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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Guten tag, Mein Sonnenschein
    have you thought about going to a doctor for help with the depression,alcohol is a depressant and is not helping.Maybe treating the depression medically might help you deal with the alcohol abuse on a better level.I suffered from severe depression after I quit and I found my doc very helpful.Also try signing in to the roll call,I found it very helpful and supportive.Take good care or yourself,you deserve it.
    AF since october 8th 2012:new

    How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


      Newbies Nest

      MS ...... It is only the alcohol causing the depression. Everything else that is wrong you could handle without the booze.

      You have to take a leap of faith and get some sober matter how hard it is to do. Then your brain will clear and you will be able to deal with the other things like your loneliness


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning or evening to all in the nest

        Mein- sorry you're struggling:l
        I find posting on this site is helping keep me accountable. Lots of folk also have their own personal threads, detailing their day to day experiences positive and negative. Best wishes to you x

        Nanette - congratulations on 3 months:goodjob: Hope your Monday turns out how you want it to be

        Slay- you are sounding good gal

        Big cheers to Jenni on day 8 and Persephone on day 10 today, hang tough gals x

        Greetings to Lav, Pinecone, Siren, NoSugar, Tess, Byrdie, Patrick, Kuya and all :hallo:

        Better get going and do something productive with my day,

        Happy Monday folks


          Newbies Nest

          Hiya all in the nest - not posted in here for a while - just wanted to check in, as I'm on day 3 of what I want to be MY QUIT !!!

          I know I've been here so many times in the last few months - but I just want freedom from the beast :-(

          So come on nesters, get yer pointy boots out, and give me a short sharp kick in the never regions - Lord knows, I need it
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Mein Sonnenschien, please do get some help for your depression. I know I had to tackle mine first before I found any success in stopping drinking & smoking. Made a huge difference for me

            Nannette, CONGRATS on 3 months! Great job

            Welcome back Quest! What's the plan?

            Greetings to everyone else this morning & wishes for a terrific AF Monday for all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Monday everyone. I had a great weekend and hope the same for you. I see so much success happening here in the nest. :goodjob: It is once again proving my theory to me. It takes an alcoholic to help an alcoholic. We can all heal together. I KNOW WE CAN! After a weekend of camping, a day of cleaning and reorganizing needs to happen. I kept my promise and took the Doggers to the dog park. They are all worn out and back in bed...some help they are gonna be today??? :H Tonight my Dream group meets at the Library. I swear the Librarians are warming up to last!
              A good friend has just returned from a trip to Hawaii to study Dreaming with Robert Moss. I'm sure she'll will share what she has learned with us all. He is my favorite Dream teacher. Make it a joyful SOBER day...and don't forget to make someone smile! :l[/video]]Preview of Interview with Robert Moss on Active Dreaming - YouTube
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                good morning!! i few people in my group at work have called in sick....hmmmmm Monday after superbowl sunday.....I think I know WHY they can't make it to work....NOT ME!!
                Feeling really good and ready to tackle the day.
                will check in later!
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mein Sunshine and Quest!! Welcome back!!
                  I tell you, it only takes a couple of AF days to get your color back. You will be amazed at how much better EVERYTHING looks thru a pair of SOBER eyes. Get your plan together...get that AL out of the house, surround yourself with things you love to do and eat and make this day, your DAY 1!! No matter what and no matter who...get thru this Monday, Feb 4th with NO AL! I know you can do that. If I were offering you 10 thousand dollars I bet you could do it!! I don't have that (unfortunately) but what I CAN promise you is self respect, and HOPE!!! There's nothing like that!! You can get thru today, right? I know both of you have done give THIS way a try...see if it doesn't work out 150% better than what you were doing before.

                  I was thinking this morning about the weight and the intense grip that AL has...AND that you know you must get out of it but its pull is so great. You KNOW you have to do it...It surrounds every single aspect of our lives and it doesn't enhance anything but the BAD parts!!! I mean DAM! It's like being in a bad situation and then compounding it and making it worse! Like changing a flat tire with a swarm of bees all around us!!! You can get rid of the bees....there is only ONE thing stopping us. Who can guess what that is? Anyone?

                  No....not that.....
                  Uh, you are close!

                  It's FEAR! If I'm wrong please set me straight. Fear of not _______!!! Fear of not having ______! But FEAR is the Beast's Best Friend (other than Dick Head). Fear is what keeps the flame going!! I tell you, if you could fast forward your life 30 days AF you would see that things are BETTER! What was I FEARING at all?? That was dumb!! Just read the 30 Day Acceptance Speeches of the Hat Recipient's!! I wish I could put them all in one place for easy reading...ALL of us say that this is easier than we thought it would be!!! Plus you have an attractive HAT! :goodtime:
                  If you are crippled by Fear....take it from those of us who were just as afraid as you are now. Take Kuya's advice and take that Leap Of Faith! Rely on your friends here if you feel scared...we'll be right by your side. Take that first step, and you won't be sorry! You've got an entire support system at your fingertips!! If I can do it...I know YOU can, too!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks for kind words

                    Wow Super Bowl and a half of a beer. On NAL for 5 days now really didn't want it and tasted terrible. I have so much hope. My family still loves and supports me. I am so blessed.
                    I am also so grateful for this forum and community of friends. I have been in an appt now for over a month. It was really lonely and the temptation was huge. I am realizing from you guys that the issues that caused me to drink are the things that i need to address and are being dealt with through counseling. I have experienced childhood sexual abuse by neighbors, I grew up in a comfortable but somewhat dysfunctional home. I am also going through the ACA 12 steps. I realize it won't be easy, but reading your posts gives me such hope and understanding. The toolbox is awesome I will read everyday. Never viewed AL as a demon, as poison and as bleach. It is the greatest cost it will cost everything even my soul if I continue. I am so lucky that I am here at this point in my life. My bridges back are all intact. Some are more shaky than others but family friends employment are all there.
                    They are like the bridges in Louisiana they need a lot of repairs eace:eace:
                    Thank all of y'all for helping me and each other!


                      Newbies Nest


                      Ummm... Hi.
                      So, I guess I don't do very well on my own, and I need to come back home (here) and look for some other folks who know what the heck it feels like to be me. I just want to be NORMAL for jiminy's sake, and be able to have a drink or two with my lovely husband. Why the heck is that such a big deal to ask for?
                      I promise to come back every day. I promise to not drink today. I wish that I could not continue to disappoint my guy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you, Hippyman

                        [QUOTE=Hippyman;1456665][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=4][COLOR=Indigo]
                        Happy Monday everyone. Make it a joyful SOBER day...and don't forget to make someone smile!

                        Thank you. I have read several of your other posts today, and you have given me a great deal to think about. The one thing that I think I am hearing from you is that today I shouldn't be kicking myself (well, too hard, anyway) but rather be willing to love myself a little and know that today I am going to make better choices than I did yesterday.

                        Thank you. All of you. I promise I'll be back.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning...Day seven is behind me. Now for 14 days

                          Good morning to you all.
                          I made it through day seven without a problem. So now I am on to my second goal of 14 days in a row but as they say one day at a time...
                          It is kinda fun to watch other people drink and feel like I don't have to be part of it.
                          You can really see when the alcohol starts to kick in. It is a good reminder for me.

                          Getting ready mentaly for the trip to Maine to see my mom. I am feeling stronger everyday.

                          Thank you all for helping me rach my first goal of 7 days in a row AF.

                          rednose. :thanks:
                          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                            Newbies Nest

                            Made it through day 7 now on to 14 days in a row...

                            Good morning to you all.
                            I made it through day seven without a problem. So now I am on to my second goal of 14 days in a row but as they say one day at a time...
                            It is kinda fun to watch other people drink and feel like I don't have to be part of it.
                            You can really see when the alcohol starts to kick in. It is a good reminder for me.

                            Getting ready mentaly for the trip to Maine to see my mom. I am feeling stronger everyday.

                            Thank you all for helping me rach my first goal of 7 days in a row AF.

                            rednose. :thanks:
                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters! It's beautiful in my neck of the nest. It's been snowing since yesterday and the ground and trees are blanketed with fresh snow...a winter wonderland. What a view to wake up to this morning after making my place all fresh and clean over the weekend, so now it's fresh inside and out.

                              Now about really does cover some triggers. I had such a good productive weekend and then I exposed myself to something yesterday evening that made me soooooooo ANGRY...that first reaction we have when we come in contact to something we are sensitive too can make us want to grab for a drink. Anger is an enemy! It robs us of our peace and digs pot holes for us to fall into. I have two thoughts about the issue this morning.

                              1) I understand Brydlady's I used to drink at people. You get angry and you want to drink at the person causing the anger or sadness. It's a different way of thinking about it for me, but it may have some truth. Maybe our way of smacking them for such wrong behavior, but we are only smacking ourselves. We are the ones allowing the anger and sadness in reality as we are in control of how we react to others, but that is something we have to retrain ourselves to change. Until then we are subject to our bad habits, way of thinking and impulses.

                              2) It's important to NOT have any alcohol in our homes. The immediate impulse we can feel when exposed to something we are sensitive too can make it all to easy to cave if there is any within immediate reach...that trigger reaction.

                              I'm happy to report I do not have any alcohol in my home because I know how that ends when I'm working my AF days. I made it through the anger to day 11 and although it's hanging on me still a bit today, I will work to shed it off like burnt skin and enjoy my day being productive. I AM IN CHARGE OF HOW I WILL RESPOND. I CHOOSE to acknowledge this wrong, but to move past it for my good. It will not harm me further. We do have that choice. Learn and move forward.

                              MS, I've been there and have recently had to deal with some heartbreaking issues and used AL to cope. It made it so much WORSE. I was diagnosed with clinical depression years ago because I was poisoned by pesticides and became very ill. The alcohol is a depressant. I can't drink without it having an effect like you are experiencing. I don't know which this is the chicken or the egg, so you should probably talk with a doctor and stop using the alcohol. Have you been depressed during other times when you weren't drinking? Many people who suffer from depression drink to escape it and many people who drink have depression, so either way the AL MUST GO!!!! You can do it. So many of us here have success. Yes, many have fallen a lot before achieving it, but even in my AF trials, I have gained knowledge and strength. I have come out of the fog and confusion I was in like you and I am on Day 11. You can't think straight when you are in that dark place, so you have to hold unto faith that if you don't drink it will clear up. Then as it does, you begin to think clearer and can see what is going on. Take the leap of faith as Kuya says. Fake it, till you make it. If after being AF for a bit, you still feel the depression then you will know you need some medication or help getting it solved. Take a hand here and join us. You won't regret it!

                              Thanks Tess and Sweetpea.:l:h I think I'm ready to put my Slayer Avatar back in place.

                              Welcome Quest. If I can do this with all the hell I've been going through, YOU can, too!!! Jump in and join us. We are a strong unit. We are kicking DH to the curb and waving goodbye to that demon in disguise.

                              Good for you, Jenn and Amen to you on fear Byrdie. That's how my name was born. Fear is our worst enemy. It keeps us in prison in so many ways! It must be slayed.

                              :goodjob:Rednose. Glad you are hanging tough. Stick with us. You were there the day I started posting again with No sugar. You are just a few days behind us. Keep on going.

                              Welcome all the new posters. Read and participate; it provides strength to beat this lousy life damaging poison we've been pouring into our bodies. Life can't get better poisoning yourself. It only gets worse.

                              Hang tough, gang. We are in this together.


                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                                Newbies Nest

                       of the most powerful aspects of this site is to be able to look at this from all sides. The Past, Present and Future! I looked back at your first post from had been here before that is that first post from a few months ago:

                                Hello, all.
                                I was a member a couple years ago, and simply can't remember my old login name, so I come back as a newbie. During the time I was away I spent most of the two years abstaining, with a few slips - planned and personal. This summer, however, after discussing it with my sweet guy who does NOT have a drinking problem, I decided to try drinking in moderation. I wanted to drink like a regular person, darn it! Well, two and a half months later I find myself back here, not wanting to quit drinking but realizing that I am putting that sweet guy in a hard place. I don't drink every night (or even most nights of the week); when I do drink I don't always over-do, but I KNOW that my drinking isn't like a regular person. I keep a hidden bottle (oh, poop that's hard to admit) just in case I want an extra shot. I buy more often than he knows. When I go to the liquor store, I pay cash for my drink, and use the checkbook for his drink, so that he doesn't know what I've bought for myself. Pretty disheartening that I could be so underhanded. This just isn't right and I know it. And yet, I don't want to have to give up the ability to have a glass of wine at a nice dinner out, or to have a glass with my sister.

                                SO, I come back here, and will continue to check in. Thanks for being here, still.

                                Let's consider this the past...we have your post from the what do you think the future holds? The problem is ALCOHOL!

                                We all long for the days of having a glass with our spouses, and the watercolor memories of The Way We Were....but if I may slap you up side of the head with reality for a moment....that's not the way we drink! We drink from hidden bottles in our closet. We take desperate gulps and don't even taste it!!! We drink to get drunk! Long gone are the days of having a simple glass of _____ at sunset!! That is not any one of our realites....

                                So...if you are here...let's assume you have this problem with AL. The sooner you accept it the sooner you can fix it. I never drank harder than the year I tried to moderate. I TRIED to make it work. The relationship you have with AL today is as good as it's ever gonna get....I say 'as good' cause it can sure get worse, and it will! This is a progressive disease as you know. So if you can stop BS'ing yourself into thinking that you can be a Moderate Addict, then you will be well on your way to recovery! It's that glimmer of hope that holds us back...but surely you can see that when you drink, you just drink more!

                                Do you have a plan? Please visit the Tool Box and see 100's of tips and coping skills to get you thru today...because when you really boil it down...all you gotta do, is get thru THIS day!!! Settle on are in great company!!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

