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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    x-post LC -- thanks for the history on "3 sheets to the wind!" Sounds about right.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      It turns out '3 sheets to the wind' is a PERFECT idiom. Thanks for the research, LC.

      I was thinking about the '1 drink' myth for addicts. To me, 1 drink sounds nothing but IRRITATING. There would be no point. I don't think I would even like the taste anymore. I pretended to buy into all that wine snob BS in front of others but drank the cheapest stuff I could find on my own. I can't remember how many times I bought one of those cheap '4-packs' of wine, vowing that it would last for 4 days. It invariably lasted ONE.

      You're right, Belle - the freedom from alcohol is amazing. I'm grateful for it every day.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi All,
        Checking in before heading out with daughter to campus and whatever. We'll just have a day of ? Plan to eat a a nice place "Busboys and Poets". I think it is only in the DC area but when we went last time it was awesome. Daughter is also jumping through hoops to onboard for her job at the mental hospital. Fingerprinting, bloodwork, and has to take a Basic Life Saving course all before MONDAY. And the Dr wants to have a visit with her (thankfully virtual) before giving her the bloodwork order. For what/why? Just give her the flippin' order, no need for chitchat. She also needs the bloodwork for her college. My son never needed bloodwork once in his 4 years at college.

        Since husband is pushing back on daughter getting drivers license (which she qualifies for now), he can take her to some of these appointments. I'm tapped out with this job of hers and her college stuff.

        And then there is son who is working on his NY fashion week stuff and I am getting nervous for him.

        Calgon take me awayyyyyyyyyyy

        However, I am sober and not hungover...and FREEEEE.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hey, good evening freedom fighters

          Seems to be cooling down a bit after an all night rain & a very soggy & misty morning. I feel sorry for all the people who have grass to cut, it’s growing like crazy with all this moisture.
          Entertaining my younger grandson this afternoon, just stuffed him full & dinner & plan to return him at 7 pm. Will try to get the older one next time, haha.

          Belle, freedom to come & go as you please & peace are my two life goals!! Without those two things I feel crazy.
          I don’t remember my kids needing any bloodwork for college but I sure had to have it went I went because I was in the nursing program. We also had to get some very weird vaccines like a typhoid series of 3 shots, yuck. I hope your daughter can find suitable housing & not be stuck in with the newbies.

          LC, thanks for looking that up. I seem to remember having read that somewhere along the line. Hope your day was good.

          Wags, that’s all we truly can handle is one day at a time. Thinking about you :hug:

          NS, we have all made the. Right decision, I’m sure of that

          hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hey everyone !! Feel silly clicking the like button on so many posts but I like so many of the good thoughts, ideas & wisdom I am compelled. Anyway last couple days I have been off schedule with my dog and so now he has had his leg surgery and is home and in his space which is now just the kitchen gated off for six weeks. I made it like doggie heaven for him. He is doped up & has been pretty much just sleeping since I brought him home. So not sure what day I am AF but don’t want to enter kitchen and disturb Fido. Anyway it was very stressful to go through and my sleeping was erratic and not the usual amount. But I did it all with no booze!! Will catch up later reading some more posts and post a bit more as I am finding coming here helps tremendously!! So I hope everyone has a great night AF….hyper


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Great work Hyper! Big hugs and love to Fido.

              Big waves to evabody. The freedom train continues on to infinity. But i only need to focus on today. It's all we got diggity's.

