Good morning, im back in the saddle again and focusing on not beating myself up over drinking which has been my normal mo for years. one difference this time around was the next morning i saw all the new tools ive been learning but failed to use. I started pondering what would or could have happened differently if i had used them? its a new way of thinking and i feel more confident to use them now when the urge returns. i like the idea of seeing a therapist and plan of making some calls today. thanks for the advise. i realize this wont happen overnight and i do have to walk through the darkness so to speak before i see the light. i wont give up. thanks everyone.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Re: Newbies Nest
Good morning, im back in the saddle again and focusing on not beating myself up over drinking which has been my normal mo for years. one difference this time around was the next morning i saw all the new tools ive been learning but failed to use. I started pondering what would or could have happened differently if i had used them? its a new way of thinking and i feel more confident to use them now when the urge returns. i like the idea of seeing a therapist and plan of making some calls today. thanks for the advise. i realize this wont happen overnight and i do have to walk through the darkness so to speak before i see the light. i wont give up. thanks everyone.
Re: Newbies Nest
Howdy Lovlies. I'm T.I.R.E.D. I think I'll do the necessities and then take the afternoon off. My boss (me) said it is ok
Ms. Byrd, I hit 9 months before the stupid chain of events from last summer. Looking forward to years now at this point. I have had a few cravings lately, but I know they are related to my increased sugar intake, and stress. The cravings leave fairly soon because I follow that thought right back to the same damn place it ALWAYS ends up - not wanting to be a drinker. Period.
This week I've been thinking about how friendly I am now with total strangers. I used to be so "internal" and shy - I think drinking took its toll on my self-assurance and took all my head space. It's amazing - the little changes that come with quitting the madness. It might be that thing that is said to happen in our forties - that "knowing who you are" thing - but I also like who I am now, and I'm not afraid that people will find out my secret (of drinking). I feel free to live life as I choose - not handcuffed to my addiction. And that's worth a bazillion times more than getting a quick high from a poisonous liquid.
Hope everyone has a nice day!Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Re: Newbies Nest
Thanks everyone, I will definitely check in when I am on my trip. I am SO excited to go to Japan and to really experience the country as a sober person. To be able to get up early Un Hung and to see the country in full colour instead of 'grey and blurry' which is what its like when I am drinking. Except the first drink, the first drink makes everything so exciting, colouful and fun...and then it's downhill from there. Who ever has only one drink? I don't drink so I don't have to worry about it.
LisaM- you are on the right track, don't drink today.
Ken, that is interesting how you are being so friendly. It really is amazing the changes that quitting drinking brings to us.
Ava, Pav, Byrd, Lav, Pauly, Life, G, HI!!!
Talk soon,
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Re: Newbies Nest
Morning Nesters!
Quick flyby. I only have a moment to share something that may be helpful to some and comment to Bryd.
This is a printable page you can take time to document triggers which will also take some time away to ponder before taking a drink.
Behavior Reflection Form
Bryd, did your boss even send you an email or a quick phone call to let you know? Observe closely with all the information you possess to prepare yourself for the type of person you will encounter. It helps a lot to know a bit about who you are dealing with in your preparation. If your boss blew you off and then didn't get back to you with an explanation, that tells me a lot about this person already. I got my experience in the school of hard knocks, but I'm happy I can see things more clearly these days. This is your life. Remember, you aren't here to be liked by everyone. If you are, you've lost who you really are. No one who is authentic can please everyone and you deserve to be true to who YOU are and take care of her.
I'll read back when time permits. Another busy day of tasks.The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...
Re: Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
Unbelievably we have frost warnings up for tonight - seriously
This isn’t even funny anymore.
Everyone sounds good & that makes me happy!
Ladies, the drinking dreams, annoying as they are really do serve a purpose. I consider them little gifts from the universe, gentle reminders why we don’t drink anymore, right?
Narilly, not sure when you are leaving but I wish you safe travels & a fun trip.
Wish8ng everyone a safe night in the nest.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: Newbies Nest
Lisa - Glad to see you came back after your lapse. Major stress is a huge trigger. Whenever you’re feeling like that, come to the nest and share. I also echo what the others have said so well. Lots of good advice here.
