So today has probably been one of the more stressful days of this move; if it could go wrong it did, if it could get more complicated it did. I have had 2 hours of sleep, an am exhausted. I actually felt like throwing in the towel today and saying screw this move and resigning to simply visiting my husband every couple of months until I had an "AH HA" moment; when my phone began to ring nonstop by "friends" in need of my "assistance", which more or less translates to me "doing" their deeds for them. I guess they thought that after time I would revert back to my old ways and then I thought surely they must be kidding! :nutso:
I am in the middle of a cross the world move, trying to import/export a dog, while all though not rocket science, is incredibly tedious, time consuming and down right nerve wrecking, closing up a home, taking care of other lose ends, and God only knows what other tasks I may have forgotten about and will remember in the middle of the night waking in a cold sweat and so called "friends" need my help. Not a single one of them has offered to help me in any way. I quickly decided to put my big girl panties on suck it up and get things moving so I can get the hell out of dodge.....I have discovered the "F" you button on my phone. :H:H I seriously just needed to vent........carry on.
