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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Entity
    It is difficult to understand why the person we love becomes ill and yes it is unfair. But you know it is important that u look after you now and in that way you will be there for him when he needs you.


      Newbies Nest

      Entity, I agree with Irish. You need to take care of yourself. Be good to yourself.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Ent- Sounds like you have gone through lots of physical and emotional/mental trauma...can't say I have been through the extent you have...mine was very short lived and not by a parent...but I know, I too wanted to just numb those feelings...of why me? why did I deserve that? was I so unlovable??? Honestly, it wasn't/isn't us...they are sick....and you being a child, it was even easier to convince you, it was your's never a child's fault. You were robbed of a happy, healthy childhood...getting through the emotional part of what happened is so hard but truly an AMAZING will be so HAPPY you did...I honestly think it is the ONLY reason I have been able to start on this journey of kicking alcohol....i don't have to hide anymore...I AM HAPPY AND I AM FREE---OF BEING SCARED ALL THE TIME!!!!
        To the rest of you have a wonderful week...will be checking in daily...may not always write, but I'm always reading....almost 2 weeks and have not been drunk...been modding with success!!!!!!!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          lets just be ourselves..its really ok

          Ent...let it out. Thats why we are here. I think for me just allowing me to be me is difficult. Drinking helps me cope with that. The more practice we have with being ourselves..I hope the easier it will be. so say what you gotta say!:goodjob:

          All you nesters ok? I'm back from work and a bit of nervous energy is creeping in. Breath. breath. fire is cracklin and the work is done and now.....i need to just focus on how good I will feel at work tomorrow when i show up all rested and clear headed. Breath. Focus. I can do this. Nothing like a big glass of milk by the fire with my cheese and crackers. ugh. I can do this.
          How were your days today? Everyone well?
          a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


            Newbies Nest

            So, birds, I watched a movie last night called Traitor with Don Cheadle. It was good and I enjoyed it, but at times it was confusing, as Cheadle was playing a double agent. The plot had to do with trying to bring down a terrorist group that was going to attack the US. It was good to be able to "not get it" at times, knowing that I was not getting it AF!!! It wasn't the alc holding me back. I'd have been completely lost if I'd have been drinking!
            I'm going to pull up a twig and settle in for the night.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest


              Hello there all.....been a bit of a 'wasted day' today as I've just been laying around the nest after church this morning. Waaay behind in sleep and really just needed to 'vegg' today....WELCOME to our newcomers.....we are so happy to have you join our happy home. As you have already seen, we have a wonderful bunch of 'regulars' who offer such terrific love and support. Hope everybody has had a wonderful weekend. I'll be back to tuck you all in later.
              Papa Renewal


                Newbies Nest

                Hope everyone is alright and had a decent Sunday. I think I have a mild case of whiplash... just feel sore and beat up. But, Mr. Wonderful is back and so my world is right again.

                Have a good night, lil birdies... will tweet ya laterz.
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  night night

                  yawn...i made it. off to bed. see you in the am.
                  zzzzz zzzz zzzz
                  a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                    Newbies Nest


                    Way to go 'within'.....tucking you and everybody else in now.....goodnight my little ones. Hope your weekend was a good one. Gonna have another fantastic week the nest. I'm proud of all of proud of yourselves.
                    Papa Renewal


                      Newbies Nest

                      I know its lunchtime Monday for me, but can I have the worm please? I can't help my timezone Lol! I haven't caught up on the thread but will do later. Happy Monday Nesters. I'm day 1 of 30 days AF as modding isn't working out as planned. B. x
                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        Newbies Nest

                        Monday morning...already?

                        Hello, little nesters. Hope you all had a good weekend. Everyone safe and sound?

                        Sunshine, glad you are okay.
                        Renewal, wake up, hun!
                        Everyone---let's pray for a good week.

