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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning all! I am on cloud nine as my work schedule has retuned to my normal hours and I have the day off! The new hiree is working out! No more insane hours for awhile at least. I feel like I lost the whole summer, but on a happier note I was too busy to drink! Looking forward to exercising and actually cooking dinner for the fam. There will be a little pampering in there as well. I'll check in again later. Happy Thursday all. Just want to let you all know this mwo is really the encouragement I needed to achieve AF! Thank you all



      Newbies Nest

      Rahulthesweet;1549572 wrote: Hello Nesters,

      Good to be in the next I feel protected from the AL while in here. I am out in a conference for 3 days and theybwikl be serving unlmited booze in evenings. I remember earlier I used to look forward to evenings with AL and not long ago just 2 months back.I will be compeling 30 days which I myself cannot believe. I have never stayed AL free for such a long time.

      Thanks all for your support.
      YEAH Rahulthesweet!!!!! Really happy for you :goodjob:
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning, all!!
        Columbia, what a nightmare for you. I am a TIME person, too and what happened to you is what I have nightmares about! Being late, being in the wrong class, I'm convinced I still have a college English paper due! I'm so sorry that happened...maybe an empathetic phone call to the Dr would help? That is nuts! But don't let it derail you...
        Back in my early days when I was trying to moderate and then when I finally came to the nest and stayed as a NOT so day a few months ago I decided to look back at my posts from when I was trying to moderate. Because you can only look back at your last 500 posts, I dove into the Newbies nest and searched that way. What I found was that I hardly posted at all during my moderating attempts. BUT MY perception is that I was on this site religiously. Clearly, I was not. I was NOT serious about quitting even tho I remember the hell of it all!!

        ONLY when I got dead serious about quitting did my posting pick up. My accountability increased...and I was able to stop the madness. As Londoner said, after you get going you forget how awful it was....that's why checking in here multiple times a day kept me grounded on what can happen if I go backwards. Reaching out and helping others just like me helped KEEP me quit, too. It's a lifelong party and we all got invitations, so it takes ongoing support to STAY the course. It would be easy to take what we've learned and go out there and think we are ok. We are NOT ok, we have this affliction for the duration, and it takes therapy to beat it. Checking in here with MWO is a SMALL price to pay for my life back....and besides, my very best friends are here. Friends that know ALL!! This is the FaceBook for ALkies!

        Sorry that all I've done lately is complain about work....I have been thinking of everyone and hoping that you will continue to be successful in saying, NO, HELL NO!! AL is not rob me of ONE MORE DAY of my life!

        Have a great day everyone! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks for that post, Byrdie. Just what I needed to read at the moment. xx - NS


            Newbies Nest

            Great post! I am serious about quitting but still feel like I am floundering a bit with this posting stuff! I don't feel strong enough to encourage yet because I am still struggling and on shaking ground. I am hoping to keep learning and definitely stick with this!


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,
              Getting ready to attend a funeral for friend from church....he was just 67. Prostate cancer took him too soon...his wife was so kind to me when dh was going through treatment etc. I feel so bad for her...
              Yet another funeral on Saturday.....not liking this at all....but I know it is part of life but I am still very sad...
              Need some self care this week....orientation at the gym is next week so I can get back on track for that..plan to drag dh with is for his own good....

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Just popping in here. This is such a busy place!

                Brydie...our perception is quite a thing isn't it

                Dottie...I hate funerals. Unfortunately we all get one. There is a song that I love and in the chorus it says...."I am one day closer until my time is up".....reminds me that each day is precious, use it wisely.....and not be so worried or serious about life....its temporary.

                I don't want to spend another moment, much less hours hungover. I don't really remember what a buzz felt like (although I know I liked it too much).....but, I do remember the hangovers.


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks brydlady,

                  i woke up this morning more focused on the task at recovery. In the big picture this is minisculle..i could have lost my job, lost my house, lost my family...but no i just forgot an appointment that can be rescheduled. I needed some perspective and you gave it to me....

                  I am grateful I have all this support and am even more comforted by the fact i can be myself and vent, encourage , and pour out my heart to you all with no backlashing.

                  wishing you all a wonderful Thursday.. the sun is shining and my heart is beating........
                  You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just a thought....

                    even those who are not posting but at least are looking and reading, I believe get something out it, a nudge, maybe ever so slight, to come to terms with alcohol. I personally joined and took quite awhile, months, before my first post. Yet in that time, reading the posts kinda energized my desire to really quit and get involved in MWO forums: posting and feeling that accountability.

                    If you're reading and not posting... Keep reading!!

                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Honey - I am going to PM you a way to get hold of me, day or night ok? Use it!

                      C-D - Good grief man, you've barely started going back to the gym and the hotties are surrounding you already! Like I said, all I get are the old hairy men at my gym :H (Honestly I don't even mind the old part, it's the hairy part that scares me...ha)
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello nesters! Just checking in really. The sun is shinning and I am knackered. Someone paired about feeling tired- man I feel it so bad! (Yawn) early night I hope :-)

                        Hope everyone is ok- mike in particular. Ill check in again later x


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good video on why our minds do what they do....addiction and anxiety

                [/video]]Intention - Connection - Transformation - YouTube


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for all the congrats,you guys rock :h Byrdie,the wobbly yellow bum made me smile this morning Thanks! Making plans for an AF weekend now.x


                              Newbies Nest

                              Off to dinner with a dear friend who doesn't drink! Yay me, I'm in for a stress free evening. Good night all!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Congrats Alicat .

                                Enjoy your stress free dinner lizann.

                                I'm off to bed cold has resided but extreme tiredness. Had some iron and a little nap which seemed to help a tad. I can't wait for this tiredness to bugger off.

                                Stay safe nesters x

