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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Cqt Belle! Great job, so good to hear from you! It really is amazing to think the depths that AL takes us to. I am so happy to see you thriving! Having a new passion is fantastic!

    Muldoon, be very proud! One victory at a time! :goodjob:
    Hope everyone has a cozy night in the nest! Here's the butt velcro! Strap in tight! Hugs all! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      I guess you all know that I am a mother-in-law, two times over but I think I'm pretty decent :H

      Byrdie, that's very sad about your young neighbor! My nephew was only 18 & drinking beer when he flipped his truck &killed himself They just don't seem to understand the danger.

      I have absolutely no idea why but I had a drinking dream last night!!!!!!
      It came out of no where for absolutely no reason! I'm what - 5 or 6 weeks away from my 5 year AF anniversary & this happens?? Just goes to show that we need to remain forever diligent

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
      Another 3 inches of snow on the way tonight to add to the 18 inches that fell yesterday - swell....!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Cat Belle;1627126 wrote: Hey everybody. It's been quite awhile since I checked in, so I thought I would fly by! Everything is going so well in my life! I can't believe how I used to live and especially how I spent my evenings. Month 4 AF has come and gone and is day 138 today. Time flies when you are having fun!

        I opened my etsy shop, and made my first sale yesterday. I have made and sold a lot of purses and bags for coworker, but etsy is a little larger scale. It took me 42 years to find a passion, and sewing is mine. I actually miss it when I am not doing,lol. When I'm not at work I am sewing.

        Hope everybody is okay!

        Goodnight y'all
        hey Cat, it has been a long time no see, good to hear from you and so glad you're doing well.
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Newbies Nest

          It's valentines day, on a friday night. I know the bars will be packed with single women who have listened to their friends and family talk about their husbands and boyfriends all day and are looking for validation. I want to go out, but I don't want to go to a bar. this is really frustrating.


            Newbies Nest

            This is only day 2 for me and I am hanging in there. A little shaky, a headache, and my thoughts are scattered-But I am determined to win this battle. My girlfriend is here and brought me a lot of Vitamin Water and water to keep me hydrated. I also have been using Glutamine as well. I live on a island in SE Asia and it's hard here for support since drinking is part of the culture, but I am going to steer clear from any temptation. Need to take my life back. Weird question. I actually bought real Khudzu bark and roots from a Korean herb lady at the market and she explained to me in Korean that is helped with hangover and Alcoholism. She said in the island dialect to boil it and use it as a tea, but she didn't say how long. Anyone have this problem? I can't find it on the net if not I will just keep trying different ways. SO HAPPY I found this site and hello to everyone. Please give me any tips or advice-I am definitely a Newbie at going cold turkey. Thanks.


              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters!

              I've just counted (well, Google counted): this is my seventeenth consecutive Saturday without a hangover!!!! :yay:

              Lav, it's scary what grip Al has on us - a drinking dreams after such a long time AF! I guess you were really glad to wake up from it - and to wake up sober.

              Muldoon, those small victories help to bulk up your AF muscles. I was at a picnic yesterday, and my friends brought champagne and a bottle of wine. They offered me some - and it was really easy to say no without even having to think about it. A couple of months ago I would have had some serious bargaining going on in my head.

              It's a gloriously beautiful day out here: the garden beckons!

              Have a lovely AF Saturday, Nesters!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters! I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!

                Birdie- so sad to hear about your neighbor. I will say prayers tonight.

                Tonight I cooked mesquite marinated Salmon filets with Asparagus. Delisssssssssssshh! (slam full of Omega 3's too)

                I also went ahead and ordered some L-Glutamine. Not only does it claim to help with alcohol cravings, but helps with digestive problems (Chrohn's etc). I should get that next Tues or Wed. I decided to make it part of my 'plan'. Whether it helps with alcohol cravings or not, everything I read/researched looks like some promising results.

                Since I started cutting down on alcohol consumption, I've noticed a quite remarked 'burst' of energy... Not only when I wake up, but during the day. I can only imagine how I will feel being totally AF! So far, in my moderation stage, I'm not feeling 'deprived'. I think I will be able to start a target date of my first day AF soon. (Fingers crossed)

                Happy Valentine's Day!!!



