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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dear Byrdie,

    I'm going to get my oooohhmmms ramped-up just as soon as I can stop laughing. It's tough to pray hateful prayers while tears of laughter run down my cheeks. But I am going to get on it before JT can cause too much more pain and suffering!! ray:

    "Perception is reality." That's what Dr Phil says and, hey, were talking about Dr Phil here. Your perception is that JT takes up 50% of your time. So for you, that is reality. It is not an exaggeration.

    Anyway, my hunch is that Samstone was attempting to be funny rather that point out any factual errors. He was supporting you in a very masculine way. If I've got this all wrong, Samstone, just jump right in and set the record straight. :scratchinhead:

    All Nest Friends, steer clear of alcohol. It is nasty
    stuff!! You deserve to be free!! If alcohol tries to catch you in its snare, fly to The Nest as quickly at your little feathers can get you here. We always keep the light on. :rays:
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        Newbies Nest

        So what you are really saying Bydie is that Ass-holeism is genetic? :H:H
        Haven't we all worked with someone like that at some point? Don't let him get to you or he'll have to answer to a Stella or two!!!!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Tess-2;1533848 wrote: Dear Byrdie,

          I'm going to get my oooohhmmms ramped-up just as soon as I can stop laughing. It's tough to pray hateful prayers while tears of laughter run down my cheeks. But I am going to get on it before JT can cause too much more pain and suffering!! ray:

          "Perception is reality." That's what Dr Phil says and, hey, were talking about Dr Phil here. Your perception is that JT takes up 50% of your time. So for you, that is reality. It is not an exaggeration.

          Anyway, my hunch is that Samstone was attempting to be funny rather that point out any factual errors. He was supporting you in a very masculine way. If I've got this all wrong, Samstone, just jump right in and set the record straight. :scratchinhead:

          All Nest Friends, steer clear of alcohol. It is nasty
          stuff!! You deserve to be free!! If alcohol tries to catch you in its snare, fly to The Nest as quickly at your little feathers can get you here. We always keep the light on. :rays:
          Oh yes, I was only kidding... don't know about the masculine part of it though. My point was with a ratio like that, the hell with the guy.

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            I rescind the masculine part. :creepydude:

            Oooohhmmm. Oooohhmmm. Oooohhmmm... JT is writing his resignation... Okay, maybe not. But we can dream... :beach: (This is JT's retirement island.) Byrdie, do NOT wave back with a one-finger-salute!!)
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest


              I must! I was going to call him a different body part, but none were available in the smilies and this is a family show.....

              Thanks for all the Oooooohmmmms!!!
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All,
                Tess-2 you're right I'm going through a bad spell at the moment and Booze makes it worse far worse.
                Byrdylady Spotted another hiding a litre bottle of Whiskey from the Shop. My own mother said he's probably just having one and it will last all month. Don't be daft I said to which she said how do you know and I said I wish I didn't.
                Day 5 almost complete roll on day 6 as I'm starting to feel happier.
                What is the magic day when I don't need to try so hard??
                It's not what you drink, it's how much!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lash! Great job you are doing! The answer is Day 13! That is the day that you will feel like this is something you really CAN do going forward! It just takes a couple weeks to get all that crap out of our bodies!! I'm so proud of you!!!
                  Tess, thank you for the visuals!!
         have made this whole thing look easy!!! You are amazing!
                  Lav...try and keep you and the girls cool!!
                  Little beagle, keep on Ohmmmming.....
                  Sam, you are racking them up!!! Everyone doing GREAT! Hang in there! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening Nesters! LMAO at all the ooohming but I'll join in too. Poor old JT won't know what's hit him! Byrdie is right, day 13 is an awesome day. It was day 13 for me today. Last night was the best sleep I have had in a very long time and today I felt so full of energy and drive. Tonight would normally be a major trigger for me. A challenging day at work and 2 days off would usually mean a much 'deserved' couple of bottles of wine and a twenty pack of smokes tonight. I didn't even want it or really think about it much. All I want is to continue to feel like I did today, that's what I really deserve! We all do. Lash, every day gets better so keep at it!
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Just logged on to wish everyone goodnight. and caught on to all this ooohming. This guy JT must be feeling as if there is some kind of bad magic going on now. A good day today for me. Did all I set out to do and didn't take a drink. Not that it didn't cross my mind - my God I have been drinking almost every day since I was sixteen (that's about a whole year now LOL!) so no wonder I think about it. I think now that it's just a habit that's ingrained in me that I need to eradicate. Anyway, best wishes to everyone and looking forward to tomorrow and day 4 AF.
                      "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                      Newbies Nest:



