1455528 wrote: Sometimes a craving appears like a bolt out the blue. Like a strike of lightening. Like a smack in the chops when yer least expecting it. Your day is just tiddlypom and then


              And there it is, dangling in front of your eyes, your nose, your mouth like the proverbial carrot.

              Just happened to me just then.
              FLATMATE: Rugby's on.

              ME: Oh? 6 Nations?

              FLATMATE: Aye.

              ME: Who's playing?

              FLATMATE: Scotland vs England. I've had a shit day so going to break social convention and be a lassie sitting by myself in a pub to watch the game. You wanna come?

              ME: Aye... maybe...

              And there it is - the craving has started. All I can think is 1) the cold pint or two while watching the game and 2) that i don't drink... and then i'm feeling confused. *oh no!*

              ME: But I don't drink. So i can either go to the pub and not drink and watch the game, or just not go and not watch the game.

              I choose the latter. I choose the latter because a)I think part of me is really still weak in areas and doesn't want to be needlessly tempted and b) I have just come in from work and really just want to slouch for a while. Also c) I'm no rugby fanatic - I'm not gonna cry, or even miss it, if I don't see the game.

              Anyway - posting this here cos it's funny how the ol' craving mind can come along and punch you when you least expect it.

              Happy weekend folks.

              Love this post, RC!! Only thing I might
              change is, for me, rather than "Sometimes a craving appears like a bolt out of the blue..." to "Always
              a craving appears like a bolt out of the blue."

              As a university student, (i.e., an idiot trying to grow up), we are taught to analyze the work of other students. I hate that task!! But the "chore" has permeated my brain cells...

              At times, I am arrogant enough to think that I have beat this disease called alcoholism. You know, a real survivor. Like someone who is five years out from their diagnosis of cancer and seems not to have a trace of cancer left in their body.

              What a pompous Ass I can be!! Then, just to keep me honest, a craving comes unexpectedly out of the blue. Yes, Bam!!, and reminds me that the battle still rages.

              Ahh, this "growing up" business - it takes a while, yes? :blush:
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                sweetpea29;1455553 wrote: The only thing RIGHT NOW that alleviates all the things you dislike about your life APPEARS to be AL.

                The FACT is that none of the things you dislike will really disappear if you drink.

                The FACT is, if you want to deal with LIFE, you gotta do it sober, without running to a poison that TAKES life.

                Is it easy? NO. It's fecking hard. Will you cry? Probably. Will you scream and yell, shout and have temper tantrums? Perhaps. Will you hate it before you love it? Most likely.

                BUT if you want to be HONEST with yourself, and honest with life... AND DISCOVER THAT LIFE HAS HAPPINESS FREE FROM AL - then there is one option and one option only. Give it up - for YOU, for today. And say that everyday ("for me, for today") for the next wee while.

                Guy from NC - you owe it to yourself. You owe yourself the best life you can give yourself. And I know there is a life there for YOU. An awesome, loving, fantastic adventure. It's yours. Take it. Fecking take it.

                LIFE is NOTdependent on Facebook, on alcohol, on cigarettes or drugs. LIFE IS an amazing, beautiful, happy, gloriously exhilarating rollercoaster of experiences and sensations, discovery and revelations.

                Don't get me wrong - we all have shit days. But fuck me, let me face the shit days sober and be all the STRONGER for it, than run into a bottle and hide like some frightened rabbit.


                PS - Sorry if this sounds harsh, mate - I am saying this to me as much as I am to you

                I hope RC dont mind me reposting this from yesterday. I found it really helpful and exactly what i needed to hear and probably will do again in the future.

