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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    So glad we are back
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Re: Newbies Nest

      surprise!! so happy the site is online again!
      i was quite unprepared for this. and was confused because of the internet problems i was already having (and still have and will have for i don't know how long because of a worthless and totally client unfriendly provider that is very willing to collect my money, but not to provide decent support for it).
      does the site go down more often? or was this a one time thing in your experience?

      "the Claw Machine as Metaphor for Alcohol" I love this. Pauly, Wagmor, thanks for that.

      this is day 31. still going strong even while visiting bars and restaurants over the last few days.
      i''m returning to my book now and are soon off to bed.
      Last edited by julia1970; February 1, 2020, 04:56 PM.
      AF since Jan 2nd 2020


        Re: Newbies Nest

        [MENTION=24444]julia1970[/MENTION] This is not normal, our datacenter took a widespread phishing hit, this should be under control now!

        Originally posted by julia1970 View Post
        surprise!! so happy the site is online again!
        i was quite unprepared for this. and was confused because of the internet problems i was already having (and still have and will have for i don't know how long because of a worthless and totally client unfriendly provider that is very willing to collect my money, but not to provide decent support for it).
        does the site go down more often? or was this a one time thing in your experience?

        "the Claw Machine as Metaphor for Alcohol" I love this. Pauly, Wagmor, thanks for that.

        this is day 31. still going strong even while visiting bars and restaurants over the last few days.
        i''m returning to my book now and are soon off to bed.
        Rock Solid Solutions


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Wags, I’m thinking of you and wishing you strength. I think today is your birthday? If so, hope it is the best AND that you get some cake!

          You will just not believe the week I had.
          On Monday, I learned that my project manager (PM) for the big deal I got was changing to the snot nose idiot I hate. I wrote back a note and said I OBJECT, I refuse to work with this guy on this project. My boss says on what basis? Fortunately, I have an entire file in his @$$hole remarks and several notes from customers saying if he doesn’t shape up, they were leaving. So we had a conference call on it and they didn’t budge. Essentially, he is all we have so take it or manage it yourself. I was ticked. So we had the roll out call on Tuesday with the customer and finally got a final store list. Looks like 120 stores in the initial rollout, 48 over the rest of this year, 80 some next year, the year after and the year after that. I couldn’t have cared less about those because I was planning to leave after the first wave of 120.
          On Tuesday afternoon, the coworker that just left had an account he was leaving behind that is a PIA. They gave it to me. I asked my boss if one of the other guys could take it, I already had a needy account that calls me every day at 5 o’clock. He said, Help me understand why you are so busy? Geezus. I told him what was on my plate and he said we all have to do our share. I said OK, I’ll try it, but I’ve got this rollout about to happen. He said, it’s in the PM’s hands, your work is done. (Insert eye roll here).
          On Wednesday, coming home from lunch, I got a note from my manager. He forwarded me a note from his boss that said that they were going to split the commission 60/40 with me and another rep who helped me with the bid a year and a half ago. This was during a time we didn’t have a manager, and our COO told me to engage this guy, who was acting manager at the time. I did all the quotes, all the follow up all the installation work for a year and a half! I negotiated the contract for 3 months, since October (didn’t take any vacation because if it) and here this guy makes a back room deal with the director about the commission AFTER the deal is signed? They sent me a call request. When I got home, I finished up my resignation letter, declined the call and tendered my resignation. The note they sent said that this guy would assume a more active roll in the account. Well, I’ve got news, this is the guy I’ve been complaining about all these years, he works about 3 hours day and it’s maddening. My boss sent a note back and asked me to accept the call to discuss. After a few minutes, I did. A few minutes later, he cancelled the call. About an hour later, he called and said what a good deal this was for me. Total BS. I said, what kind of working relationship would I have with this guy working the account with me? I’m gonna tell you, I don’t think I’ve ever been as mad as I was. When he called, he started out with the statement that he had gone to bat for me the whole time in this. I said if this was decided without your input, you should be as p#ssed off as I am! I reiterated the fact that I did all the work for a year and a half and this is how it ends? They accepted my resignation and about 20 minutes later my email was deactivated. I JUST had time to put my out of office on it. I couldn’t dump but about 7 emails relating to this. I had an exit interview on Friday and I didn’t hold back. The lady said it made her ashamed of Guardian! I told her that if I were a man, I do not think this would have happened. I will get no commission on it. Dam.
          on Friday, it was weird to not have a million emails and problems coming at me from every direction. I called a couple of key customers and told them I was leaving (Due to a difference of opinion) and 1 customer teared up, of course, so did I. This was the customer that I have that’s so needy told me she hated that PM (funny, I got stuck with him for most of my accounts) she wanted my boss’s number to see if she could get a new one.

