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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good afternoon nesters. I have been unable to log on to my computer due to my broadband connection being wonky. The problem is now fixed and I am back! On day 6 of the AF way of life. A big thanks to those who commented on my absence. I am touched. It means a lot when people whom I have only really met virtually are concerned about me. None of my drinking buddies ever really speak with me unless it's to organise a drinking session and never to enquire after my health. So again, a big thank you - you know who you are!

    "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

    Newbies Nest:



      Newbies Nest

      Hey Byrdie
      Usually my summer's included at least a 6 pack in the evenings after work. We do not have AC and I remember (it ain't been that long ago) oh so well being unable to really cool off.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        I always chose to drink red wine - no matter what the weather or what I was eating - and the truth is, it DOES NOT cool you off! It warms you up. It always made me feel worse in warm weather but did that matter??? NOPE!

        Stick with it, everyone, it is great to be DONE with this beast.

        Have a good day/evening! NS

        PS Great job on 10 weeks of success, Samstone and Mr. G !! Congratulations!


          Newbies Nest

          Good afternoon nest!
          Did I mention I hate packing and moving?
          Getting a lot done today.
          Still have a paper to write by midnight too.
          If I were drinking I would never have been able to do this!
          Being sober is the only way to be!
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Sunday nesters! I'm working 2 12 hour night shifts, I hate them, don't sleep well and it takes me half my off days to get back on track. But I have a great paying job and a fabulous staff, life couldn't be better. I used to pine away for a drink when I was on these shifts, especially after a stressful night. Now I do yoga, go for a run, pack a decent lunch and soldier on.

            Enjoy your weekend and hang in there.

            Hadit, neddy glad your puter woes are over and you're back in the land of technology! What would we do without our lifeline?!

            Londoner I hope you were able to find something fun to do, it is tough being young and not following the crowd. Takes a big man ( or woman) to be independent and choose a better path.

            I'm going to try to get out in the sun for a bit. My workplace has no windows and once I finish my shift it's morning!!

            Stay strong nesters, talk again soon!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Newbies Nest

              Dad has taken Mom for a drive in the country. While I work on laundry, I thought I'd fly into The Nest for a bit.

              Sam - Gotta love Jack Benny!! He was a very talented man who was able to remain humble.

              Byrdie - Very wise counsel: Starve him (alcohol). He deserves no better...

              Neddy - Welcome back!! Congrats on AF Day 6!! Stay strong. Tomorrow you will be awarded with a bright and shiny Moon!!

              NoSugar - Always great to hear from you!! While in the throws of alcoholism I chose to drink beer all of the time regardless of the weather. Regardless of anything. I simply "had" to have it. I would nearly always start my morning (we're talking 6:00) with two huge cans of beer and two aspirin. Yup, that was just to get the day started. I was literally a very sick gal. Now to think of starting the day with beer makes me gag and cringe inside. But like Byrdie says, I had to starve the bastard. (Okay, Byrdie did NOT say "bastard," but I'm throwing that in because that's how I feel about alcohol.)

              Nursie - Hadn't heard of your hate for packing and moving... LOL!! It IS a lot of work!! AND a paper to write. Ouch!! That's a double whammy!! As you say, you will get it done because your brain is not floating in alcohol. Good job!!

              3June - One of my sisters is a RN who works twelve hour shifts in labor and delivery. She also has three young children. (Guess she likes babies alot!!) Anyway, she tells me how long the days can be. So I feel for you. Yoga is far superior to a drink. Anything is far superior to a drink!! Soldier on, my friend, soldier on!!

              Londoner - Thinking of you!!

              Bye for now ~
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone! back from the safari park and dying for a shower! I had such a great day with my nieces, I felt like a big kid again! Neddy, it's good to see you back, we missed you. Nursie, get stuck into that packing, hope the move goes well! NS, I too was a red wine drinker (note the 'was') lol. No matter what the weather was like I tried to justify my red wine! Tess, beer and aspirin for breakfast, the things that ALhas us do, and you are right, AL is a bastard and deserves to be starved, then hung, drawn and quartered for good measure. I'm off for a shower before I stink up the nest, back in a while
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  Newbies Nest

                  Can't smell you from here Halo :H
                  Glad you had a nice time!

                  June, I worked those awful 7p-7a shifts & I swear they messed up my sleep permanetly
                  Hope they don't bother you as much!