                  Newbies Nest

                  spicoli0420;1627159 wrote: This is only day 2 for me and I am hanging in there. A little shaky, a headache, and my thoughts are scattered-But I am determined to win this battle. My girlfriend is here and brought me a lot of Vitamin Water and water to keep me hydrated. I also have been using Glutamine as well. I live on a island in SE Asia and it's hard here for support since drinking is part of the culture, but I am going to steer clear from any temptation. Need to take my life back. Weird question. I actually bought real Khudzu bark and roots from a Korean herb lady at the market and she explained to me in Korean that is helped with hangover and Alcoholism. She said in the island dialect to boil it and use it as a tea, but she didn't say how long. Anyone have this problem? I can't find it on the net if not I will just keep trying different ways. SO HAPPY I found this site and hello to everyone. Please give me any tips or advice-I am definitely a Newbie at going cold turkey. Thanks.
                  As someone who studied herbs and their medicinal uses, barks or hard woods take a bit longer to boil than leaves. (duh right?) But boil hard for about 20 minutes and then let it 'steam' or simmer for another 10-15 minutes. I think the leaves are just fine with Kudzu but you should get the same effect. Make sure to drink it 'warm" as a tea. Add some sugar or honey to help you get it down. Of course, strain it first! It won't be pleasant, but with sugar and/or honey you should be ok to get it down. Kudzu grows naturally down here and I thought of just getting some and doing my own tincture/tea but its easier and probably cheaper to buy it in pill form.


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE all

                    Cat well done on your days and thanks for checking in, always good to see that others are still on track as well.

                    Lav, wow a drinking dream after nearly 5 years? How did you feel waking up? Send some snow please, so dry here and rain predicted but nothing as yet and very humid at the moment.

                    Spic, i stopped cold turkey and did not take anything, just went with the flow of stopping al. It was something i was determined to do come rain, hail or shine and thus far i have successfully completed 70+ days. I took valium for 3 days to get me over the anxiety and to calm me down though. Drank lots of water and sugary drinks and ate a confectionary factory for about a month i reckon. Did a lot of cleaning and just told myself everyday that "i do not drink". I religiously come on MWO first thing in the morning to say hello and last thing at night and i still do this daily. Sleep when tired as your body needs time to readjust and heal, listen to your body. it gets easier and just waking up sober each and everyday is the best present you can give yourself.

                    Dream, woo hoo on your af weekends, i will try and google that one. Its a great feeling isnt it to not fight with oneself about having a glass of al. Life is great being af.

                    My maddison went to the vets for her checkup after being sick and she is just great so onwards and upwards for my sweet girl. Just a bit of weight loss for both of us I think.

                    TJ/HP where are you? I so hope you are both doing well, it was lovely to see your checkins on how you were both doing. I hate it when we lose regulars on mwo and wonder what happened and if they are still safely not drinking.

                    Well after a long 3 hour nana nap today i am feeling refreshed and ready to relax for the night. Take care all and be strong. xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      i think i read that tj said they were having a MWO break for a while, so no posts is ok.

                      spicoli. how are you doing today? its good that you have support, very important.
                      scatterbrain and shakes are part and parcel of withdrawal, they wont last long.. keep going!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        I honestly was not bothered by the drinking dream ~ woke up laughing & thinking it was kind of ridiculous :H
                        Probably won't happen again for another five years!

                        Hello & welcome spicoli!
                        Be sure you stay well hydrated, plain water & tea are fine. Hopefully your GF will also be sure you eat & get some fresh air. You will be feeling great very soon

                        Nothing special going on in my world today, expecting a little more snow at some point. We are all ready for Spring around these parts!!!!
                        Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all. Sorry about your weather Lav. And Dottie.
                          Drinking dreams make me happy to be af. I think of it as a reminder of how bad I use to feel.
                          That is tragic Byrdie. Such a waste. Like you said, 3 lives lost. I hate al too.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Does the brain test you with any addiction every so often to see if you are weak and will cave in?

                            As in you can have a great morning and all of a sudden your mood changes for no reason, and you feel like turning to a vice to treat your moon?

                            Is the brain wanting to see if you are ready for a better life, or if you are willing to pack it all in at the drop of a hat?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yes indeed. Mine sure does.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Londoner,

                                According to the theory of Rational Recovery, the part of the brain that craves al, otherwise known as the Beast, will use any means at its disposal to "convince" the thinking/action part of your brain to get you to sooth its craving and have just one drink. It knows your mood has shifted to where there is a chance it could win, you might choose the vice. Tell it to go ef itself! It hates that.

                                Be happy you recognize the mood swings. Be happy you're AF and better equipped to face them. Most important, have a wonderful, AF weekend!
                                Mary Lou

                                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

