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Newbies Nest

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    Blownaway 21 days. You are doing great.
    Pepper congratulations on 200 days. The stargazing sounds wonderful.
    Ava you are a source of comfort to me.
    Pinecone I too think that relaxing and letting things happen in their own time is key. I notice that it's just becoming second nature for me to try and figure out why I'm feeling bad instead of just getting frustrated. If I can trace the problem back to the source, then it usually resolves itself.
    Cowboy I have definate anger issues too. And no real surefire way to solve it. But drinking only made my anger worse and not drinking makes it easier to contain. And I am a lot less likely to do something truly regrettable.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Today and tomorrow along with all the new tomarrows life will be with the focus of UR true heart with nothing to cloud UR real heartfelt feelings.

      I am with u every day I will be here to support u anytime and most of all I am very proud of UR overcoming this horrible disease..

      Just remember u can live every day for urself and find everything u need, it's only takes asking and knowing how many here have been thru so much.
      "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


        Doing well


        Today and tomorrow along with all the new tomarrows life will be with the focus of UR true heart with nothing to cloud UR real heartfelt feelings.

        I am with u every day I will be here to support u anytime and most of all I am very proud of UR overcoming this horrible disease..

        Just remember u can live every day for urself and find everything u need, it's only takes asking and knowing how many here have been thru so much. ur a fighter like my son he too will find sobriety.
        "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
          Ok, where is Jane and Rahul??? And Gambler? Dont make us come after you!!!
          Hope everyone has a good strong plan for the weekend. Its only Friday, not a ticket to Boozeville. What we truly deserve is a life without addiction! Hang on, everyone! Happy Friday!!! Byrdie
          I'm here! Xo
          AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


            Yo Nesters,

            Some brilliant posts above, and i don't have much more to add other than it is truly brilliant and amazing and so freeing to be sober again. And i know the real magic has still yet to begin! Wowza!

            Congrat's Blownaway on 21 days! Great work friend. Keep it going and check out our toolbox thread for some more idea's and inspiration.

            Onya Pepper for 200! Loved your posts above buddy.

            S'up Jane?!

            Good to see you Shades of Idaho. G
            Last edited by Guitarista; October 12, 2014, 02:04 AM.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Good morning Nesters!

              Chilly here this morning but there's sun

              Congrats to you Blownaway on 21 AF days!!!! One more week & you have nailed down a sober month - terrific!
              Raising your grandson has to be a huge motivator for you. I spend a lot of time with my 3 grandkids & they deserve the best we can give them.

              Pepper, CONGRATS on your 200 AF days, woo hoo!!!!
              Sober does indeed become 'normal' & for that we must remain grateful. Happy to hear you enjoyed your weekend away with your daughter.

              Hello Shades_of_Idaho & welcome to the nest! I take it you are here in support of your son? Has he stopped drinking yet? Does he have a plan?
              Look thru the Tool box thread for lots of ideas.

              Hi there Jane, welcome back

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday. I will be having tons of fun later, grandsons & their mother will be here for dinner, yay!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE Nesters!! Congrats blownaway on your 21 days!! Pepper on 200 days! and I celebrate 14 glorious, tough, days sober. I am finding the "shiny newness" of the quits wearing off. I'm reading more of sobriety books to stock up the arsenal for the next rough & tough day. It's a beautiful fall day here and I plan to take the dog on a long walk and really take in the season. I can smell so much better, and I swear even the colors look brighter! My allergies have also gotten SO much better. Appreciating my soberness today.

                Good day all!
                AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                  Great job again blownaway, Pepper and 14 days for Mstall! Hang in there Shades. Great posts Ava and pinecone...brings great perspective on this horrible disease. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Cold and rainy here where I am, but going to find some fun indoor activities with my family and make the best of it (even though rain is still getting in my car window that needs to be fixed).. Say strong and AF today.
                  Last edited by See the Light; October 12, 2014, 09:09 AM.
                  “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                    Blownaway, 3 weeks is EPIC!
                    Mstall, 2 weeks is MASSIVE!
                    To both of you, from here until you reach about 30 days (when you get your prize hat) your emotions will be all over the place. Just know this is part of the process and keep going! Do whatever it takes to get to those 30 days! You will be so glad you did, the HARDEST part is behind you!

                    Pepper, 200 days! WOW!! :semi-twins:
                    It is inspiring that you are reaping the great benefits of soldiering thru the hard parts to get to the honey inside the hive. i am so proud of you!