                        My weekend was so-so. The hoped for "date night" with hubby vanished under too much to do, too little time, same old. We did make dinner and rented a movie--he fell asleep so I was actually alone. Getting tired of this stuff.

                        Sunday went to church, did some shopping. Bought a bottle of wine because my friend was going to come over--she never made it. But I am sure you can all guess the rest of the scenario. The bottle is half empty and I am hungover today.

                        DAMN IT! Why did I do that? My husband said "are you mad at me?" and I said no, but I think I really am. Busy as I am, my life seems boring. AT any rate, I blotted out those feelings by drinking, which is so STUPID :upset:

                        Back to square one....


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well, Betty, You can have the worm. We're honored to have you and it's only fair really, what with the time zone challenge and all. What's your favorite flavor?
                          SS, I'm sorry about the whiplash. You have really had a hard time lately. First the fall on the ice, now the accident because of ice! In both instances I bet you were grateful for being sober! Is your vehicle banged up or OK?
                          Renewal, I miss you. That's all there is to it! Seem to keep passing each other in the night! Have you still got the green robe? I'm still wearing the red, but, with spring on the way, the robe may have to change.
                          Good job to you, Within!
                          UNG, hmm. We're going to have to find a way to fill your hours more constructively, eh? I will admit, that if I had invited a wine buddy over, I would have had the wine in the house and the temptation would have been too great for me, too. I avoid having wine buddies over just now. I meet them on neutral ground like a mall or walking path so I don't have to deal with the issue. For now, that's how I have to play it.
                          I made it through yesterday. It seems easier these days, but I'm not getting too cocky. For one thing, I still have the after affects of the stomach virus so my appetite is completely off. So, as I feel better, the battle may again get more difficult.
                          Hope all the little nestlings have a good day, wherever your wings take you!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            thanks for tucking us in Papa R...

                            i slept well. How bout the rest of the nest?
                            Chirp chirp chirp chirp....its time for a work week. My goal for this week is to think...yes it can be difficult for me.....I would like to think about the positive things/rewards of my job. For me, Its easy to dismiss them and instead, look for the rewards at the bottom of the bottle. I truly think that if I look hard enough I will find some joy here at work. Somewhere. Now where did I put it?
                            Tonight...already thinking about tonight. Mr hubby goes out on Monday nights. I made a point to not have any wine near the house for me alone with a bottle of vino is so devinely tempting and luscious...the thought of just floating away, relaxed by the fire...a shortcut to an illusion of contentment.
                            Focus...tonight already has me nervous...dinner, maybe yoga? Flax oil of course...I think I need encouragement!!!!
                            what about you all.....where are your thoughts...what are your can i better support you....? :l
                            a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                              Newbies Nest


                              Good morning my little ones.....hope you all slept well.....'within', you're welcome. I enjoy tucking everybody in as we put a close to each day. Also, it sounds like you need a little distraction. With all your thoughts and attention going towards tonight and alcohol, just sounds like you're gonna wear yourself out.....with anxiety. Try not to give it (alc) THAT much power and control over your entire day. Go for a long hike later, or go to a movie (not rent one at home)....get outta the house if that'll help. Staying busy will help lessen your thoughts about can do this.....Hey Dill, what's up? Sorry we are crossing paths....I'll find you in the nest for some quality time for us........welcome back Wally!! Great to see you....and hope you feel better. Well, happy Monday folks.
                              Papa Renewal


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning!
                                I find the most challenging thing is breaking old habits. It's like when you've established such a routine in your daily life...which included alcohol...doing something different has been a challenge. It seems as though I still have the 'alcohol' just takes me considerably longer to consume a beer. I've gone from 8-12 a night to 1-2 a night...but still it's 'a night'...I have to ask myself why??? Is that still a problem? I don't get a buzz, I don't get drunk...I honestly enjoy the taste of beer and (I know this will gross many of you out but) tomato juice mixed together. I will have to give this some thought I guess...have a super of luck on reaching your goals today!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