          So there you have it.
          I’m happy to report that at NO time, did I consider turning to AL to escape. What a blessing. That is the gift of sober time. Keep at it, no matter what, and no matter who. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            So nice to have us all back online

            Julia, major CONGRATS to you on your 31 days AF :welldone:
            We are proud of your accomplishment & wish you continued success!

            Byrdie, sorry it all rolled out that way BUT now you can finally find some peace!
            Taking that kind of abuse at work is not what we need to live healthy lives. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Maybe you can use your considerable talents & effort for something a bit kinder & gentler.
            Proud of you as well for not thinking about drinking at the situation :hug:

            Zach, thanks for getting us up & running again

            Hi Nora!

            Not much happening with me & that’s usually just fine, Lol
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola friends!

              Thanks Zach!

              Sheesh Byrdy. There is just no joy, peace, job satisfaction, respect, courtesy, decency anywhere near that job. The ringleaders will sink in their own deception, greed, and negative wavelength sooner than later according to a couple of basic universal laws. Glad you are out of that madhouse! Your Next adventure awaits. Give yourself a big present or holiday of some kind if u can. It's good to unload and debrief!

              Wags. Is it yer birthday? Happy birthday mi amiga! x

              Big waves and hello to evabody.

              All's well here. Rolling along, singing my song.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Byrdie - I am so sorry that you have had to suffer thru these last few years. It just isn't right the way you have been treated. I do hope that they lose that account! Would serve them right.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for the Birthday wishes! Yep, it's my day to celebrate another trip around the sun. The biggest gift to myself was a day off with no work, no teaching, no prep for tomorrow - nothing. I came on here earlier and saw a short post from Byrdie about submitting her letter of resignation and I could NOT get a response to work or anything else. Now I see why. Bummer that MWO was down but super glad it's back up!

                  Byrdie - Good. For. You. Seriously, your week sounds hellacious and I know you've had many a week just like that even if with different specifics. Now you're free from that tar pit and you can pursue something else. Of course you didn't think for a moment about drinking cuz A) you don't drink and B) nothing/nobody in there that would be worth the $ or the headache. I hope they flounder without you and maybe then realize how much they've lost. It's just sickening how much cheating and back room dealing and glad handing etc it appears goes on in this world. I hope you're enjoying your freedom and if we can do anything at all to help you explore a new path or just relax for a bit, please let us know. We're all on team Byrdie! :heartbeat:

                  Glad to see everyone popping back in and reconnecting. Hope weekends are all going well. Catch you all tomorrow!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Wow, Byrdie. I agree with Lav - time for you to use your talents, intelligence and kindness somewhere else. Byrdie's bakery??

                    Signing in here for accountability is a habit I've developed. Definitely weird when that goes away. Glad it is back.

                    Happy SOBER Sunday, all.



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola friends,

                      I'm on Team Byrdy too! :biglove: Yes Byrdy, feel free to workshop any future career ideas. Someone might have a different angle or way to look at things.

                      Noisy neighbour meant no sleep last night! I did burn the midnight oil a little myself after the gig though, must admit. :thumbsup::llama::nutso:

                      Pav, you might remember i was looking for a weekly planning system for the new year. You suggested google calendar. Well, that's what i've gone with. Aside from day job work commitments now and then, my free time now has a couple of simple blockouts per day for stuff that's important to me. Nothing overwhelming. i.e. 1. Minimum 20 minutes writing for guitar album. 2. Investing study/action/research. Gym/running is in there but i do that in the mornings anyway. Like it so far. Starting simple. Thanks mi amiga.

                      Good call on your birthday schedule Wags! Hope you had/having an absolute bewdy. Happy birthday.

                      How is evabody? Good weekend LC?

                      How are you Julia?

                      Big waves to all. Have a great week.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters

                        Happy birthday Wags, i hope you were spoilt rotten and had a wonderful day. Thinking of you and sending hugs in your sadness atm.

                        Byrd a huge congratulations on your retirement, it is definitely their loss and you are worth your weight in gold. They will realise what they are losing soon enough. Shame you cant be a fly on the wall to watch it all.

                        Nora, i see that you have retired also, i hope you are enjoying your new life.

                        Why do i always sleep like shite the night before work, feel as if i have been run over by a tram a few times. Today is the start of our new year with registrars and residents, all on the one day, half with no knowledge of how the hospital works. Its pretty stressful but we will get there. I am in the process of moving a clinic from the hospital i work at the another hospital that has more space (one of ours). I already have patients saying its not convenient to go to this hospital. oh ffs, what do you want me to do, a home visit! I can feel a nervous breakdown coming on!

                        Julia, great work on keeping sober while the site was down. i would have had a nervous breakdown if it had happened in my early sobriety but now i have all of the tools to be okay. Proud of what you are achieving and you sound happy.

