Dave and Sanchez et al, thanks so much.
Dave, AH-HA moment there with your 'opening' a second window. Of course! And I can't believe I didn't think of it. Other things on my mind, clogging the thought process. I hope your work day goes smoothly with all essentials in place so not to throw the momentum off.

Sanchez, I think I am looking for a more basis level of healing the brain. I know with PTSD it actually causes a chemical and physical brain damage that can be reversed with time and some types of cognitive brain therapies. With as many people in the world as there is with a problem with alcohol you would think this field would have been more then examined to the point of being easily solved. But I guess with this and cancer the money for the research is not really in a cure.

Willow, hang tough! It's a roller coaster ride for sure! I hate roller coasters. I used to enjoy them but then when I had kids something about my equilibrium changed and I just could not tolerate it. Might be a good scenario. If you keep going your roller coaster ride may end sooner, if you 'cave' to the wine your ride will continue. I need something to think about! lol So giving that out, maybe it will stick on me.
You all are great people!