                    In those first days and weeks of my quit, there was a point that I felt like Dorothy on the Wizard Of Oz when she opened that door and the world went from black and white, to COLOR! It was amazing and it made me realize how much life I had drank over and numbed out. Food tasted better and all my senses seemed keener. I am so grateful for wrestling my back from AL. It was worth it!!

                    Jane, great to see you! What's cooking in your world?

                    Have an easy day, everyone! Byrdie

                    EDIT: wonder why none of my icons worked????? Wahhhhh!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      It is a beautiful day here today, although it is going to reach 90. We won't get much relief from heat until mid to late November.

                      Thanks for all the support, it is much needed. I have tried to do this alone for too long and totally know I can not, just like I know I can not have "a" glass of wine.

                      Lav, if I did not have my grandson I don't know how far I would sink..........

                      Mstall, you are right behind me, we CAN do this. I am tired of always going back to thinking I can have just one.

                      Have a great day everyone!
                      "Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease"

                      Always choose love.


                        Happy Canadian a thanksgiving everyone.
                        So glad to have no hangover today, we have lots of people coming over for Turkey. Thank goodness I will be too busy to drink. It helps me to stay away from the stuff if I am busy.

                        Blown away,mone of the best thing about being sober for me is being Able to read. It was so hard to read when I was drinking. I have read quite a few books since I quit in April, it is great! I one of the good ones was 'Dry' by Augusten Burroughs, quite interesting about his Addiction and recovery.
                        Pepper, it's so good to enjoy that time with our kids, love that.

                        Ava, YOU are kinda normal? Love you Ava

                        LilB,you are sounding good. Ya, anger, that was always another good reason to drink. If I drank when I was angry things got pretty ugly. I would have a lot of regrets the next day.
                        Howdy Cowboy!

                        Have a good one everybody.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Hello All,
                          it's good to be back. I must say I missed MWO. The site and what it's been going thru reminds of my life as it seems to be going. When I say seem ... All well except still adjusting to this new life. Al is far behind its like a long lost friend .

                          Glad to see so many regulars still holding on to the path of sobriety . It's well worth it ...
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            Great to see you and Jane again, Rahul!
                            I tell you, staying connected here is the KEY to this thing. This is a very isolating disease, even when we have good sober time under out belts if we dont stay with our support group, it can spell TROUBLE. Why? I think it's because once we get sober, we think...I want to get on with my life! I dont want to have to check in with these people all the time...I KNOW what to do and more importantly, what NOT to do. The trouble is, we are different. VERY different. 80% of the rest of the population drinks and we cant. Next thing you know, we get I am, making ALL THESE sacrifices and I STILL dont fit in. Do you see what is happeneing? The Perfect Storm of circumstances is being created to relapse. If you search 'relapse' you will find POST after POST that demonstares this. The bottom line is, we are very different and we have a disease that requires ongoing treatment. Its a lifelong party and we got an ivitation. The moral of the story is (just as Matt M. said) we cannot do this alone and we cannot maintain it alone. The world out there is just too geared towards AL. Do yourself a favor, when you feel alone and depressed get MORE engaged here. Go to chat and see if you can strike up a conversation, its fun! I promise you, you have friends here ....we care! So stay plugged in with your support and keep going, no matter what! If I can do it, I know you can!
                            Hugs to all, .Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Yo Nesters near and not so far,

                              I had a look at chat earlier. Seems to be up and running well, so there's another way to connect here. You bewdy!

                              Kicking ass Blownaway, Mstall, and yes you too over there in the cheap seats.

                              Wishing everyone a safe, sober and magical mae, and week ahead. G

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Hi, Nest:

                                For me, getting and staying sober has been simple and difficult, as opposed to complex and difficult. No matter what you read, who you read, who you trust, what program you believe in, there are some pieces of advice that come up over and over. One of those is building a sober community. I know that because of MWO and my ability to first come here anonymously is THE reason that I was able to get the courage to reach out for support. I was not ready to go into an in-person meeting in my small town and in my line of work, so I would probably still be drinking if I couldn't come here and get support from you all. It is SO comforting to hear the stories of others that sound a lot like my own, and to have people who have been sober for weeks, months and years help me through the various stages. Now I don't need MWO like a crutch as I once did, but I know that I continue to get invaluable support here, and to keep myself reminded of my reasons for remaining sober.

                                Pepper - 200 days is awesome! Congratulations. I feel that there are so many moments I get with my kids that I didn't get when I was always chasing the buzz or the next drink. I am so happy to be present in their lives again.

                                I have been interrupted several times while writing this post, and now I can't remember anything that I just read (one thing is for sure, not all of my memories issues were caused by booze!). I have to run and pick up kids.

                                Happy Sober Sunday,

