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Newbies Nest
Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Re: Newbies Nest
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! Thanks for that post Byrdieback later maybe,have a great free day all!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: Newbies Nest
Hi, All:
Pauly - gotcha. Well, we're here for you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Slo - that was the hardest part for me - giving up that instant, delicious feeling of that first drink. It works so quickly to make you not care, and to feel just smooth and good. The problem is how fleeting that is. How quickly I am dissatisfied and drinking another to find that feeling again. How I would plan my night around feeling that feeling, and then realize that that feeling was an illusion. When I was most deep into it, that one felt necessary, and that smooth feeling didn't even come really. One thing I have done is try to find other things that can bring down my anxiety quickly like that. A good hug. Vigorous exercise. Being outdoors. Having my dog in my lap. A good book. Figuring out a hard problem at work. A good, deep belly laugh. Ice cream. I can say truthfully (and I didn't believe it when others were telling me this early on) that now in stressful or anxious moods, I don't even think about alcohol. It is not one of my things. I honestly can't believe it myself, but it is true.
Byrdie - thanks for the re-post. That's a good one for the ages.
Cowboy - thanks for sharing that story. A good question.
Ok, off to make pies which could be its own Thanksgiving massacre as I am NOT a baker. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. I am extremely grateful to you all for helping me and supporting me through a sober life.
Re: Newbies Nest
Just wanted to say how thankful I am for YOU, my sober family. I am with my drinking family right now and they are all tasting various wines while I am making mocktails for me and my kiddos. They are even cheering without me, but that’s ok. Hugs to you all... so glad I have you in my life!!Last edited by KENSHO; November 22, 2018, 08:32 PM.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Re: Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
I had a nice Thanksgiving with my daughter, granddaughter & son-in-law here. Grateful for the ability to be able to produce a huge dinner for us without a thought of wine
I hope everyone has had a good AF day & enjoyed time with family & friends.
Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: Newbies Nest
Hi Everyone,
It's good to 'see' you! When I logged on I discovered it was August that I last logged on, where does the time go?!! I was having some trouble with anxiety back then, but pleased to say it's mostly under control now. I can see that it will always be with me, so it's how I respond to it that counts (just like staying quit!) Left my job end of June and haven't looked back! Working out, saying 'no' more often, eating well and getting plenty of sleep. There is still a sense of coming 'home' when I return to the Nest!
Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in the US, and to all in the Northern hemisphere, stay warm and well. 'G'day' to those in Oz, Ava and Mr G, am looking at you!
SteadyAF free since April 29, 2013
Re: Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters. I am sticking with my posts and not shying away. I had 2 drinks yesterday which in a normal drinkers world is nothing but in my world I know where that leads. I can not moderate so I’m not pretending or saying that I can simply drink 2 just because I did yesterday. I am not going to lie to this group. I do not plan on drinking today. The AF podcasts are my new friend and today as I wind down and relax from all the hard work, I will reflect on my actions and review the toolbox and get back in the zone. I hope everyone had a wonderful day with family and friends for those who celebrate. I am thankful for this group where I feel safe and can share without judgment.
Re: Newbies Nest
Morning nesters,Hope everyone had a nice day yesterdayRava,good for you for sticking to posting and being honest,glad you were able to stop at two yesterday and are aware of where it would lead if you thought you could do it everyday
day off again today but so is hubs and I'm not used to this much idle time with him,He's sorta getting on my nerves,of course I love him but I like to do my own thing on my days off ya know? Do I dare even try to go to Walmart or the 99 cents store later? Probably too many people,hope everyone has a fabuloso AF Friday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: Newbies Nest
Pauly, DON’T DO IT! :haha: going to WalMart on Black Friday is second on my list of what NOT to do! Bwahaha. You brave soul, let us know if you make it out alive! I contend that the WalMart parking lot is one of the most dangerous places on Earth. I know at least four people who have had incidents there, myself included. I was backing out and almost hit a guy walking behind me. Sheesh! Good luck!!!