                  Yesterday & today have been work days for me as well (Friday too). I can't let my grandkids into my shop when they are here - too dangerous so I have to work like crazy to catch up

                  Good luck with the move & the paper nursie.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1534939 wrote: Great to see everyone checking in from around the globe!!! :earth:
                    Some really big numbers are piling up.
                    As I was waiting for Ann Carolina to arrive yesterday at the restaurant, I was seated outside, by the river. It was a hot, humid day. There were 2 other tables, a man sitting alone drinking a big glass of red wine and a table of 2 women drinking beer. As I sat there observing....I thought, THIS is the picture of what we as ALK's think about! Sitting by the water having a cold beverage!! BUT here is what getting distance between you and AL makes you LOSE the yearn to do that. I did NOT want any at ALL and to go one step further, I didn't see how they were drinking it in the middle of the day like that. (mind you, once I started drinking, I kept going so the thought of having one at lunch is/was unthinkable....I started at 10:30 a.m.on weekends) This is the point of the story....getting the distance between you and AL is worth all of the effort it takes!!! It will NOT always be this hard, I promise. I was (am) a Stage 3 ALK and if I can say that...I KNOW you will be able to say it sooner than I did! That is why building those consecutive days is so important. One feeding of the beast and you are right back to square #1. Starve him. He deserves no better. It's the only way to defeat this guy. There is light at the end of the tunnel....Dick Head will not haunt you forever!! Stay the course....get over those rough edges....and you will hit smooth waters. I promise!
                    Hope everyone has a happy day!! Byrdie
                    Thank you for this Byrdie. Just checking in and it is amazing that you said exactly what I needed. I am half way through the summer holidays and so far I am doing well. :thumbs:I read once when I first started that the first year is the most pivotal. Every first comes in the 365 days. First New Years Eve without Alcohol, First Valentines without a romantic glass of wine, The first Easter Family supper without a toast of wine, The first summer of camping without beer during "Happy Hour", the first birthday celebration without alcohol, the first Thanksgiving family dinner, and the First Christmas Holidays (which is a big drinking one) and all other special occasions in between. My birthday is coming up on July 27th. I think I will give myself sober for my birthday!

                    I am 3/4's of the way through my firsts and feeling good. Almost 9 months. :wave:WOW.

                    TO ALL THE NEWBIES,:welcome: hang on it will get easier. Easy? No. Easier? Yes. Remember if you think, maybe just one, why not none?!mg

                    Have a great day everyone!
                    AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning all
                      i dread the thought if I have to move
                      glad you had a good time halo
                      what sort of shop do you have Lav


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nanette, great to see you & congrats on your almost 9 AF months
                        This is the best gift we are giving ourselves! And Happy Birthday to you!

                        Witts, I have a home based embroidery shop. Just me, 2 big machines & 2 computers....we work well together although sometimes I work a little too late

                        I just sent a message to K9 on Facebook - I hope to hear from her soon.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nanette, great to see you. Congratulations on your 9 months! That's a great achievement, but you know that!

                          June, those night shifts sound like a real bear! Sleep deprivation is a pain.

                          I spent my day hiking with the family in the woods. We ate a ton of fresh blueberries. I laid down on a hot rock and closed my eyes. These are the kinds of things I wouldn't have enjoyed while drinking, all that negative chatter shutting me off from those simple pleasures. I feel like life is so much better this way. Friends, don't be afraid to give yourselves the life that you deserve!

                          Have a great AF night everyone.
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Rainy day here....took an awesome nap. A real one....not one of those I am hungover and need to sleep more. Now I am a bit worried about getting to sleep tonight.

                            Once a week a attend a recovery group that encompasses all hurts, habits and hangups. So you will have people overcoming anything from alcohol, depression, eating disorder, codependency etc.

                            I recently heard a women speak about being the wife of an alcoholic. She was great as she told how it affected her, never putting her husband down. I knew I had put my family through trying times....but, this was a real eye opener as to what the other half goes through, why they stay....even when by all accounts they should leave. I realized that my husband is recovering as well. I have become more empathic towards his mood swings.

                            Coming here you are able to get the support you need, that we wish our partners could give us. Many partners can be supportive, but they many times are walking on eggshells with us. Sometimes the best support we can get is from people who have walked in our shoes, but their lives are not directly affected if you relapse or go on a bender.

                            I too drank through hot weather. I stayed inside though...claiming it was just too hot to go outside.

                            Hope everyone is wrapping up a wonderful Sunday.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow so much inspiration today. That was what I was needing to hear.
                              Good job Neddy.
                              Glad to see you here Hadit. :goodjob:
                              June I just had an operation over Christmas and I tell you if it wasn't for those night nurses I would have had a really rough time. I really appreciated them. I am sure who you are helping every time you work is appreciative. Keep up the great af work.
                              Tess glad to know you. You do inspire me through some of my struggles.
                              Lav I know all about working with just yourself to depend on. Rewarding? Yes. Hard sometimes too. Thanks for being here for us.
                              Nan good job.
                              Sunflower, pinecone you both will be in my thoughts tonight.
                              10 weeks for Sam and G-man. Yeah!!! Grand. Hey auto correct said that was the right word and I agree.
                              Have a great af evening everyone.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I have my auto correct turned off LB - it's annoying to me :H
                                Glad you are doing so well!

                                Greetings SF, Pinecone & everyone. Nice to hear how folks are spending their sober Sundays

                                I just had a chat with K9 on Facebook. I think she will be checking in tomorrow & has already posted on her own thread

                                Wishing everyone a safe & sober night on the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