              L8tr g8tr's.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                I have the admit the stress of seeing my pup in this state and having to be his nurse and general caregiver is very difficult at this moment. I feel the urge to wipe away the stress with the toxic potion. So glad I have this space to come to. I am doing what I have to to get through as best I can. Off to bed now as I have to be up in 6 hours to go to doc for myself. Will hang tight!!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters,

                  You're doing so well, [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION]!! it's a lot of stress you have at the moment, but you can do it! as you know, alcohol would only add more stress.. it's not worth the hour long "escape"! i'm thinking now, that the added mind f*** that comes with drinking after making the commitment to quit is what brings me down the most.. it isn't easy to get back on track (of course it's possible) and so much "easier" to just keep up with the momentum of a quit. i've had a lot of drinking thoughts the past 3 days.. which was super annoying.. but i just kept thinking, this is a little test, help to lessen my fear.. NS always talks about the fact that these are just THOUGHTS! they can't hurt us if we don't act on them.. we can just let them go and DO something else..:love: i'm pulling for you and wishing Fido a speedy recovery.. and you, strength and patience in helping your little friend..
                  Last edited by lifechange; July 8, 2022, 12:28 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    ooops!! wasn't done!

                    Belle, how was your day out with your daughter? what kind of food do they serve at that restaurant? like the name.. were you successful in finding some housing options? New York fashion week sounds stressful but exciting!

                    hi to Lav and Wags and Gman and NS! and everyone else stopping in or flying by today..
                    let's make it a good Friday!xx rainy and cooler here which i love! but hoping our summer isn't already over!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Well - I have fallen soooo far behind, I don't know how to catch up with you all and all the news. Last day of work here before a week off and I am waiting for a call from my doctor for a chat about blood results, etc. Getting impatient, as I have to start my task here, and once I start, I cannot stop!!!
                      Great work on all the AF days people!!!! Yesterday, July 7, was 2 months wine free for me! Feeling proud of myself. I will be seeing one of my sisters tomorrow, and I have a feeling she will be the most threatening one to this sobriety of mine. I will keep it a short visit
                      Early airport for me tomorrow, and with all the travel strife new, I hope they don't lose my bag!!!!
                      I will check in upon my return to see how you all are fariing!
                      xoxo Peanut


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Thanks LC for all your support and kindness. I know you are right about the thoughts and as you said be patient. Thoughts come and go and we actually can observe them and ponder on them and then bam let them be!! They will go away. Thanks again!! ☺️
                        Hang tough yourself and keep up the good work!!!
                        13 days in here and not counting them but counting on myself to handle what life throws at me without the crutch of booze. Every time I handle something that life throws at me my confidence increases that yes I can do this. Any advice on long term abstinence (Lifetime) would be welcome. But after writing that I realize to just take care of everything today and leave tomorrow’s challenges to tomorrow….hyper


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good to see you, [MENTION=5712]Peanut[/MENTION], and big congrats on 2 months wine free!! yes, sounds like a good plan to keep the visit as short as possible.. if you have to leave sooner, just do it! the advice i was given here when i first came back, to not put myself in any situations which might be dangerous to my sobriety for the first three months, is helping me immensely.. nothing is worth derailing! and (almost) any visits/appointments/commitments can be put off or postponed for that amount of time.. so please take care.. looking forward to hearing from you when you're back!

                          sounding good, [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION]! here's to growing confidence with good decisions and new habits! i'm also not counting days but each day i write a big DONE! on my calendar and am planning on doing little celebration dances/cake/patting myself on the back when the months roll along.. most of what i've heard here from the long timers is exactly the conclusion you came to while writing..take care of today and leave the rest for tomorrow.. i like that 'cause it seems manageable.. and i like the thought anyway, of concentrating and living in today.. with LIFETIME sobriety as my final goal..

                          hope everyone is having a nice day.. i had a Friday of doing almost nothing (including 2 naps!) which is exactly what i needed..
                          big virtual hugs all around!xx
                          Last edited by lifechange; July 8, 2022, 02:59 PM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Sunny & hot today but more rain is on the way tonight & that’s OK.
                            Great seeing everyone’s progress - one day at a time

                            Hyper, glad your pup is OK. The post op period can be scary but my dogs have always done so well (much better than my former people patients), Lol
                            Keep your focus on today, that way you won’t feel overwhelmed. The best tool for me was distraction. Whenever a drinking thought popped up in those early days & weeks I would distract myself by doing something different, taking a quick walk, etc. & it always worked like a charm. Good job on your AF days!

