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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Another quick check-in for me. My wife's surgery is the day after tomorrow and we've been busy doing lots of last minute chores and errands. Today was her covid test. Negative of course, but a relief nonetheless. She's in so much pain at this point. It's kind of shocking to see how quickly her hip has gotten worse, and I truly hope that the replacement takes away most or all of the pain.

    I'm thinking about a few ways I can up my self-care game over the next few months. I haven't decided on specifics but I've promised myself that I'll choose at least three things.

    So glad I don't drink.

    So glad that you all don't drink either!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      I have two friends whose young-ish husbands died in the last 6 months. It is DEFINITELY a good reminder to take what we can out of life now - we never know what we are going to get.

      Lav, your meadow sounds beautiful.

      Slo - sounds like fun. I never got into the N/A beer or gin and tonic without the gin - it feels like it would just keep the taste alive in my mouth. I have lately found "shrubs" which are flavored vinegars - ginger, grapefruit, turmeric, lemongrass. I put a splash in bubbly water and they are delicious. I'd love to hear about other favorite n/a drinks...

      Hi to everyone else.

      I agree, Wags. I'm so glad I don't drink.



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening non-drinking crew

        Lots of sun today, will be warming up as the week goes one.
        Got my dog to a new vet today since the other one who has cared for her for 9 years suddenly closed up shop. I’ve been concerned about the obsessive licking of her left paw & she wouldn’t let me get near it to inspect. Turns out her dew claw had grown down into the skin - ouch!! No wonder it was puffy looking & likely infected. They cut it out & put her on an antibiotic for 7 days & she’s happy now.

        Wags, if your wife’s insurance covers a few days in rehab I highly suggest going. Some hospitals have hospitals based rehabs just for this purpose, I worked in one for >12 years. She will get lots of PT, pain management & learn how to do things without hurting her new hip such as dressing, showering, putting shoes on, etc. I’m wishing both of you good luck & a speedy recovery.

        Pav, the three dwarf fruit trees we planted 18 years ago when we first moved here are in the meadow now. One had to be removed when it heaved up out of the ground during a storm, the other two are leaning like crazy but still blooming & bearing some gnarly looking fruit. We leave it for the deer & anyone else passing thru looking for a snack, haha! Like you i never got into the fake drinks so I’ve turned my attention to specialty teas & coffees, make me happy

        Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, Nest
          Found a moment to myself to say 'hi' to all of you and that I'm thinking about you.
          Life is wild but mostly good. Grateful to be here for it. xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.
            It is going to be a glorious day here. It's warming up, yay!!

            Pav, that is a good reminder not to take the people in your life for granted. We had two men die suddenly in our neighbourhood in the last few months too. One of a heart attack and one of cancer. And a third one who had a stroke and has been in the hospital for 3 months. It looks like he will be going to a long term care facility which is really sad. He was this big mountain man kind of guy who made natural herb supplements, lotions etc. It is hard to believe that he will probably never come home again.
            Part of the reason he ended up in this position was too much AL. He drank tinctures every morning which were pure AL and he always said he had no problem even though all the signs were there. Another reminder of why we don't drink.

            I am going to enjoy the beautiful weather here today, I have a day off. I called someone yesterday who went to a party with 10 people and doesn't know any of the names of the people who were at the party but everyone l has Covid now. WTF!

            NS, hope you are ok. Glad you are checking in.
            Wags, I am so glad we don't drink too.

            Ken the thought of waffles is making me hungry!

            Hey G Man, you still raaawk

            Have a good one everybody and Don't drink Today!

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              I was up babysitting 15-month-old Beckett yesterday! That was fun! But part of what makes it fun is not having all of the cleaning, laundry, work schedule, shopping, & cooking to squeeze in too. The joys of being a grandma!

              Your wife & you have been on my mind today, Wags. Hope all is going well with the surgery.

              I saw my surgeon today. The parts of my knee replacement are not loose and there’s no infection, so those are ruled out. I hope to avoid a risky surgery on it, so there’s not much left except bracing, anti inflammatory pills & gels, and strengthening. I still think my LCL is strained, so hope that heals. I’ll just have to live with a suboptimal knee replacement I guess, since it’s a PCL-retaining style, and I ruptured my PCL (posterior cruciate ligament).

              I’ll have to look for “shrubs”, Pav! Where do you get them?

              Interesting that you have identified that your neighbor does holistic, all-natural things, Narilly -but still does the damaging activity of drinking pure alcohol daily.

              I’m not sure what you’re having done to your teeth, Ava; but it sounds like a good use of your money that was previously going to fund booze & smokes!

              Good day to all.
              Last edited by Slo; April 27, 2021, 08:31 PM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                We’ve had a nice sunny & comfortable day
                Believe it or or they are talking about summer-like 86 degrees & humid tomorrow & the next day, haha! Too much too soon for this old bird. If the house gets too hot the AC is set to turn on automatically, we’ll see what happens.

                Slo, you actually got good news from the surgeon. I’m glad for you although I know it will take a while to heal up whatever is going on.
                I agree with you wholeheartedly, being a grandma is a lot of fun Hang in there with the knee & we’ll be sending you positive thoughts.

                Wags, hope everything is going OK & as planned.

                Speaking of ‘natural remedies’ our local Amish community is very big on mixing potions & elixirs for their own use & they also sell some of them in their shops. The 1st ingredient listed is always vodka!
                I’m sure they understand they need to use these things sparingly but they also use them for their kids, not something I would have ever done.
                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Nar - that party! So scary. Very sad about India right now, too. It feels a little better down here and over here - I know there are other parts of the US that are struggling more, but CA is doing ok for now. I hope we don't have a new variant sweep through. I'm vaccinated but still play it pretty safe. We have dinner with my family inside - it has been great for my mom. Thank goodness for science.

