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    Hi, All:

    Alive - What I do to distract myself when I am doing a house chore alone? Listen to podcasts. There are so many smart, thoughtful, funny, sad, amusing podcasts. It keeps my brain actively doing something (listening to great stories), instead of fixating on other, more annoying things. Maybe that would help? Music? I don't want to pick on you, but you've raised some good questions. One thing - the fact that you ALWAYS have alcohol at birthday parties - stuck out to me. We always did, too. It never occurred to me that you could have a party of ANY kind without booze. One thing to think about, though, is what about what you have ALWAYS done might get in the way of keeping you sober. I don't mean that specifically, but that could be a question you ask yourself. Is there something you could say "hey, you know what? I'm not going to do that...?" I guess that is a good question for us all.

    Hope you're good, Ava. Sick? Overwhelmed by heat?

    Off to do some chores around the house. So exciting!

    Happy SOBER Saturday.



      Good Saturday morning. Just checking in. Sober here.
      The easy way to quit drinking?:


        Ab cowboy has 2 years booze free! Congratulations buddy! Wowza!

        Hey Over it. How are ya?

        I'm happily on the sober train and i tells yiz, i ain't going back. Some of the trick for me is to get myself in a mental position where it i'm not struggling or fighting to be positive. To work out how best to put myself in a position where being relatively happy and thinking positively and hopefully is easy rather than hard. I need to see some sort of hope ahead. If i can't see it, i manufacture some. There is always hope. Sometimes it can take some heavy excavation, wiping away the surface dirt to dig it up and expose it.

        What dreams did i have as a kid? A few to be sure. I can still find some little dreams worth living for.

        Must be day 155 but who's counting.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Originally posted by daisy45 View Post
          Morning everyone.
          On day 13 today. I am still going to the counsellor and each week I come away with something new. It is so helpful.....making me see things about myself that I have been oblivious to. Since starting I have to say I feel lighter....learning how to accept and respect myself.
          I feel strongly that I do not want to waste the help that I have and am pulling out all the tools I have. Exercising almost daily, swimming and the gym. One thing I have learned is not to expect perfection. If I forego a couple of days without exercise, as in relapse drinking, it does not make me a failure....I must accept what I have done so far as an achievement and build on it.
          I have felt like a failure for the past 6 years trying to get I realise I have not stopped trying, learning, building, and that is something to be proud of. Now I am getting to the bottom of what has been keeping me in the cycle of stop/start.
          I listen to podcasts when I go to the gym, The Bubble Hour, ROCovery Fitness, Facing Addiction. I have a list of films about addiction which I am working through.
          When I feel weak and want a drink I go to MWO and find someone is feeling just like me......keeps me grounded.
          Just thought I'd pop in with an life has been so busy 2 beautiful grandbabies are delightful.
          I have a free day today so will get reading back to see how you guys are doing. Stay strong! Catch ye' laters!

          Mario, you are the man! So well done and so happy you are back here!
          Daisy so great to see you back and sounding so positive - you go girl!!!!:goodjob: xxx
          One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


            Whew - whirlwind night and day.

            Alive sounds great - love it!

            Get together was cancelled since we have a sick toddler, a blessing for sure. But is possibly happening Monday. Was supposed to go to a birthday party (most likely AF) but again with the sick kid stayed home. Grateful for that too since I got a lot done. Amazing what you can accomplish when you aren't hungover.

            I will start some podcasts, that's a great idea.

            Sounds like y'all are doing great. Congrats. I feel like I have a long way to go.

            Tonight will be hard. Weekends were always big drinking nights. Even if hubby drinks, I won't. I gotta keep focused on how great I feel instead of the temporary "high" of booze.

            I'd like to start running tomorrow, which won't happen if I drink tonight. My food choices in the past few days have been less than stellar, but I'm letting myself go on that one for now.


              Confession! This has never happened to me sober, but I seem to have lost a day.

              I actually took my last drink on Jan. 10th, so technically I think that makes me on day 4. So, woohoo even more!


                Good evening Nesters!

                Alive (like the sound of that) - Miscounting days happens to the best of us. Good job on your 4 AF days!!
                Keep the gratitude going, it's one of my bets tools! I hope your little one feels better soon.

                Byrdie, if there were two of you then we could get more cookies, ha ha!!!!