                            G, hello to you & I hope your weekend is great!

                            LC, a nap day sounds pretty good to me haha!!

                            Peanut, Congrats on your 2 AF months & I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening nesters

                              Quick hello and check in from me.

                              Congrats all on your sober days, each day sober is a day to be very proud.

                              Hyper, i think us long termers just get to the stage where we dont want to drink or feel like one. on occasion i feel like i could have that "one" and maybe i could but i would never take that chance. I do my normal and distract myself or remove myself from the situation. i have enough tools in my toolbelt to deal with every situation but not to say something wont pop up along the way and that is when i will come here for help and support. Every year anniversary, my kids ask me what i want to celebrate, and i tell them a bottle of scotch, 3 bottles of wine and some cans of something. its our running joke as there is no way i would touch any of it. They know my sobriety is the one thing (other than them) that i will protect with all of my being. No one or anything is worth me drinking at and being the person i once was. For 8 1/2 years i have had no regrets or any guilt, shame or remorse but god i had a lot of that when i drank. Keep up the great work.

                              Its been pretty quiet for me, lots of work and have a performance review on Monday which i am not worried about. i am thinking of having a career change (as you do at 58) but i am tired of trying to work with incompetent people who i am supposed to work with. i am sure i will chat about the situation on Monday. I am having 4 weeks off work, so all of August which i am looking forward to. i swear my garage is going to be spotless and i am going to give away everything i dont need or want. i wish i could afford to retire but still looking for that 99 year old millionaire!

                              Wags, i hope your dad is doing ok, i dont think we are ever prepared for anything to happen to our parents. i look at my mum and see her aging now, shes not invincible, she wont be here forever to annoy me ha ha. i do plan on going to stay with her for a few days when i am on leave. she seems to have mellowed a lot since Jasper died so i am feeling closer to her which is nice.

                              LC congrats on you becoming a nana. Better get in all the napping you can now.

                              My eldest daughter is coming out tomorrow with my fur grandbaby who turned 1 today so i have his present for him. i keep telling myself, one day, one day i will be a nana.

                              take care xxx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning! I have a houseguest for a few days, so am finding hard to find time to post! My friend is here, and it is comforting as it assuages the loneliness of adjusting to living alone. We had a famcy dinner out the first night. She drank lemonade since she was with me, but really I would have been fine if she had an alcoholic drink. That’s always a little awkward, as people aren’t sure how to play it with me. Yesterday we had lunch at a burger/ice cream place, visited daughter & baby Huxley briefly, then wiled away the evening shopping at IKEA. So, making it work sans alcohol! I went back to using pain gel on my knee, and I could lean on a shopping cart through the giant store on a cement floor, so it was tolerable until the end anyways on my dumb knee.

                                Ava! Good luck on a good outcome on Monday while chatting with the boss…still wish they would have hired the person that you recommended for that P.A. position. Your job may have been tolerable then…
                                My mother has mellowed in her older age too, and is actually being nice & kind to me & my twin sister now. I could’ve used a mother like this while I was growing up, but better late than never; so we’ll take it now.
                                I wish a grandchild would come into your life now too! And a 99-year-old millionaire!

                                Wags, alcohol is like sugar on steroids! And since I can barely tolerate the addictive effects of sugar, that says I need to steer way clear of EtOH!

                                NS, yes, I remember buying the 4-pack tiny bottles of cheap wine, and getting the pitying looks from the cashier at the drugstore.

                                Baby daughter came down with Covid again! So she is sobbing in shock again. She gets so upset when thinking about the people she exposed, and how that could ripple effect on their plans. Thankfully she is living with her dad, so I had minimal exposure to her.

                                The freedom train rides on into infinity, but it is only accomplished one day at a time. Let’s keep riding!
                                Last edited by Slo; July 9, 2022, 09:11 AM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

