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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
3June2013;1521035 wrote: Thanks for always being there and showing me that being AF can be fun. I think I was afraid that anyone who didn't drink wasn't fun. You proved that theory wrong!On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h
Newbies Nest
Good morning nesters!
Well I'm checking in before the usual run to work and school drop offs! Haven't had a chance to get on here for a few days now and so have just been re-reading things. Had a classic incident last night of 'drinking at the spouse' or 'because of the spouse' in my case. Was going along okay, had people over and then he bit my head off in front of everyone for a minor little thing, and I caved and went and poured a glass! Everyone else was drinking, and now I was angry! Justified...not! Oh well, the good thing is I stopped at 3 and did not keep going, so no hangover today, just feel a little contrite. Hoping to stay AF tonight as he wont be around and I can relax in the evening and do my own thing!
Have a good day all.(Sorry I'm not offering support for anyone else right now, I'm being purely selfish and just checking in for 'me'. I hope to be more of a help in times to come for others.
Have a good day all!
Newbies Nest
Byrdlady;1520389 wrote: Witt's, there was a big juice push back a few months ago! At the time, I was the odd person out for not participating. I don't drink green stuff! :H (only if it had AL in it! UGG). Maybe I can find that thread for you, everyone really seemed to like it...hang tight while I go look....congratus on your 18 days! At 30 days you get an honorary hat! You're more than halfway there! I am so happy for you! Let me go see what I can find.
BACK! I found it and bumped it up for you!!!
GREAT JOB 3J!!! You are doing so well! Very proud of you! Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Witts, I just bumped it again, it will appear under the new posts. Enjoy! B
Newbies Nest
Peanut - been thinking of you. We'll get there eventually
Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters & the newest Newbies
The nest is bulging at the seams again, but that's a good thing! The more you check in & make yourself accountable the more successful we are!
I'd like to make a suggestion for a few folks.....
If you really want to stop drinking - stop drinking! Stop reaching for a drink when you're mad, when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're anything! If you no longer drink, you no longer drink.
You have to choose some action, other than drinking to manage the situation.
This is all part of making your plan. Choose something healthier whether it's an non-AL drink, taking a walk, meditation, exercise, a new hobby......whatever. If I can do it then I know all of you can as well
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Kohl mom;1521237 wrote: I am realizing I drank a lot of time out of loneliness. Husband doesn't communicate we'll. I would love to talk or go on walks... He sort of hibernates in our basement. It is lonely.
I think we need to find new ways to spend our time. The busier I am the less likely I am to cave. I used to drink out of boredom, so I can't let myself get bored. That's why I am always on here, I work shifts and when I come home everyone is asleep.Newbies Nest
My accountability thread
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesties!
Well my foot is still broken...but I am also still smoke free
So...I don't mean to be flippant about a serious issue, but I took a Vicodin earlier and felt nothing...my pain was still there even. I probably shouldn't even mess with fire, so to speak. I am glad my addictive personality didn't immediately kick in...I think I will get rid of them and stick to ibuprofen. I'm actually surprised the doctor prescribed it since the computer screen was screaming out that I am also taking Antabuse.
Kohl- I drank AT someone for 7 years an it never improved our relationship. It just made me a fat nasty drunk. You can do this...hang in there!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Newbies Nest
Thanks Lav. I need to hear things like that.
Welcome last straw and Beau.
Jdg keep af for you. Trust me hubby will begin to see you in a different light. You just have to really stick to it . And remember you are doing this to make your life better. He has to make his own life better.
I have been concentrating on my work. We got a little night job cleaning an office. Beagle housekeeping is branching out. Yeah!
Working keeps Me out of trouble.
Take care all
nite.:dog::dog:No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Newbies Nest
The Power of "NO!"
Good evening, Nesters,
It's good to be here! Thanks, Tess, for expressing your appreciation of my posts, it's mutual! There really are some great positive and affirmative posts on here - wherever people are on their journey, they have insightful things to say, and helpful tips to share.
Yup, I too was drinking AT my husband like others on MWO. All it did was render me incapable of responding to him rationally and assertively. Now that my mind is clear and focused, I think he's finding me a bit formidable, which I'm enjoying! :H
I really relate to those who are tempted to drink, for whatever reason. So I must be vigilant, and remind myself of the hell I go through 24/7 when drinking. "NO!"
At my workplace we have a "remote, off-site" manager who is located in another state. She's going to be in town for one day only, and wants us all to have dinner with her after work on that day. My colleagues have RSVP'd in the affirmative. But after some pondering I decided to say "Sorry, NO!, I'm busy that night." I work very hard all day, five days a week. I will NOT give my precious time to humour a "remote" boss after hours! I feel empowered!
Stay strong everyone, use all the "butt velcro" you need!
love SteadyAF free since April 29, 2013
Newbies Nest
Do you have the POWER to deal with life's problems? (omg that sounds like an infomercial - sorry)
by drinking, I destroyed my power. These past few months I have gained my power back!!! It is really an awesome feeling.
I now have the POWER to deal with my son who is in trouble with drugs and alcohol. Six months ago, I would not have a leg to stand on when confronting him about it. Now, I have the POWER to look him in the eye without a trace of hypocrisy.
For that, I am so grateful.I just won't anymore
Newbies Nest
Fantastic Jennie!
Hi Nester's.
A special shout out to JD Girl! How are you doing there friend?
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters
Yes, there is a good possibility of actually seeing a bit of sunshine here today - yay!
Nearly 2 weeks of rain every day is tiresome.
K9,Nurse Lav is here to tell you that you are better off taking Motrin for bone pain
Vicodin is better for postop, soft tissue pain, that sort of thing. Just be sure you don't take Motrin on an empty stomach, OK? Feel better soon!
I don't want to scare anyone here dealing with inattentive husbands but I want to be honest. Turned out my husband of 37 years couldn't deal with me being a non-drinker & took off, without a word. How's that, nice surprise, right? There was no fighting or arguing, he simply became more & more withdrawn. Obviously, he has some serious issues he needs to work on, he is a strange one. I didn't even think about drinking when he left, that's not ging to happen again.
On a lighter note - wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Lav, you should move. You must live on an ancient Indian burial ground or something because it rains 90% of the time up there! Can you teach your chickens how to undo the Rain Dance? I hope you get some sunshine!
Some real progress going on here! I tell you, you can't see it when you are under it, but AL is an amazing drug. It scatters your thoughts and jumbles up everything, the only thing that is clear is how to get your next drink. That seems to be the only really clear path up there.....until you get out from under that. Think of AL as a mighty python...all fat and powerful, ready to squeeze the very life out of you for the sake of preserving itself. BUT.... take that snake and don't ever feed him again. He quickly loses power, eventually shriveling up and dying....over time the only thing that remains are a shell. HOWEVER, just add AL and he comes right back to life and then some. The point in today's note is: What is one more drink or one more night of drinking going to get you? Not a dam thing. Starve that beast and you will control him and take back your power. Your mind and headspace will also get sorted out, it is amazing. You will take pride in yourself and your work, something that AL takes as he is in control, after all, all he wants is the next drink. Don't justify keeping that snake around any longer. Nothing is worse for us than A DRINK. Nothing you can do (almost) is WORSE than taking that drink. Fight it with all you've got! If you got thru the last 15 minutes, you can make it thru the next 15! You've got friends here, and we are here to help!
Have a wonderful Hump Day!! Byrdie