Daisy, you sound super-strong, and no, it's not too early to treat yourself! I have saved so much money not buying booze and if I wanna buy something here and there, not guilt at all!
Kailey, how did it go today? Did you write out a plan for yourself? I know a lot of people try to do a mental list, but I find writing it out or typing and saving it, adding to your own toolbox is very helpful. Also, anything you find on this site that gives you an "aha" moment is worth copying and pasting.
Needtoheal, you found the perfect spot to perch in the NN. So great that you flew in. Tell us about yourself and how we can help you through this night. As Dot said, check out the Toolbox and in the general section, there are lots of interesting topics to read. I was just reading a blog that I enjoyed reading called, "Stick a fork in me...I'm done." Here it is...Stick a fork in me ... I'm done | My life without alcohol