I’m off for a four-day trip. My first sober one!
Have a good weekend,
Re: Newbies Nest
OMG nesters...I can't believe I have been away so long.
First, Ms Dinah congrats on the 30 days. Yayyyyyyy for you! That first 30 is such a good confidence builder that you can do it...but here I am Debby downer...don't get overconfident as that is when the beast tries to get a foothold in the door.
Lisa, good you are getting back on your nest twig. we used to say "get some butt velcro and velcro yourself to the nest". Starting out is HARD. I believe everyone has stops and starts. These short relapses serve as good reminders of the place we don't want to go back to on a daily basis.
Last weekend was rough in BelleVille. Big drama between son, girlfriend and husband. Girlfriend is bold and rude. Husband lost it. Husband and I are meeting with a counselor trying to get things back on track. Son has a big heart and has always been forgiving. I'm proud to say that even though I did have a few f*ck it moments I did not drink through the ordeal, though I did have to resort to a sedative a couple of times so I could sleep. I know the sedatives are not good for my addictive nature, but sometimes you do what you gotta do to go on.
I think tomorrow is day 50. half a hundred. I quickly read through the past couple of days' happenings in the nest. Lots of great stuff here, Ava, Byrd and Lav (as always), KENSHO, Pav, Crusader, Nar, wags, Pauly. Glad I didn't stay away any longer. Need to gather up my strength for another weekend of challenges.
:heartbeat: to allBelleGirl
Alcohol does me no favors.
Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!
Re: Newbies Nest
Morning nesters,congrats on 50 days BelleNarilly,what an exciting trip to look forward to! Sometimes I'll be watching something on t.v and they'll be on vacay just drinking it up,what a waste! I can imagine drinking thru a whole vacation and only remembering bits and pieces cuz I did it before when we took the kids to California a few years ago,it was awful cuz I was so shaky I needed to drink but we were at Newport beach and you can't have alcohol,so I had to buy a $5 soda at one of the little food joints,pour that out so I'd have a decoy cup,put my beer in it and walked around in a blurry fog,sipping from this cup like an idiot,then of course when that's gone I panicked,no way! As Byrdie says"those WEREN'T the days! Ms,Dinah,enjoy your getaway too,
Lisa,I seen a counselor for alcohol and I seen a regular therapist,the al counselor was pretty cool but the regular therapist annoyed me so bad,I dunno why? Maybe cuz he was my age and I didn't see him as old and wise enough or maybe cuz he never offered any suggestions for anything,,just asked how I felt and what could I do about things,I thought hell I dunno I wouldn't be here if I had all the answers,hope you find a good one,waves to all and wishes for a wonderful BF day!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: Newbies Nest
Morning all, looking forward to the weekend with the family and enjoying the spring weather. Working on the vegetable garden and a few drip lines for my flowers that need work. I feel just a little guilty talking about my sunny skies when i keep reading posts of frost and cold still. Warmer days are on there way.Positive mindset is back and moving on. Have a great weekend AF all!
Re: Newbies Nest
Thought I'd share a pick me up, this is one of my favorite videos of all time:
Here is an interview with the music artist above, Macklemore, on addiction. He speaks of alcohol and drugs, but the themes are constant of the emptiness of addiction, the power of a sober community and fulfilling our potential in life. It's 16 min., but worth it.
Macklemore on Drug Abuse | Half of Us
Hope you like it!Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Re: Newbies Nest
Good afternoon, al!
I don't know why I have so much trouble typing on my laptop, it's like the keys want to stick and I have to hit them twice and backspace constantly, it's only with MWO, I don't have trouble anywhere else.