Rava, you won’t find a more understanding group than this nest. Stopping the cycle of addiction is hard. See the year of 2010 when I had more day 1’s than I want to admit. Your quit will stick.
Had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wine was flowing, but not in my glass. Cheers to sobriety, I say!
Today will be Christmas decorations. I love the result, but not doing it!
Happy Black Friday, all! Pauly, let us know you’re ok! :head: Byrdie
Re: Newbies Nest
Alcohol crossed my lips on Thanksgiving too, Rava: I grabbed the wrong glass of iced tea and ended up with a swallow of spiked iced tea.
Unfortunately the effect was “Hello! This is what I’m missing, what I’m seeking!” My whole body had that wonderful warm tingling and re-boot from one small swallow! If that small amount is so potent, it’s amazing that I would drink a lot of that toxin. No wonder it took me over.
I feel a bit out of the loop too, Kensho, by not being part of the brotherhood of the wine drinkers. Now I’m back to feeling on holidays like I felt as a kid & teen: not quite part of things, restless, difficulty making conversation, flat. No wonder I was such a sitting duck for addiction, since that’s my baseline that I came into drinking with.
I need to find a calming beverage for these events. Maybe I’ll try kombucha again. It made me feel weird the second time I gave it a go too, but if I could learn to sip it instead of gulp, it might work for a little zip.
Anyways, onwards & upwards!Last edited by Slo; November 23, 2018, 09:52 AM.Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.
Re: Newbies Nest
Hi, All:
Slo, that happened to me once. I took a sip of my husband's coffee while we were on vacation, and he had some booze in it! I got a chance to spit it out before I drank it, but from now on I smell drinks that I haven't been in control of.
Rava - good on you to come back, and to realize that holding to two drinks on one occasion doesn't make you "cured." Want to talk about the circumstances and what you might do next time. It WILL stick one of these days...
Pauly - I hear you! I love being alone in my house, and it doesn't happen very often. Sometimes I get frustrated when my husband has the day off also. Just say NO to Walmart on Black Friday...
No Thanksgiving massacre here and the pie was delicious. Overall a great day with the family, and I'm also glad it is over...
Off to enjoy the clean air.
Re: Newbies Nest
Totally avoided Walmart! Don't even think there was a parking spot available anyways,did hit the 99 center store and it was fine but I had to drive past Walmart to get out of the lot,,,funny how the huge inflated Christmas tree that I ranted about on Facebook a few weeks ago in front of the doors of Walmart hasn't been seen since,,I wonder if someone was as irritated by it being up so early like i was they popped it? HahahaI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
Guess what Pauly? I did go to Walmart today ONLY because we were out of fire starters for the fireplace. It really wasn't half as bad as I expected so I am grateful
Rava, it took me a while to figure out how to take the importance out of AL at a holiday dinner. I don't exactly enjoy white knuckling a family gathering but that's what I did in the beginning. Then I slowly realized I no longer felt compelled to drink at these events & you will too. Do what you know is right for Rava.
Slo, I actually drink Stash decaf chai spiced tea for that little zip, haha!!! I make it real strong, don't add any sweetener or milk & it satisfies me
Hello to Byrdie, Pav, G, Kensho, Wags & everyone!
Temps still below freezing here yet they're calling for rain tomorrow - not sure how that works, LOL
Wishing everyone a safe 7 comfy night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: Newbies Nest
Good morning nesters. Freezing cold here and I’m up at the butt crack of dawn. No drinking for me last night and none planned for today either. Put up Christmas tree yesterday and today is a day spent with the grandkids. Thanks for all the positive comments giving me support and encouragement. I can honestly say that in most cases for me there is no trigger. I just drink because I want to get in my happy zone. Not always a cause or reason for this. Just want to feel numb. What has scared me most is that my happy zone started occurring earlier in the day and it scared me that it would turn into an all day affair. Thats not the way I want to live my life. So I just keep plugging away and staying focused on being in the here and now. I do not want to be remembered as the old drunk grandmother. (Like my own mother)