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    Originally posted by Turnagain View Post
    What motivated you to quit? What keeps you firmly quitted?
    Motivation - I hit the bottom of that "existential abyss" and did not feel like there was any point to anything other than obtaining, consuming, and disposing of alcohol.

    Early firm quit - I had decided to completely trust what people on MWO were telling me. For once my people-pleasing tendencies paid off because I didn't want NoSugar to disappoint them. I put 'not drinking' ahead of everything but absolute responsibilities (and sometimes it trumped those!) and did whatever I had to not to make the wrong choice, including hours of reading and posting on MWO and learning everything I could about the nature of addiction.

    Current firm quit - I'm out of the abyss! There is meaning in the smallest of things and great meaning in many. I love my AF life.


      Originally posted by Turnagain View Post
      Hey Fin....

      Believe me, you will take your picking and grinning to new levels without the crap in your system. Sober jamming is better than any drunk playing I ever did!

      BTW - just curious - is that Bert Loper's dorey in your avatar? OR did you just tie up your boat too high before the river tide went out? LOL!

      Hi Laura!

      What instrument(s) do you play? The mando took me by storm about 7 years ago. I've logged 2,946 hours toward the theoretical 10,000 hours to mastery. Now I log my quit days in parallel. Ha-ha. Seriously, I'll put a note in my log today about my quit and see what happens next.

      That boat is the Ross Wheeler wrecked in the Grand Canyon. There a great story behind it.

      Have a great AF evening, all and Be Good. - Fin
      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

      Go forward boldly and unafraid


        Originally posted by See the Light View Post
        Fin- with all the money you are going to save, go buy yourself something today that signifies the occasion..this is the 1st day of the rest of your will remember it for ever (and also you'll just remember more things in general once you stop dinking).. you can do it
        I already did! I went to my favorite breakfast spot this A.M. to kick things off in the right direction. My plan is to use the money saved, at least initially for weekly messages on Fridays. I think my body will appreciate that vs. the gals of AL it was being asked to process before today.
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Originally posted by Turnagain View Post
          Hey Fin....

          Believe me, you will take your picking and grinning to new levels without the crap in your system. Sober jamming is better than any drunk playing I ever did!

          BTW - just curious - is that Bert Loper's dorey in your avatar? OR did you just tie up your boat too high before the river tide went out? LOL!

          I resemble that remark, and i second that motion!

          Yo Turn, and Nester's near and not so far.

          Good to see you Fin. As a working musician (mainly guitar, but any instrument is fair game, along with mandolin), i find playing sober more rewarding. It opens up different 'portals' and channels of influence and magic. I note that we have an inherent skill and magic even when playing drunk, but the fuller potential of that skill and magic is realised when i play sober. Congrats on day 1. Keep it going friend.

          Turn, my motivation for quitting is self respect i think. Not so much health, spousal pressure or anything else. I could easily just disappear and be a 24/7 drunk, but time is also a factor for me here, as in at present i'm fit and well and have a second chance to go for my dreams and actually achieve some fab stuff and enjoy some quality years on the planet. I have a few little plans, and i know i only have a chance to fulfill them sober. 24/7 sober. It won't happen otherwise. When i drink, my dreams are put on hold. Life and this world is an amazing place to be, and if i get myself out of my head and have a good look at the big wide world, i see that there is treasure to be had, and there is plenty to go round. P.S. Great to see you back posting regularly around here. You're a huge asset. No, i didn't say huge ass, i said asset. :applouse:

          Welcome Wise owl!

          Take it easy out there. G

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
            So, no, I definitely do not want to do it again.
            NS - I have never needed to hear these words more than tonight. You just helped me knock a really bad thought out of my brain. Thank you.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              What's up, Moss? I know you don't want to do this again, either. Your quit is too valuable to give up for anything.


                No desire to drink really, just feel a need to escape. It's been a long couple of days. I guess I'll take a hot bath, eat some food, and climb into bed early. I suppose the loneliness is getting to me these days. Most of the time, I am just fine being by myself. In fact, at times I prefer it when I think back to the bad old days. But right now, I would love for someone to put their arms me around and tell me everything is going to be alright. Even if it's a lie. This is one time, it would be permissible to fudge the truth a bit, I think. Anyway, I won't give in. It was just one passing ugly thought, and once I came here and read, it went away. xx
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Maybe escape into one of those hypnosis apps you told me about - those are so relaxing!


                    Has anyone tried these supplement products for managing cravings?
                    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                    Go forward boldly and unafraid


                      Pav - I am so happy for, and respectful of, you! Congratulations on you one year joy. Your support, encouragement, compassion , honesty and kindness have help keep me on track. All the best to you my friend.
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Fin - there is a whole thread dedicated to declinol in the holistic section. I haven't really read through it, but hope this helps:
                        Everything is going to be amazing


                          Originally posted by Turnagain View Post

                          Life is amazing with alcohol.
                          Grammar Police here! Bahaha! (I couldn't resist!)

                          WiseOwl, we are so glad you found us! If you are serious about getting your life back you have landed inTHE best spot on Earth! Be sure to visit the Tool Box for helpful tips and coping skills to help you! Link is below. READ and POST!

                          Fin, so glad to see your mindset has changed. Enough is enough, right? Nothing new is going to miraculously develop as it relates to AL, its just going to get worse (as you know). Your relationship with AL today is as good as its ever going to be....I say as good, because it can sure get worse. Im so glad you are here! Why fight this one more day? We all know who is going to's a hint...not us!

                          Turnagain, what got me to quit was the ultimatum from my husband. What keeps me quit is my love and appreciation of MY life. As Narilly's signature line says so well, I can have the life I want, or I can drink.

                          Anyone want to try chat?
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Since I've already admitted that I'm lonely to the entire MWO world, it's no surprise that I am posting again. Tonight sucks. It just does. I so badly want to get to the point where I am a pillar of strength - someone that newbies can look up to - the one who has made it to the other side gracefully - but I'm just not there yet. I don't want to drink., and I wont. And I haven't for a long time. But, I just want to get to the point where the thought never crosses my mind again. When will that day come? I'm tired and stressed tonight, so this post is probably something I will regret later. But I am struggling. Not with AL so much, just with life. How to do life straight up which is something I'm not all that skilled at. Everything is so awful right now. The people I love are very sick. My parents are so sad. My nephew is pissing me off. It's just life. I get it. But really, wth? I should probably sign off now, and climb into my cocoon, but I'm not sure that's healthy either. It's just been a rough day. Thanks for listening everyone. I'm just venting. Tomorrow will be so much better.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Moss, I read your post on the gratitude thread, everyone should read it! You brought tears to my eyes and reminded me what this journey is all about! You have no idea what a profound effect it had on me, thank you!
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Cowboy - it took me two days to post about that situation. It was so profound, that I'm still processing. Thanks for being kind. I'm obviously having a rough night. I'll be ok - just venting.
                                Everything is going to be amazing