                        Hey G, hope all is well with you. Hi to LC, Pauly, Lav, NS, Pav, Nar and anyone i have forgotten.

                        back to the salt mines though i must say the salt is more enjoyable with a pay increase!

                        take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, what a nightmare! i was experiencing violent upsurges when reading your post. my god. burn the sinking ship (is it actually useful to burn a sinking ship?) and move on. very courageous and strong how you handled this, my respect to you.

                          [MENTION=1]zmenchhofer[/MENTION] thank you! this site being offline made me wonder again about who is making this great place available to us anyway.

                          happy birthday Wagmor!!!

                          i went to the gym for the first time in (2?) months and i couldn't quite hold back. i'm beginning to realize that moving will be a problem tomorrow. it's becoming hard to lift my arms already.

                          day 32 and i'm doing fine. i feel like emerging. it also brings some feelings of grief about turning the knife handed to me at myself for such a long time, to now experience (i mean really experience) how wrong that was. that it's okay to be there fully the way i am, i don't have to be ashamed, diminish or change my presence, or try so hard to belong. i am already here.
                          don't get me wrong: this is not about self pity. i know there are children of 4 drowning while trying to escape a war zone, that will never have to chance to waste all this time and live to recover from it. i take that to heart.

                          and mostly i'm just very much enjoying my emerging from out of the fog.

                          edit: [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION] we cross posted. while the site was down i was realizing even more how important this forum and you all are to me in keeping my sobriety. I didn't know if it would ever be up again (i don't know who is behind this site) and I started having some teeny tiny thoughts about not having to be that accountable anymore, just when i found it was online again.
                          Last edited by julia1970; February 2, 2020, 03:36 PM.
                          AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Nice to see everything working smoothly once again. I hope we stay put for a good long while
                            My Instant pot is filled up with chicken bones (not from my chickens), veggies & herbs & in 45 minutes will have beautiful chicken stock. I would never have the time or interest to do stuff like this if I was still hugging the wine bottle. We have everything to gain when we quit drinking!!

                            Wags, happy belated birthday to you! Glad you made a nice day for yourself

                            Julia, emerging from the fog is a wonderful thing & you’re doing great!

                            Ava, no nervous breakdowns, no, no!!
                            You can’t please everyone, no way no how, haha!!!

                            Hi there Pav, G, Nora & everyone. Byrdie, what’s happening with you?

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Sorry I missed, Wags. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope it was fabulous and you were spoiled as Ava says. A snow shoe with the dog?

                              Julia - you sound great! Coming out of the fog is such an amazing feeling. Staying out has its ups and downs for sure, but so many more ups. I love the idea that we have permission to be fully ourselves without alcohol. Trying to fit in is no joke - it is HARD. It reminded me of Brene Brown's Netflix special in which she talks about belonging rather than just fitting in. I would recommend that.

                              Mr. G - glad that works! I can't seem to get my self in gear to get the week day exercise in. Only occasionally. Your post reminded me to look at my calendar now and make it happen.

                              The day after the Super Bowl here in the US. Thanks GOODNESS I don't drink and won't be feeling tired and terrible today. I do feel a bit bad because I ate some stuff I don't usually eat, but that is nothing compared to a hangover I used to get after day drinking. My team lost, but I don't mind the team that won.

                              Happy SOBER Monday - have great weeks everybody!



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by julia1970 View Post

                                day 32 and i'm doing fine. i feel like emerging. it also brings some feelings of grief about turning the knife handed to me at myself for such a long time, to now experience (i mean really experience) how wrong that was. that it's okay to be there fully the way i am, i don't have to be ashamed, diminish or change my presence, or try so hard to belong. i am already here.
                                don't get me wrong: this is not about self pity. i know there are children of 4 drowning while trying to escape a war zone, that will never have to chance to waste all this time and live to recover from it. i take that to heart.

                                and mostly i'm just very much enjoying my emerging from out of the fog.
                                Yo y'all! W'dup.

                                I love your post Julia. Congrats on 32 days mi amiga. Wowza! That is huge and i think a significant signpost. Your post reminds of the word 'Perspective'. Perspective and gratitude are 2 concepts i try to embrace first thing every morning to begin my day. Grateful to have the luxury of wasting so much of my time and slowly but surely learning about myself, life, and my place in the world. Feeling my emotions and thoughts and dealing with reality is a luxury i now have and embrace. It is part of living, and i am thankful for it, warts and all. Keep up the excellent work.

                                Pav, do you set notifications on your calendar? I get an email reminder 30 mins before each event i've blocked out. Only 2 per day so far. That could cheese one off bigtime getting pings on your phone all day lol, but it might be a help for some 'events'. Raaak on my friend.

                                How are you doing Byrdy?

                                Big waves to evabody.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

