Wow, some wonderfully encouraging posts overnight here!
We all saw the movie 'Groundhog Dog', right? That's just how I felt with the number of Day 1's I had. The beauty of hindsight is that we can see where we went wrong. I think there are 2 kinds of people; those who put things in 2 categories and those who don't. I like categories and it turns out, I like rules! I really like HARD AND FAST rules! With this in mind, there are really 2 choices we can make about this thing that is destroying our lives: we can give in to it and die FROM it or we can fight it with everything we've got. If we go about getting sober in a haff-assed fashion, that is giving in, right? In this fight, we are sober or we are not (like being pregnant). Anytime we yield to a drink we are scoring a point for AL. Anytime AL gets a point, it becomes stronger. Once it knows you are trying to cut off its food supply it gets pissed off (just like any of us would). There really are no tricks to this. New Rule: You must not put another drop of AL in your mouth, period. Once you adopt this mindset, it becomes EASIER! You are out to slay this dragon, not to appease him, you are not trying to let this demon down easy, or tell him maybe we can get back together later are trying to kill this beast that is taking over your life. You don't get to play nice with AL. You must make a decision that AL will not take one more day of your life. No, HELL NO, I will not drink matter what, no matter who. It isn't scary once you get going. Don't let the fear stop you from trying, the FEAR comes FROM AL! There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Make a decision. We've just got those 2 choices.
We have so much success going on, so proud of everyone. Ava with her 6 months, Rahul at 99 days, Jane is off the charts, Daisy rocking it, Samstone, NoSugar....everyone is just amazing. Be sure to check out Roll Call today we are going to have lots of awards! And we all are beating this the very same day at a time. Zero Tolerance. Great job everyone!!
Sarah, my acid reflux went away when I quit drinking....I was flabbergasted.

Have a great day, everyone! Byrdie