Hi Nest!
LAV… way to keep us in suspense. Looks like your state chose optimism, honesty and maturity in the end. Would you mind sharing your sweet potato soup recipe? Sounds yummy!
G, Im glad you’re able to make music outdoors! Sounds like you are having an easier time of Covid with warmer weather. Our cases are sky high.
Wags and Pav… I thought your POS was a typo for GOP… and then it dawned on me.

Julia, HUGE accomplishment on 10 months! Especially during a challenging time. Way to go, and way to take care of you!! High five!
NS, I don’t think I ever commented on your furry friend. I’m sorry for your loss. They truly are the best, best friends for humans. Exciting that you may have a new one enter your life…
I don’t know how I feel about the election. Super glad that we may have an adult in office, vs. a lying, tantruming toddler, but really frightened for those susceptible to the disinformation. How we gonna deal with that? It’s only a slight sigh of relief for me. We have SO much work to do. Starting with money in politics, and propaganda being legal and all.
Last Tuesday (election night), I made two mistakes. One was watching results that wouldn’t have any real say until days later, and the other was cooking with wine. I can do that now without much thought at almost 3 years sober. But that night felt really stressful to me and I looked at the bottle more than once. I ended up pouring the unused part out. Not because I thought I’d drink it, but because I didn’t want to think about it. A good friend reminded me that “when it’s there, it talks”. Thanks friend

I did most of my weekend chores yesterday, so more time with the kids and fun. It’s really windy, which I dislike. On the good news front, I have three really big job opportunities. We will see if any of them pan out. Supposed to speak with one later today, which is hard for me - can’t get my work brain out on the weekends so well. But what shall be will be.
Thanks for everyone being here. I love this group of people. No good path forward drinking… get yourself over the initial challenge of saying NO - and your life will improve by leaps and bounds!!!