I blew a gasket at work this morning. First thing, our hag admin lady returned two orders I turned in saying my paperwork was all wrong, 'REDO IT', she ordered. We have this massive excell workbook that we have to fill out for each order, and once you do one, you can copy and paste your way thru the others, but I forgot to change the job number on one of the jobs. GOD FORBID she would do that for me, nope, she returned both of them. So I turned in the one, redid the other one to change the one digit that was off. Then I got another order, this one was for 6 stores, but it was not a typical sale, someone bought the businesses and wanted to resume our coverage, so I got that paper signed and turned it in and BACK IT CAME. She said we either need a MASTER spread sheet or 6 individual workbooks. Disgusted, I asked my project manager (who designed the excel workbooks) if he would be kind enough to do a Master folder for me. He said, I am too busy, you'll have to do the 6 workbooks. Don't ask me why, but this was THE STRAW that broke the camel's back. I wrote back and copied my boss, "Is there anyone else that can help me with this? I am buried alive in emails and I have a roadshow in Atlanta to host that if I don't get on the phone, I'll be attending alone. I have 482 emals in my inbox. I don't mind hard work, but I'm at work before everyone else and I'm working until almost 7 pm every night, long past when I notice everyone else's light go off (we can tell on email who is 'in') . I could use some help, I am drowning." About 3 minutes later, I had the Master folder. My boss did not respond.
If my boss doesn't know something is brewing, he's blind.
I head out Monday to Atlanta. I hope someone shows up for this darn technology show, or it'll be a bunch of salespeople sitting there talking to each other.
This would be exactly the sort of thing I woud drink AT. My plan today? A nice hot bubble bath and mindless tv. I'm glad I have my friends here to talk to. It means everything!
Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
Re: Newbies Nest
Hola and Ola evabody!
Sheesh Byrdy! Well, all the best for Atlanta. I hope the weather's nice along with the people. Admin admin......PITA!
Haven't read back, but will do eventually. Off to work soon on this maaaarvellous saturday morning. Grey and gloomy outside, but warm and sunny in me little ol heart.
Big waves to all. Take it easy out there.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Re: Newbies Nest
Yikes Byrdie,sounds like stress on top of stressAva,did you see Avicci died? I always think of you and the song you kept bugging the d.j told play at the wedding before you quit,I guess he was one of us they're saying he died of pancreatitis so far
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: Newbies Nest
Morning Nesters
Oh Pauly i didnt know he had died. he died on my birthday, wow thats just wrong. I still remember that poor DJ and me hassling him drunk and then passing out on the lounge and falling off. well not really remember the last bit. That was the August that i started this journey on and finally stopped the madness in December. with regards to counsellors you need to wade through a few to find one you can connect with. i found the one i had helped immensely in letting the past go to focus on the future and that was even before i stopped drinking but after a nervous breakdown.
byrd i used to deal with brain dead morons at my last job until my stress levels were out of control. sounds like you are getting to that stage. i would definitely organise a meeting with your boss. he is supposed to deal with all of his employees in a capable manner, ignoring such is not capable at all. sending you hugs.
belle i hope you have some you time and relax. Keep on here and keep posting, i would hate to read that you got a case of the f&ck its and drank.
Dinah congratulations on 30 days, keep up the great work.
great to see you back and posting Lisa. Talk about posting where is LC?
I had my 4th sober birthday yesterday at 54. i remember my 50th sober and reflected on how i got through it. i had the flu and boy was it a bad one, did not even feel like a drink so if you are worried about celebrating a birthday for the first time sober get the fluThis year i went op shopping, came to the SO's and we sat on the lounge and ate takeaway. My ideal birthday really. i will catch up with my two girls on sunday which will be great. I had no urge whatsoever to feel like a drink even.
Well i am off for a walk in this yukky weather as G said above. It will be nice to get some fresh air.
take care xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Re: Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
Yep, still sunny but chilly & frost warnings for tonight - this is a joke
Ava, Happy Birthday to you, I'm glad you enjoyed your own sort of low key celebration!
Belle, your son & his girlfriend - are these high school aged kids? I wouldn't have had a problem dismissing that girl from my house & slamming the door. Geez, what's wrong with people these days? Don't ever let someone destroy your peace like that/ That's an order :hug:
Byrdie, is there anyway you can request (demand) training in company policies, spreadsheets, etc. I've never worked with anything like that, I wouldn't know where to start.
Good for you making a lot of noise today - you got some results/help. Try to wind down this weekend so your trip to Atlanta starts out as smoothly as possible.
Lisa, good for you being able to work in your garden. Yes, I am profoundly jealous
Greetings to all & wishing for a safe night in the nest for everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: