Good evening Nesters,
Had kind of a quiet day, rain, mud, the usual, ha ha!!!
I really have nothing to complain about because it was a cool first full day of fall

Slo, I was on 40 mg of Prednisone daily but only for 7 days. They never did give me the off-loading dose I expected but it worked out, my adrenals didn't go crazy or anything.
I need to be completely off steroids for 30 days before the allergist will do the skin testing. I really hope I can hold out that long because I am getting some swelling & redness around both eyes again, rats

Keep that memory of last year handy, it will serve you well as a reminder of why you no longer drink. I have one or two of 'those memories' myself of course.
Choices, here's to a blackout free life for us, yay!!
Rava, wanting a cup of coffee after a stomach virus is always a good sign you are on the road to recovery

LC, nice of you to want to support you friend. I'm all for that myself but also hate being around big drinkers. Hope it went well for you!
Pav, I have closed down my embroidery business that's kept me busy for the past 15 years. After all those years in nursing I wanted to do something easier on the body & mind. After 15 years I have come to realize that I am tired of arguing with the tax revenue folks & tired of non-paying customers (tons of drama there). At this point I am doing more or less custom work for former customers & friends. I have gotten into doing pocket reading pillows this year (kid & adult themes). I will be taking a ton of them to the craft show along with lots of tote bags with cool designs & lace ornaments for the fall season & Halloween. It's fun stuff only for me at this point. LOL
Belle, so good to see you back!
I know how hard it is dealing with 'adult kids', believe me. Some of the stuff they throw at you is to be expected, some not so much.
You turned to an old in-grained, habitual way to handle stress. I'm sure we've all done that at one time or another. It never does make us feel proud though, I get that.
Just glad to see you back & hope together we can help you find a better way to deal with stuff :hug:
G, I never thought of you as a meathead, lol. Stick with us, the nest is the place to be!!!!
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!