Good evening Nesters,
Wow, so many check-ins today ~ nice
Wags, so glad you & your partner are home & doing well. I think you're right about the healing's going to be a while. I've been retired from nursing for quite a while now but some things I remember quite clearly. Joint replacements was another we had a lot of in my time. There will also be PT at some point, somewhat painful but essential to regaining full use of the shoulder. I'm sure you will both do well & I do wish you lots of love & luck
LC, a sourdough reunion sounds awesome!
My chickens do fine in cold weather but they don't like the snow much. I go into their fenced run & shovel a path for them & can coax them out that way, haha!
Kensho, Pav you both sound great! Isn't it awesome to be able to be around people drinking & not really give a damn? LOL
Hi there Brydie & G. Don't work too much this weekend G
I brought home 8 new baby chicks today, just hatched on Wednesday. Like last year, I have them in a big galvanized bin in my laundry room with a heat lamp & all the baby feed & water they need. I love them at this age.
Hello to Pauly, narilly, Slo & anyone I'm missing.
Have a safe night in the nest everyone!