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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    SunGG, grouchy old fart, mmm, have we met? Im the neuro one who is not sure where she really is these days, but defintitely happy and hanging on to the correct side of reality! Note, I did not say normality, "Me, in these shoes"
    ah, you have just had a shite time and didnt cave...we should give sun a fluffy oscar, maybe we could have a red carpet in the nest.

    Renewal, you sound rested, thats a good 'un. Hi Dilly, hi Irish, hi lilmea, his everybody else,

    i feel virtuous, for what will probably last til about lunchtime (i.e. about 10 more mins) just did hour and a half of yoga and trying to hold on to those calm feelings....... maybe i should just NOT come back to work after lunch
    Live your life in such a way that
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
    Satan shudders & says...

    'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


      Newbies Nest

      Checking in very briefly -- hello and good night!


        Newbies Nest

        Sorry, I am not a newbie. But appreciated the thoughts on this thread.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Cs,

          oldbies, newbies, needing dustingoff bies, all aboard in this nest
          Live your life in such a way that
          when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
          Satan shudders & says...

          'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters, especially new ones!

            Feeling quite chirpy today. Am getting stuff done - slowly. I need to do the filing, but this being the sweaty tropics there was a big fat cockroach in one of the drawers - why the filing cabinet?? I don't see them very often but they totally freak me out. Previously would have been justification for a large G&T to calm my nerves, but I just screamed and shut the drawer. Am going to throw some nasty roach traps in and get someone to give the all clear before I even think about filing again......have a great day everyone. Bx
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              Newbies Nest

              :new: Howdy Y'all

              2 Days in a row for me feeling better. Did not look to see where my wife hid my scotch. A first for me. I'm a rookie at this, but old dogs can learn new tricks being sober. Tomorrow no hangover. For the nesters that are experiencing anxiety and depression exercise (endorphines) it really helps me. When I am hungover or experiencing a gout attack as the result of binging the way I do the anxiety, depression, lack of confidence set in. I am no good to anybody.

              Waiting for the MWO starter pack. I hear good things. Do any of you take the products?

              Wishing you all health and happiness. Safe travels. Be well.

              God bless OZ. Reminds me of Texas. Only bigger and more beautiful. You are in our prayers.

              Another Quote:" What goes around comes around". Author unknown. Thanks Dill.
              or, "And in the end...The love you take is equal to the love make" Sir Paul McCartney

              Nite Y'all
              must be a Texan


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning, all

                Feeling alright this morning, but will admit that I rationalized myself into a glass of wine after dinner last night. I was so very upset over the death of my friend's son. But I had maybe half and just did not want it any more. That's a first!

                So, a few more days of working and cold weather and it's off to our all-inclusive resrt. Appointment today with the doctor to get the Antabuse (still going back and forth on that--start now or after vacation?)

                Love and hugs and suppoet to all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  good morning peeps,

                  Hi-poppa R-sleep well today. Thanks for the blankie tucks and pillow fluffing last night.

                  How's sweaty an neuro's day going so far? Sweaty, wuuu cockroach-those things creep me out.

                  C204 and wohboy-welcome. I thought the anziety and panick attacks would do me in those first 3-4 days. Woh, you're right about the exercise. I've been doing walking on my treadmill first thing in the morning a couple of times a day and it really helps the way I feel the rest of the day.

                  Hi Dilly-doodles-I keep missing you these days. and you're one of the few in my time zone! It's suppose to get close to 60 today. I would dig out the shorts but I've put on too much weight and non of them fit.:boohoo:

                  It's rainy here. All the snow will be gone by the end of the day. This kind of weather really kicks up the arthritis in my back . I threw away all the pain pills the doc perscribed. For me they are a huge trigger.
                  So I guess I'll tak a couple of aleve and then go sit in the grump corner of the nest with SS. lol

                  For all who follow, have a good day.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Lil! Good to see you again! You are so right about the exercise helping. I need to get more of it. Shorts? I guess it is warm enough for shorts, but, I rarely wear them anymore. Just around the house and yard. I was just out letting my dogs out of the barn and the ground was SO MUSHY from all the thawed snow and it rained last night on top!