                Slay- those grey clouds and nightmares will pass and we will indeed hang tough girl x

                Pine- always love your words, yes i do need to learn how to truely relax without depending on poison x

                Best wishes to Jenni on day6 and No Sugar day 10 And you Siren x

                Greetings and thanks to Lav, Byrdie, Kuya, LolaB, RC, Tess, New Day and any i've missed, thanks for being here and helping me on this journey :l
                Love this post, too, Sweetpea!! Lots of wisdom here. Lots of feeling and conviction from your heart. Keep posting!! You are on a roll - and I need to hear it. Thank you!! :rockband:
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tess- this was not my post

                  It was posted by RC yesterday to AGUYFROMNC over in general discussion, i just found it very meaningful and thought it would help to repost it over here. Happens im just not up on reposting correctly!


                    Newbies Nest

                    sweetpea29;1455580 wrote: Tess- this was not my post

                    It was posted by RC yesterday to AGUYFROMNC over in general discussion, i just found it very meaningful and thought it would help to repost it over here. Happens im just not up on reposting correctly!
                    Oh... Interesting...

                    Well hell, Sweetpea, get posting!! Don't plagiarize!! That will get you kicked out of school, no questions asked!! :dontworry:

                    I love Newbies Nest!! There's no place in the world like it. So much fun!! :groupluv:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      Siren136;1455516 wrote:

                      But I want a drink so bad right now. I blame myself for caving last night. I haven't yet come clean with my husband, so he wasn't able to support me and if I can't tell him I certainly am not ready to tell friends. I wasn't prepared for going out with friends, yet. I was invited to a super bowl party and I know that I can't be there yet. My husband is napping now and I'm here on MWO to make it through until he's awake again.
                      Hi, Siren

                      You have gotten past this 'wanting' point before and you can do it again! It is not a 'need'! A single glass of wine after a career of drinking IS NOT A BIG DEAL if you can keep it there. Find a new thread on MWO and read and read and read. One of the friends here will have posted something you need to hear. I could have read War and Peace over the last 2 weeks if all of my MWO time had been spent reading that. And in every thread I found another nugget of wisdom that helped.

                      You can do it!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sweet pea...well done on the not drinking...oh and by the way..we were pretty close to win the rugby today ...well ish....well maybe ....well nearly...well not a fkn chance...we wiz robbed :H:H:H
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Newbies Nest

                          Mick;1455634 wrote: Sweet pea...well done on the not drinking...oh and by the way..we were pretty close to win the rugby today ...well ish....well maybe ....well nearly...well not a fkn chance...we wiz robbed :H:H:H
                          :H:H Indeed Mick yiz were robbed

                          If its any consolation i was cheering for yiz!

                          Thanks for the well-done


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mick;1455634 wrote: Sweet pea...well done on the not drinking...oh and by the way..we were pretty close to win the rugby today ...well ish....well maybe ....well nearly...well not a fkn chance...we wiz robbed :H:H:H


                              Newbies Nest

                              RunningCourage;1455672 wrote: :upset:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Arsey, Tess .....they do come like a bolt out of the blue! My last one was maybe six weeks ago when I went for my first swim of the summer.

                                BAM! It hit me so hard that I wanted to cry. It was simply that I ALWAYS drank after a swim.......little old Dick Head thought he had a wee glimmer of a chance. But I thought it through.....realised it was just association, switched my thoughts to what I was having for dinner and was fine.

                                The next swim I was fine.....Dick Head had been taught ANOTHER lesson and hasn't screamed for candy at the checkout since. But I know he is there, always will be, he is my brain damaged child who will never grow up and will never die

                                If I had not had the wisdom of MWO it would have gone VERY differently.

                                I would have been demoralised and thought

                                ' I am never going to get over this' .........( Dick Head is smiling and the craving gets worse)

                                ' I have managed nearly four months, I am safe now' ..........( Dick Head is putting on his coat and picking up the car keys)

                                ' I will buy my usual amount but I KNOW I will stop at half that'....... ( Dick Head is dancing for joy, and is on the phone to his mates, Guilt, Shame and Remorse....." Party over heeerrrrre" ).

                                I didn't find my first quit hard last year, on my own and did nine weeks but I fell at the first major test like the swimming because I was not prepared. I thought I could have a 'day off'......but there is NO day off from addiction......only a cure, STOP AND STAY STOPPED.

