I can relate to your pain. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Recently I went to a foot specialist for an assessment. I walked out of his office just fine, but an hour later I could barely walk. For the next week pains all over my body started flaring up.
Back in my drinking days, I used alcohol for pain relief. It temporarily took it away, but the after effects were not worth it. About 5-6 months ago I was in so much pain that I noticed my brain thinking back to how I used to self-medicate. That's a dangerous place to go. I have been finding alternative methods recently that seem to help... like yoga, meditation, EFT, and not getting so stressed when the pain does show up.... kind of like leaning into a wave & letting it wash over you, if that makes sense. There are other alternatives to pain relief... alcohol is the easy way out. Find healthy ways to manage your pain.
