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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome Badger

    Lets get you through this one day at a time. This typical English weather is horrible so stay inside, grab a coffee and start reading all the inspirational stories in the nest. Before you know it we will be reading about your success too! Keep it going.


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks for the welcome everyone! Having some stove top coffee too before I head out to work. Little Beagle, yes, I am at 21 days. I have had success with short spurts of abstinence. This is my first attempt at long term/permanent abstinence. I have been down and out for so long, albeit "functioning." Its time to see what an AF life would be like - I want to reverse the damage I've done and uncover what gems have gone unnoticed under the "fog." Thanks again everyone for the welcomes. Have a GREAT day!

      P.S. I am going to Bikram Yoga today also - I will post again after that (Yoga, especially Hot Yoga, has always helped immensely with cravings and there is also a Harvard study in progress to track the surmounting evidence that Yoga is a healer for depression!

      Here we go!


        Newbies Nest

        I do a little yoga at night. In our Southern Louisiana summer weather, it can be considered hot yoga.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning, Nesters!
          Welcome aboard, Hanoj! Wow, with 21 days already you are just a few days short of a major award! Your hat!! GREAT job, we are so glad you decided to jump in. To say this is a journey of self discovery does it a dis-service. I'd bet my lunch money that the YOU you uncover will be the ultimate in software changes! Hanoj V2.1 will be improved on so many levels!
          Things you don't think about until you are sober:

          *My hair is fuller and thicker (according to my hairdresser of 15 years)
          *Skin is clear.
          *Face not puffy.
          *No dark (death) circles under eyes.
          *Lost 13 pounds and eating what I want to.
          *I don't eat Tums like they are candy...that 'ulcer' I thought I had was prolly acid erosion from drinking AL.
          *I am more truthful about everything. I am not living a lie.
          *I am saving at least $10 a day, so far, over $10,000 saved!!!
          *I care about the future and I am hopeful about it.
          *The more I give the more I get. Apparently, I was a very selfish drunk...didn't care about anything except the next drink.
          *Traveling is easier....don't have to worry about running out and booze is heavy to carry.
          *The self respect I have gained cannot be measured. I am finally proud of ME. I AM enough....and I never felt good enough when I was drinking.
          *Can write a post at 10 at night and not worry about what I said.
          *Can remember writing the post at 10 at night.
          *Sleeping better....not only because of AF, but not getting up as much to pee!! (it's the little things, you know?)
          *I don't hide my breath when I'm talking to someone....this is big, because I kind of notice I still do it.
          *I don't care what other people think regarding my not drinking. (I don't know why this was so important as I WAS drinking, but now I don't give a rip what people think....if they have a's THEIR problem).
          *Driving after 5 in the afternoon is a whole new experience...there's a whole sub-world out there after 9 o'clock!
          *My hubs is proud of me again.

          So this is the short list! :H

          Badger, so glad to have you back in the nest...I will see you right back here tomorrow on Day 2!!
          Anyone seen HoneySoup?
          Remember, when you are feeling bummed and blue, DON'T STAY AWAY from here, engage MORE! Detaching from your support system makes it worse (got the SET of Tee Shirts in the closet). STAY ENGAGED here and type out what you are feeling...not only will YOU feel better, but you may help someone else who is feeling the very same. EVERY POST MATTERS!
          Go out and make it a great AF day!!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Jane...are you checking in with 30 DAYS???? Yes, I just checked the roll call and there you are! Bing, bing, bing, bing!!! We have a winner!
            Congratulations on your 30 days! May I present your hat!

            Wow, I couldn't be more proud of you!! No pressure, but we are expecting a speech! Bwahahah....I know you are on vacation! In a sunny spot...while we are neck deep in snow and ice, but if you have a few words, that would be great! Well done!!! Byrdie and the PP's
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              HI guys!!! I read this blog post and immediately thought of all my friends here. It is a very interesting and informative article on addiction and reinforces why we should never even think that we are "home free" or "cured" or able to drink socially again.... Phillip Seymour Hoffman did not have choice or free will and neither do you. – debbie bayer blog

              It seems a little long but really really worth the read.


              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                MAE all,
                Still snowing...there is a layer of ice on the snow and the little dogs just walk on top of the ice..dont weigh enough to break through..staying in again today...

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Interesting article, lolab. Dottie, ive not seen a flake of snow all winter, but it sounds like you've got enough for all of us.
                  Roxy, no sign of rollergirl yet, hopefully she'll be aling soon.
                  Day 2 going ok here, just still feeling a bit blah.
                  Going for food with my g/f tonight, going for curry and as a lot of the resteraunts aren't liscenced to sell alcohol so that solves that little problem nicely.
                  Maybe go to the cinema after that, normally I'd be pushing to go for drinks rather than somewhere I cant get a beer.
                  Have a good one everyone!


                    Newbies Nest

                    [QUOTE=Byrdlady;1623121]Good Morning, Nesters!