                  Slo - I LOVED that age with my own kids, but I imagine as a grandma it is exhausting. I want grand kids, but that is nowhere near in my future (I hope!).

                  Wags - I hope your wife's surgery went well and the recovery is smooth.

                  Lav- when we (our big group of four families who were essentially raised together) camped and it got cold they would line us up for little bourbon shots to make us feel warm. DEFINITELY not something I would do with my own kids. I was actually one of the last people I know to allow her kids to have alcohol at home (like "a beer" at a family BBQ). I know there is a thought that normalizing one with dinner might help with the bingeing, but I think we have such a drinking culture it was good to normalize dinners without booze for us.

                  Pauly - do you ever read here? Wondering how you're doing and big waves.

                  You, too, Mr. G.

                  Happy SOBER Hump Day.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

                    Another beautiful day here. I will be hanging out at the dog park much of the day. I love being out in the sunshine and seeing my dog friends- from a distance of course.

                    Yeah, the normalizing of drinking with family dinners is a slippery slope. Our family was talking about how much we would have drank over this pandemic if I was still drinking. Everybody agreed that it was good that I didn't drink anymore. I think it really has changed the path of our lives.

                    Being a grandma sounds great. I am not sure when I will be one but I am sure I will love it and I will be present because I don't drink.

                    Have a good one everybody.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greeting Nesters,

                      Yep, hot & humid today just as predicted, ugh. It will cool off again in a few days, this is just a fluke (I hope)!
                      I am still trying to figure out WHY my parents thought it was a good idea to buy me a bottle of wine for my 16th birthday!! Neither of them drank wine so I drank the whole thing myself over the course of a few days. Geez, that likely set me up for a wine addiction a couple of decades down the road.
                      Pav & Narilly, becoming a grandparent gave me the incentive to finally quit forever! I am ever so grateful I did, I haven’t missed a thing with the kids

                      Our son is on the way over to help hang a covering over the greenhouse for the summer. It gets way too hot in there & cooks the plants, haha.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Baby daughter turned 18 today! We had a few aunts & uncle over for dinner and cake. We didn’t give her a bottle of wine for her birthday, but HB did give her a glass of wine. She can’t stand the taste of it, but she tried to choke some of it down. HB heavily associates turning 18 with drinking, since 18 was the legal drinking age here back in our day, so it seemed important to him that she have some.
                        I enjoyed having the company loosen up and get relaxed, louder, more talkative, and silly with their drinking. I enjoyed the knock-on effect without actually having to drink myself.

                        I baked a cake from scratch and made a dinner today, so, like Byrdie with her chocolate, did dishes upon dishes upon dishes!
                        My cake turned out well, so it was worth it!

                        Yes, grandparent-ing is fun because you can just focus on the child when you’re with them. Daughter had her 36-week Ultrasound and doctor appointment yesterday, and, since she’s 2-cm dilated and 70% effaced, grandchild #2 will be coming soon!!

                        That sounds like a nice day, Narilly. Dog parks are such nice places to let the dogs run and to visit with other dog owners. (Except our dog doesn’t like them!)

                        I can’t believe they gave all you kids bourbon to warm you up, Pavati! But it was more common back in the day to use alcohol in these ways even for children.

                        Sweet dreams!
                        Last edited by Slo; April 29, 2021, 04:36 PM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings, MWO-ers,

                          I don't post very often, but this site & its people are never far from my mind. It's been a beautiful, sunny autumn day here in this part of the world, just perfect to celebrate my 8 years' sobriety anniversary - woohoo!

                          Eternal thankyous to all the courageous, supportive and kind souls here. So many have helped me, in ways big & small. The cumulative effect of all that is my ongoing sobriety.

                          And I'm so pleased about my 8 years today, I'd like to thank The Academy, too. lol.

                          Now off to scoff another yoghurt ice-cream........

                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Steady!! Wowza!

                            Congratulations on 8 years booze free. You are a Legend! :spin::black::llama:

                            Hola evabody!
                            Last edited by Guitarista; April 29, 2021, 05:49 AM.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Wow, big CONGRATS on 8 years AF Steady :welldone:
                              Time flies when you’re behaving yourself, right? I am very happy for you & wish you the best, always!

                              Slo, Happy Birthday to your daughter, 18 is a special age
                              Great to hear your dinner & cake turned out well, I’m sure they were appreciated. I hope she continues to turn her nose up at the wine & other toxic things out there, good for her.

                              G, hello to you! I was in the car today & heard ‘The Guitar Man’ by Bread - huge hit in the 70’s. Of course it made me think of you

                              Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Steady - good to see you, and congrats on 8 big years!!!

                                Slo - I hope your knee can gradually strengthen and become more stable for you. Hooray for the birthday and birth-day in your family!

                                Nar - a day at the dog park sounds wonderful.

                                Update from this end: my wife's surgery went smoothly and she was able to come home that night. Kind of mind-boggling actually, that they can cut a person open and replace a major joint, then glue the person shut and have them walking within a few hours. Today was the worst for pain (typical of Days 2-4, from what I understand) but she's sleeping pretty comfortably now and I'm hoping tomorrow might be the start of turning the corner.

                                Thank you all for your thoughts and support. We both appreciate all of the positive energy coming our way. :heartbeat:

                                Hellos and waves to everyone!

