Hi All. I don't know where the hours are going... I can't seem to get anything in particularly done but the days are moving! Kids start school tomorrow, so I'm thinking I may have a less chaotic schedule. (fingers crossed).
NS, I really like kombucha, and I did make it for a couple cycles, but it doesn't agree with me either, like LAV. I also really have trouble with dairy, like LAV - we must have similar gut situations. HA!
I'm in a mood to evaluate things in my life right now, and revise or let go of things that are not working for me. Simplify, and spend time on things that have a return on investment - not waste time on unnecessary stuff. I have to say the family isn't too keen on the things I'm asking them to do, but they are old enough to make their own coffee and lunch (husband), get own breakfast (kids) and help with Laundry and dishes. I found I spent so much time doing these things, I was not giving myself time to do morning yoga, or check in here. I want to be there for my family, but not at the expense of myself.
Hope everyone is doing well; I'll read back more tonight.