I love your happy, positive posts. I have a Phillips juicer and it is great - very quick and easy to assemble after cleaning. I make fruit juices for my dad.
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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
daisy45;1462050 wrote: Thank you Hippyman - that made me smile and I can tell you I needed it.
I love your happy, positive posts. I have a Phillips juicer and it is great - very quick and easy to assemble after cleaning. I make fruit juices for my dad.Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
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Newbies Nest
How insightful. Agree about the eating disorder thing. I fight against myself about eating an d exercising every day. Monday and Tuesday I got up at 445am to get to gym for a 530am class. Then I went to work all day, then home to feed kids then off to aa meeting until 9pm. It was way too much. I really have to consciously stop myself and pamper myself. I do want to lose weight but I wonder, how many calories are in a bottle of wine?
Take that away from my diet and I will lose weight without hitting the gym.
Today I slept in and feel so much better. I was really making myself vulnerable....time to take better care of myself!!! On to recovering from my serious illness:new:I just won't anymore
Newbies Nest
I am a huge nutribullet fan. I make smoothies for breakfast every day....they are full of fiber so keep you really full!
My smoothies consist of a cup of spinach, a heaping tablespoon each of ground up flax seeds and soy protein powder, half a banana and a generous handful of frozen berries....it sounds weird but it is so good, filling and nutritious! It gives me the best fuel in the morning....I just won't anymore
Newbies Nest
Pinecone;1462057 wrote: Good morning friends,
Hippyman, I grew sage once in a pot by my window and it did pretty well. It is a pretty cool plant, used a lot in Native American medicine. I don't use it for medicine per se, but some polenta with sage and Parmesan makes me feel pretty good!
Daisy, I'm glad you're still here.
Elliesmom, I think the more we take care of our body after quitting, the easier it will be to make good changes. Proper sleep, hydration, good nutrition and excercise are fundamental to me. Figuring that our sooner rather than later helped me out quite a bit.
Great to be here today. Have a great AF day friends!Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
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https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/what-plan-how-do-i-get-one-68554.html How to get a sobriety plan
Newbies Nest
jenniech;1462081 wrote: I am a huge nutribullet fan. I make smoothies for breakfast every day....they are full of fiber so keep you really full!
My smoothies consist of a cup of spinach, a heaping tablespoon each of ground up flax seeds and soy protein powder, half a banana and a generous handful of frozen berries....it sounds weird but it is so good, filling and nutritious! It gives me the best fuel in the morning....Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/newbies-nest-3162-30074.html Newbies Nest
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f11/tool-box-27556.html Tool Box
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/what-plan-how-do-i-get-one-68554.html How to get a sobriety plan
Newbies Nest
Good morning! I'm going to be honest, here and tell you all that I'm having the damndest time keeping up here! Remember those days when I would write a post and address everyone? It was therapeutic for me, I think...but this "phase" I"m in right now - I can't even remember what was said in the last post I read...and after reading 5 pages to catch up from the previous day - :wow3:
So, I do think I remember Halo's post - I've struggled lots with not wanting to make other people uncomfortable by my not drinking. At first, I really didn't do much. I - and many others - went through a period of time of being a little reclusive - while getting used to ourselves without alcohol. After awhile, I was ready to be social again, and this was where I started to get uncomfortable....comments were made - usually by my extended family - and I do think that they are still uncomfortable because their drinking is excessive. But now I am comfortable. I'd never sacrifice my life (and that is exactly what we are dealing with) because someone else felt more comfortable if I was drinking with them. I don't have the constant supply of alcohol here like I used to - to offer if someone came over....like Byrd - my hubs has some beer in the basement and if there is a get together, some will be brought upstairs - but I"m ok with that. BUT, in the beginning, and for quite awhile I did not tempt myself by its presence at all...
jennie, I am a nutribullet fan, too. I love it. My morning smoothie is similiar but with kale instead of spinach, and sometimes I add goji berries, or sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, oh and chia. Sometimes an orange or some pineapple too. And there are so many great recipes for green detox smoothies...I've made a good one with kale, lime juice, fresh ginger, and pineapple. I know that with juicers, you can save the pulp and use it for other things, but I never really got the hang of that and always felt like I was throwing more away than I was consuming. My son has a banana, frozen fruit, kefir, and kale smoothie every morning....I'd never get him to eat kale but he's getting plenty in his smoothie. :-)
ah well, off track. I'm off to the races. plenty to do today!
Have a fantastic Wednesday! :h~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
You can't really taste Anything by itself .... Except the occasional hint of it....you really just have to try it....Yum
I also use mangos, pineapple and watermelon now and then .....but bananas and berries are my favorite...I also need to try kale instead of spinach but why fool with a good thing? Will wait until I grow tired of it...then I will try other greens.......at the beginning I did try broccoli sprouts but that flavor overpowered everything else. Watercress is awesome but too expensive....I just won't anymore
Newbies Nest
Hippy, the greens are completely disguised when you combine them with fruit. I did taste it in the green smoothie but that was because I wanted to. :-)
There are tons of recipes on the internet and on pinterest and the actual nutribullet site has plenty. Check out the site Hippy. And you can add water to them to make them more "juicy" instead of thick.~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Hello to everyone in the Nest. Day 9 of accountability. I can't even describe how this feels. I don't even feel like "me" anymore. I guess that is because I have not been around in a very long time. Strange feeling. But I'm here.
First I want to comment on jIMMYDAMA's inquiry about AF beer. When I was in college, my boyfriend and best friend had a HORRIBLE drinking problem. I never had a problem with drinking when I was in college... I could even avoid it at parties. But my boyfriend, "D" could not handle the AL. He would drink alone in his room. He would drink and drive constantly. He would get violent and not remember it the next day. It was a lot to handle for a twenty something. I loved him but I could not handle his problem. After we broke up, he decided to change his life. He enrolled in grad school, starting running everyday and gave up his precious liquor or O'Douls AF beer. This was not easy for him at all. He was a champion pool player and we all know that the culture of pool and drinking run side by side. But he stuck too it, even when his friends made fun of him. Of course he slipped up from time to time and had to call me for a ride home, but that happens. Within two years he went from a bottle of whiskey per day to nothing at all, to being able to drink only 3 beers at a time. I was extremely proud of him.
Long story short, he told me that the AF beer allowed for him an easier transition away from the heavier stuff. Almost like a mind game... he could taste the beer and he "thought" he was getting AL. So for D, this approach really worked. So I think that if it works for you... go for it, because it could be a key to success. I'm not saying this will work for everyone but as I have seen first hand that someone can be a success with this method, then it can surely work for others.
Today if my long day at work. German lessons in the morning, work in the afternoon and evening. Every morning this week has been very positive for me... but every afternoon, like clock work, my depression seeps in. And I have no idea why. I have no focus, I feel like crying (at work!) and I start to pick at every aspect of me (looks, weight, lack of focus and drive... etc). Someone on here once wrote that you have to go through the pain of depression instead of numbing it with AL, so I guess that is what I'm feeling now?! I'm hoping that my pills will start to help since I'm not AF. I just wish I had a good explanation of why I'm feeling this way. When I arrived home from work last night I was in a huge fog. Headache, fatigue, sadness. Luckily my husband convinced me to go skiing for a few hours and I felt better. I just don't recognize myself now and I guess this is part of getting to know "me" again after so many years with the AL beast. I will try my best and be patient and work through these feelings.
A few of you mentioned eating habits and I can totally relate. Even when I was at a nice restaurant I cared more about which wine we were ordering rather than what food was on the menu. Many times I skipped dinner in lieu of AL. So unhealthy. But now that I'm AF for 9 days of course I have the sweets and carb cravings (I understand that part now) but I'm also feeling very critical of what I eat. I've decided to start a weekly meal plan to keep my eating habits in line and healthy. I don't have one worked out yet but now I see this as a necessary tool for success.
My plan for today:
I have to work late because I had my German language lesson this morning, so I won't be home until 8 or 9pm. I marinated some chicken last night so it will be ready for the grill when I get home. I also picked up some fresh salad and tomatoes on the way home from German class. After cooking and cleaning up the kitchen I plan to look for a meal plan app for my Ipad and get started with planning out my meals. This should take care of all evening so I will have little time to think about anything else.
Sorry this is long winded! Just trying to stay positive and smile today! I hope everyone else has a great AF day!
:thanks:Would you like you, if you met you?
Newbies Nest
Mein Sonnenschein;1462100 wrote:
Long story short, he told me that the AF beer allowed for him an easier transition away from the heavier stuff. Almost like a mind game... he could taste the beer and he "thought" he was getting AL. So for D, this approach really worked. So I think that if it works for you... go for it, because it could be a key to success. I'm not saying this will work for everyone but as I have seen first hand that someone can be a success with this method, then it can surely work for others.
Now, all I have is one (yes, 1) AF beer when I get home from work - as a relaxer/cook my dinner to drink. That's it. I don't drink AF beer before bed :yuk: I have tea and toastBut that single AF beer when I get in from work... yeah... I like it.
And if I don't have it? So what!
Newbies Nest
Good morning/evening to all Nesters. So many posts nowadays, it is hard to respond to individuals, but I do want to stay connected here.
Just want to say last night I had probably one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time. I did take a couple of sleep aids and a melatonin, but I got some very restful sleep even though I was up 3 x for the bathroom. Too much water and tea, I guess!
Going to my yoga class shortly and was at the gym yesterday (didn't really want to be there and hence didn't do a good workout). How do you motivate yourself into pushing harder......I really don't like the gym? Anyone have a secret to share?
Mein.......it's often the autocorrect that is responsible for wrong words being entered in our texts on the iPad.
Hippyman.......enjoy your Market Day......I'd love to go to one of those now, but we are in the dead of winter here. Have to wait for May for ours to begin again!
Enjoy your day everyone and keep a positive attitude ...... We are all worth the freedom that being AF gives us.
Newbies Nest
Mornin' folks,
I couldn't handle the AF beer as beer was absolutely my thing -- strong India Pale Ales. The AF stuff still has AL in it...like 2% or something and that was enough for me to start chasing the buzz again. So lame.
Now I'm compelled to get into juicing. That I could handle. Are there industrial strength blenders out there that you guys particularly like?
Be good today and welcome newbies and not so new newbies giving it another go.
-FinAchieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
Goal In Progress...1 YEAR
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Newbies Nest
Fin, great job on getting back to the practicing without AL. It's gotta be different - just can't let Mr. you know who tell you that it'd be better if you did. :-)
Are you interested in juicing or smoothies? I have a juicer - but not a great one - so others can tell you more about that...When I turned to smoothies, I burned out a couple of blenders - just by using frozen fruit. Now, I'm having lots of success with the nutribullet. It's really powerful and does a good job. But it's LOUD! I actually put headphones on when I run it. LOL.~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011