                    Wohboy, Hello long tall texan! Welcome to the nest. It's great to have you along. Let me know, if you can, what your state bird is!! I like fun facts!

                    Hi everyone else! My bad news is that my laptop crashed yesterday, so until I get that fixed, my attendance may be down a bit on the boards. I'll be sure to check in here, though.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nesters!
                      Welcome C204 and Wohboy!! Texas, eh? I taught in Houston for awhile...yikes!! Kinda scary for this small town 'Little House on the Prairie' kind of girl---well I guess Laura never had the dinking issues did!!!!!
                      Good to hear everyone is up and running this morning....neuro, dill, irish, lilmea, renew (or are you tucked in...I never know??), Betty--cockroaches....eewww those things freak me my skin is just crawlin thinking about it...reminds me of my days in Arizona), and UNG--don't be too hard on yourself...going through emotional stuff is a huge trigger...sounds like you handled it wonderfully!! I think (and I know no one is asking but...) take the antabuse while on may enjoy it even more while taking it Who knows?!
                      And SS--positive thoughts are being thrown your way...yeah I see you back there in the back of the nest...I have pretty good aim...don't try ducking!!! You're an amazong person...can't wait to see more of you back on here...heal up!!!
                      Welcome to all to come!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        I've really got to figure out spell check...being a teacher...rereading my posts and seeing all my spelling errors drives me CRAZY!!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Newbies Nest


                          Good mornin my little ducklings.......and WELCOME to our newcomers....there's always room in the nest....I'll go out and get some more twigs. Gonna pick up an extra shift at work this afternoon and have a meeting as well. First though, I gotta hit the gym for a while and buff up these wings. Let's have a great day all!!!!!!!!!!
                          Papa Renewal


                            Newbies Nest

                            :hiya: Morning ducklings!

                            Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm trying to cheer up - my neck and head isn't killing that bad anymore, either. UNG... how are you, hun? Glad you didn't throw in the towel last night... never fails - when it rains, it pours, doesn't it?

                            CS.. great to see you here! Please stop in anytime! Betty, my dear (:H) now, THIS would be the PERFECT excuse for me to NEVER ever do any filing again! You should milk it for all you can! Neuro, Lilmea, Dillie, SD, REnewal.... morning guys 'n dolls... you sound good! Lil... tell me about pain killers = triggers... ? Up until a few months ago, I ate narcotics like candy and over the last year or so is when the drinking really went out of control.... I never connected the 2.. ? Hmm.

                            Welcome Wohboy! Pull up a twig and make yourself at home! I do have the supplements but I'm not taking them at the moment. I honestly have not yet felt an improvement physically from taking supplements - interestingly, not from quitting smoking or not drinking either, really. I don't cough nearly as much but that's really it. I don't have more energy, etc... at least not yet. 5 weeks smoke free, 3 weeks alcohol free. Still in diapers here! LOL

                            Ok, happy day all... I gotta get some stuff done here.


                            P.S. Has anyone seen/heard from Universal??? Starting to worry about her....

                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              tues am

                              Woke up feeling ok.. how are you all doing? Nice once againg to not feel hungover, puffy and smelly. I actually have the energy to think. amazing.
                              I worry about my job and the state of the company i work for. This is a good time to have my wits about me. I need clarity in meetings, with customers, chatting with the boss. the climate here is stressful. talk about triggers....the stop at the bar for a drink on the way home from work calls from every corner of my being. I have to focus on long term change...not short term satisfaction. Lots of layoffs happening next week. I am going to keep my cool and be the valuable member of the company that they want. Not a mixed up wino getting by. I feel like stewart smally right now!! ha ha ha.
                              Any who.....i made it through last night with a banana sundae, the Presidents address and The Batchelor,(i know its trash). 2 days af.
                              How are your days shaping up? is everyone well?
                              I'm still holding on...thanks to you all.:thanks:
                              a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                SS-Yes for me pain pills=triggers. I've discovered over the years that certain medications can trigger my drinking or increase it. My last worst ever binge was caused by pain pills. So I basic stay away prescription meds (not talking heart meds, blood pressure meds that type) I'm sure it's not like that for everyone.

                                SD-spell checker at the top right hand corner of this box.. Just found out about it a few days ago. New I just have to remember to use it!
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