                The snow we were supposed to get must have gone somewhere else - perfectly OK with me
                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Lav - I think your snow mistakenly fell here in the Pacific NW. We're still buried in snow, and it isn't supposed to get above freezing before Tue! The snowshoes are coming in handy, and the kids are loving all the snow days. It's very beautiful in this wintry wonderland, but I'll also be glad to see it go.

                  Alive - Let us know if you like your nickname - it sounds so positive and upbeat, which hopefully could be motivating! Sorry to hear your kiddo is sick, but sounds like a few bright sides came with it. Good job staying AF over the weekend!

                  Pav - Love your idea of listening to podcasts while cleaning house etc. I will have to try that too.

                  ABCowboy - Congrats on 2 Years!!!!

                  Good to see everyone buzzing along and having good days and eves. Catch you all on the flipside!


                    Morning nest

                    Hope everyone is waking up un-hungover and feeling positive? I am I have decided that I can't mope about anymore wondering (dreading) what DH is going to decide, my fate is NOT in his hands, I am capable of making my own destiny! (so there!! :P)

                    Weather is horrible here, rainy and windy and very cold but I have a roaring coal fire going and some nice (chavvy) fluffy boot slippers on so Im not feeling it yet! Going out to an AA meeting at lunchtime and need to pick up a few groceries so will wrap up warm to brave the elements!

                    You know I really envy animals, my cat is sitting next to me on the sofa on a furry cushion washing himself without a care in the world, he has just had his breakfast and knows that he can just lie there snoozing all day long - what a life!!!
                    One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


                      Good morning nesters.

                      Lovely sunny day here,
                      Madon I know its so hard in what your going through, first with your determination to stop your slide to an unnatural,unmanageable & unhappy life with alcohol & now the effects of you getting yourself better is having on your Husband. The main priority is for you to get yourself sorted & then with support you can get the rest of your life sorted, Hopefully sense will prevail in your husband & he will actually realise that you being a sober clean happy strong unselfish person is better for your family as a whole.

                      Hello to everyone else, I on my way to a CA meeting, have a great positive day. thanks.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Morning everyone. Its so nice to be be Un Hung on a Sunday morning. I spent so many Sundays hungover in my life. Every Sunday I would vow to drink less and not be hung over the next week but it never worked. Everytime I wake up now, especially on the weekend without a hangover is a special day.

                        Madon, my husband and I fought all the time when I drank. Now that I have quit he drinks about 95% less and we get along much better. No drunk fights anymore.
                        Mario- its sunny here today too but windy. The chinook winds are blowing in warm air which is nice.

                        Have a great sober day everyone!


                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Good morning everyone,
                          Just chillin today.


                            Hello nesters,Madon,I love hearing the strength in your post! I figured out that I can't control my hubs' thoughts or actions, only mine,I hafta take care of myself before anyone else, especially a grown ass man,J-vo,how's things going? Daisy? I still cannot decide if I'm getting sick or not,was dizzy at work yesterday and a bit dizzy today,just feel weird,will check in to my worst nemesis..the grocery store! I get so sick of the sane foods week after week wishes for a peaceful AF day for us all
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Hi Nesters!
                              I am also really enjoying my Unhung weekends, Narilly!
                              Though I have to say this weekend has been challenging. I have had many situations arise where my go-to would have been drinking.. I reminded myself that I don't drink no matter what and no matter who, I avoided going out much and slept a lot.. I feel like I just sort of "got through" it, which isn't my favourite way to live, but it will do for now. I don't want to take any chances. I don't want to go back to where I was just a couple of weeks ago. I think I literally scared myself straight.. I'm looking forward to the days when my body and mind are healed. Where I don't just get through it, but live it fully..
                    , I've enjoyed reading your posts a lot.. you are inspiring me. I love what you wrote on Orimus's thread about letting the exercise (or whatever it might be) find you.. that your job is to show up, have the intention and then see what happens. Think you're right on there..
                              Mads, I'm also often envious of my cats! What a life.. :happy2:

                              So I've got a week of finishing up with packing, sanding floors, painting.. and then in 2 weeks, moving house. The light at the end of the tunnel! ha!
                              I do remember saying a while ago that I would definitely stop drinking once I moved away.. and I'm pretty happy with myself for having done it ahead of time. In the end, it's easier to be aware of everything, to face it head on, take some deep breaths, find other ways to distract my mind, yell and cry and make a scene, apologize (at least not about drinking!), and then move on. This will all pass..

                              Hugs to all you lovely people and hope you're having a good weekend..


                                Things are good. Have a good Sunday.
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