                        Newbies Nest

                        Well done Neddie, and goodnight to you mate. You are rocking it!

                        Congratulations on day 13 Broken halo. You are sounding real positive.

                        Now JT. Pull yer finger out and wake up to yourself. Here are some Oooooooooohmmmmmmsssssssssss heading right at ya. There have gotta be some positives somewhere about the man Byrdie? e.g. Does he like the banjo?

                        Take care y'all. Think positive.

                        L8tr, Yo!

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello all
                          hang in there will get better ......just don't rush it

                          broken halo ......cograts on day 13

                          I now have 7 weeks done


                            Newbies Nest

                            Brave Fellow Fledglings,

                            I've also been sending positive vibes to you all day. I decided, "Heck, I'm not going to spend ALL of my energy on this JT guy. Nope!!" Anyway, I expect he feels like he has biting red ants crawling in his shorts just about now... ants:

                            Lil' Beagle - I hope your day has gone a bit better than you anticipated. I sent a few extra loving oooohhmmms to you.

                            SS (Samstone) - It's awesome to have you in The Nest with us. Like Guitarista, you can say so much with just a few words. Every one of my posts is a short novel, unfortunately.

                            Lasha - Part of the recipe for "the magic day when we don't need to try so hard" is the day that we completely give up the notion that maybe we will be able to drink again someday. As long as we hold onto that belief, we will be covertly looking for drinking opportunities. When I decided, "I am done forever!!" (and really meant it), I no longer had to try as hard. I still had to try. I still have to try. But I am enjoying my hard-earned freedom. And you will too!!

                            broken halo - You sound great!! "All I want is to continue to feel like I did today." That's it, exactly!! Remember that, and you won't ever go back to the lousy bottle.

                            Neddy Merrill - Congrats on 3 AF days!! Nice work!! Although, it shouldn't be TOO hard to quit after drinking for only one year... :H We love humor in The Nest. It helps us get through some rough days.

                            Lav and Byrdie - Our awesome Mums in The Nest. We'd be lost without you two. Thanks
                            for being such wise guides!! :yourespecial:

                            I'll be back later to do some tuckin' in.

                            I see that Guitarista and witts end flew in while I was working on my novel... Greetings to the both of ya!!
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Customer has NO redeeming qualities.
                              He's fat, bald, bad teeth, bad breath....and he's missing his pinky finger (lawn mower accident). Unfortunately, he is also very healthy.

                              Witts, Wow! 7 weeks, you are heading towards dual hat territory!!! GREAT job!

                              Neddy, you are winning!! Rinse and Repeat!!
                              Broken, thank you for your Ohm vibes and support about Day 13. It was a great day for me, too!! Well done!!! (I love your avatar!)

                              Tess, we are all thinking of you....thank you for supporting ME while you have all yours stuff going on. Mine is pretty petty, but thank you for acknowledging.

                              Safety in numbers, nesters....we're all in this together and we can all WIN it together! All the best tonight.....Ohmmmmmmmmm >>>>>>>>jt
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Byrdlady;1533953 wrote: G-Man,
                                Customer has NO redeeming qualities.
                                He's fat, bald, bad teeth, bad breath....and he's missing his pinky finger (lawn mower accident). Unfortunately, he is also very healthy.
                                Well, he might not be a banjo player, but sounds like he's got the look going on!

                                Hiya Tess! :hiya:

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

