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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters

    No rain & I see sunshine - yay!
    I have things I want to do outside today so I'm happy.

    Piper. stick with your plan, no matter what!
    You deserve to wake every morning feeling healthy, happy & proud of yourself. Don't give your kids any reason to question or distrust you. You will be feeling great very soon & getting some decent sleep as well

    Peanut, nice job collecting $$!
    Feels great doing something to help others don't you think?

    Steadfast, Congrats on your 37 AF days, very nice!
    You'll never miss that 24/7 eternal haze.....I sure haven't

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Lav!

      Night from over here. :h

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Newbies Nest

        goodnight, G-man...and Lav, K9, Byrdie - all - thanks for missing me - :H.

        Piper, little bits at a time, and giving it enough time to get used to who you are without alcohol. It's that that's the tough part. It took a looong time for me to not feel like an alien had taken over me....yep, I'm talking about being sober, not drunk. It totally did not feel natural. At first, it was cool - the novelty of it...the pride in myself that I could actually do it. But when that wore off, I still felt like I wasn't "me". "Me" had lived her life totally focused on alcohol for such a very long time, that it was a huge adjustment for me. Parties, dinners, lunch dates, NOTHING was worth attending if there wasn't going to be alcohol available. Just imagine what I missed out on my whole entire life... So now, not only did I have to adjust to living in my own skin - getting to know myself without it, I also had to learn how to interact with other people without it....which included interacting with other people who are just as alcohol-centric as I was....

        It doesn't always seem to "fit". Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water. But I am at peace with MYSELF....which at the end of the day - is worth any bit of discomfort. Stick it out long enough to see how it feels....You're worth giving it a shot. Just tell yourself if you hate sobriety, you can always go back to drinking every day. You've just got to give it a fair shot.

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, Nesters!
          That was a heck of a post, Lolab!! So true.
          I was reading around the boards yesterday and came across one that lamented that the person felt as if she's now dull and boring when she hangs out with her drinking friends. I didn't respond, but have thought about this ever since. We are so worried about what other people think, when at the end of it all, they don't give a toss. Further, once sober, I realized I wasn't the dull one at all! It is the booze that makes these people interesting...the booze in me, not the booze in them. They haven't changed at all, I have...and I have outgrown the need to sit around all night and rehash the same old crap. Dinner parties don't have to last for 6 hours! It's the AL we are staying for! At least it was for me. Now I go, eat, visit a little while and leave and I am perfectly happy with that. AL puts us in such powerful fog that we can't see beyond it. It is beyond a doubt the most powerful foe I've ever come up against. And you can't see that until you are well out of it. Give sober a chance. Give time, time. All of the changes in you will be positive!! There isn't really ONE bad thing about giving up AL. The escape? What's good about that? The buzz? Who needs to feel like that, really? It helps us cope? Does it really? No. There is not one good thing about the way I drank and the reasons behind it. I was drinking myself to death.

          If you are struggling, consider this a good thing. Struggle means GROWTH. It won't kill you to struggle some...but it will kill you to continue down the path we were on. It is temporary. The rewards are GREAT and worth it. Hang in there! If you got thru yesterday you can get thru today! Rinse and Repeat. Have a happy, sober Tuesday! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all,

            It is another wonderful day here in the muggy south. Had a really blah day yesterday. I am sure today will be better plan on getting my tan on in the pool and just relaxing.

            I have my hearing with the state nursing board on June 13 so tanning while I can before back to the grind

            K-9 sorry about the job. When one door closes another better one opens.
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Newbies Nest

              Ha! That is so true lolab and Byrdie,
              I was always the last one to leave a party.. Was I staying for the riveting company? I think not! Now I imagine I would be just enjoy my dinner, chat with a few friends and then leave (in my conveniently parked car) and go home and have a good nights sleep....
              Will anyone care? Probably not...!
              AF since Halloween 2016

              Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello and Good Morning!
                It was so nice to wake up and not feel hungover. Pleasant drive to work. I had some water with lemon and cayenne when I woke up and a green smoothie. Looking forward to day 2


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesties!

                  Well I am a few days behind and was trying to catch up on posts. Just to let everyone know, I did NOT get that job I was hoping for. They ended up promoting a woman from their Department. I'm sure that was their plan all along, so I wonder why they put me through all of that? Anyway...moving on...

                  Struggles - Your posts really hit home with me because my daughter used to tell me I was "always sick" fact I have hundreds of "get well cards" that she made me. She understands now (she's 15) that I was sick from alcohol, and that I don't do that anymore. But just thinking back on all those wasted days makes me sad. The only thing we can do is move on and not live like that anymore! Also, I was dizzy every day for about 10're not dying, it's just your body reacting to being poisoned. Anyway, I know that was a few days ago and I hope you're better today.

                  Ok, time to read back and catch up. Happy Tuesday
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    just a note,things are not good at all with my brother. He has seisures, the tumour is now in his brain so he can simply go to sleep. My SIL said anytime within the next two weeks. He has such a strong will and refuses to accept, for considering all his vitals are good, his BP, oxygen his heart and lungs.
                    I am presently so lost and alone at the moment for I never really accepted what all this means until now.
                    Not drinking is not a prioity at the moment, however there is no AL here and I plan to keep it that way. So please please do not tell me to stay strong and AF. I do not know, all I know is I am alone at the moment with little sleep, and tears that refuse to dry.

                    Thanks for your time nesters


                      Newbies Nest

                      moretoit....I'm so sorry for these troubles. I had a bedside vigil with my dad over the holidays. His vital signs were better than mine. It was the worst thing I've ever had to my dad die. My heart is bleeding for you, and I'm praying for your strength and peace. Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am so sorry for your pain. Losing someone you love is never easy. Sending prayers your way.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Moretoit: I am thinking of you and I am glad you are posting. Keep doing that regardless.....we are here to lend support in whatever way we possibly can.....
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Aw moretoit!!! My heart goes out to you!!! Do what you need to do to get through these hard times, and come here often for support. All positive vibes and prayers from this whole community are flowing your way.
                            xoxox peanut


                              Newbies Nest

                              He Byrdlady and Wino-o - I have always been the last one out of parties. What the heck did I need to stay up until 4am (give or take) for anyway??? The wine, of course!!!!! My daughter calls this LMS syndrome - Last Man Standing. And she has it too!!!! She seems to take after her mama alot, and I have tried to warn her against letting the wine-o thang get out of control!
                              Feeling good, tired, not hungover, on Day 4 - loving the drink tracker! I'm dreading the 4:00 mind switch though. Put a chicken in the slow cooker when I zipped home at lunch, so there will be something for me to eat when I get home. That sure worked for me yesterday!!!!
                              Hope the rest of your day goes swimmingly well, everybody!!!
                              xoxo peanut


                                Newbies Nest

                                More to it,so sorry for your pain,your in our thoughts. About the last man standing,that was me to,l loved to be the life of the party. A few weeks ago,l went to a neighbours 50 birthday party.l had the most fun and l didn't have any alcohol,l danced and had a blast,so it's possible to have a lot of fun-l just go home by midnight,not past 2 am.just thought l'd throw that out there,This is quite the journey,LM getting through it okay ,some bumps along the way,mostly okay,lt,'s funny,l never thought l would quit drinking,l loved it and started Hating it as well near the end,made me feel like crap a lot,now at least no hangovers,and my weight is coming off,feel more like myself again.hope everyone is having a good day today,let's nice and sunny here in Ontario!!