                    Things you don't think about until you are sober:

                    *My hair is fuller and thicker (according to my hairdresser of 15 years)
                    *Skin is clear.
                    *Face not puffy.
                    *No dark (death) circles under eyes.
                    *Lost 13 pounds and eating what I want to.
                    *I don't eat Tums like they are candy...that 'ulcer' I thought I had was prolly acid erosion from drinking AL.
                    *I am more truthful about everything. I am not living a lie.
                    *I am saving at least $10 a day, so far, over $10,000 saved!!!
                    *I care about the future and I am hopeful about it.
                    *The more I give the more I get. Apparently, I was a very selfish drunk...didn't care about anything except the next drink.
                    *Traveling is easier....don't have to worry about running out and booze is heavy to carry.
                    *The self respect I have gained cannot be measured. I am finally proud of ME. I AM enough....and I never felt good enough when I was drinking.
                    *Can write a post at 10 at night and not worry about what I said.
                    *Can remember writing the post at 10 at night.
                    *Sleeping better....not only because of AF, but not getting up as much to pee!! (it's the little things, you know?)
                    *I don't hide my breath when I'm talking to someone....this is big, because I kind of notice I still do it.
                    *I don't care what other people think regarding my not drinking. (I don't know why this was so important as I WAS drinking, but now I don't give a rip what people think....if they have a's THEIR problem).
                    *Driving after 5 in the afternoon is a whole new experience...there's a whole sub-world out there after 9 o'clock!
                    *My hubs is proud of me again.

                    So this is the short list! :H

                    :thanks: I am looking forward to being able to say I've saved $10,000 so far...
                    so you must be what 3 years + sober or AF?
                    I can so identify with
                    *Can write a post at 10 at night and not worry about what I said.
                    *Can remember writing the post at 10 at night. TOO! for both me & my hubby.

                    This isn't my first time with MWO, but the very first in along time. Hubby & I discussed it this morning & we've set a target I won't be counting AF days for a few weeks, but intend to tune it regularly.:new:

                    New Dreams


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone,
                      I had a late night last night at work and an early morning today so feeling a little tired otherwise everything is hunky dory.
                      Welcome hanoj, tf3030 and New Dreams! You all will find a lot of inspiration and good camaraderie here.
                      I'm glad you are back FF, I'm sure it is hard to come back but if this was working for you than it is the best thing to do.
                      Badger, I hope you have a great day 1.
                      Mein, I think shopping in the morning is the best way to do it and just stay out of the liquor section. I had certain stores I would go to because they sold the gin I wanted in the big bottles even if they didn't have the groceries I needed. I have not read Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife but I am defiantly going to take a look. I have been having thoughts that tomorrow will be 25 days and a quarter through my 100 days so maybe at the end I could just try. I know bad idea, maybe the book will reinforce an AF life.
                      Myway that is so great that you already have a month! And the first month of the year so you can make all of 2014 AF!
                      Byrdlady I love your list I am going to print it out and look at it when I forget what is so good about this lifestyle. I had a three year old tell me my eyes were so white and when I asked what color they usually were she said purple - she still gets her colors mixed up! It really is better to have white eyes instead of purple.


                        Newbies Nest

                        3June2013;1622830 wrote: Hi taylor. Welcome, I'm sure you'll find lots of great feedback here in the nest. I am so glad you found us. I think the first step to recovery of any kind is to recognize the problem, the next is to find and act on the solution, right? Are you on meds for your hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue? I hope so.

                        If you can try this one day at a time it will seem less daunting. Try day one without AL, waking up totally clean can be a mood changer in itself. Overcoming unhealthy habits and beginning new healthier habits will also help you to feel less depressed I'm sure.

                        Keep posting, and stick close, we are here to help!
                        Thank you for the reply! Yes I am on thyroid replacement. Also some adrenal support herbs. Today is no AL day! You are right it does feel so much better when waking up!

                        Take good care.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Taylor what adrenal herbs are u taking, if I may I ask..I am on a "natural" thyroid treatment but my numbers were borderline...was also wondering about adrenal fatigue but my doc didn't mention that at all. What do u test for that??

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters

                            HP/TJ i love reading your posts on how well you are both going on this journey and i still wish i had a friend like you, oh i do my children! How many kilometres have you done on all these road trips, they sound like such fun.

                            Everyone sounds so positive in the nest which is wonderful. Everyday i read the posts to check on everyones journey, i can never get enough information on staying sober and on the right track.

                            Byrd i love your post but i must say i never got up to go to the toilet 100 times, i think i just so deyhdrated myself from drinking al, now however if i have to go i have to go. I blamed not going to the loo much on "i had a good bladder" never that al dehydrated me so much! Oh how times have changed.

                            Having a stressful couple of days, my 11 year old dog is quite sick. took her to the vets yesterday and today i am taking her to the vet hospital. Mothers intuition, i know she is unwell. The anxiety levels are way up near my light bulb above my bed but i will not drink, i dont want to drink and it is the last thing on my mind. Yesterday at the vets i rang my eldest daughter and she said "mum dont buy wine", i thanked her for caring and said i was not going to. My other daughter who was with me was thinking my first stop would be the bottle shop. I told her that no i had no desire to drink and i would never let her down. they still worry and that is a good thing, that keeps me accountable on this journey. So i am off to the hospital and of course i am thinking the worst and whatever happens I will not drink.

                            Thanks for listening, it makes it all bearable to be able to write it down.

                            Have a great MAE all. xx
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              Ava, I'm so sorry about your dog. My cats are like my children to me. I think you are wise to listen to your dog-mother intuition. I have a kitty that I bred, so born in my house, and she will be 18 on valentines day. It is so hard when our animal companions are unwell. I applaud you for being strong and not giving into the temptation of alcohol. I truly hope everything turns out okay.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Available I hope your dog is okay. I know how it feels to know that one of your pets is not well its even worse not to know what is causing it. We'll be here for you.

