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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome back Tres cool
    Sorry bout the jabbers. A deals a I hear ya, with all the different drugs and clinical trials. I would definitely like evidence, but it will take years. I find myself wavering with AA, but I definitely need the "social" support. I have heard every damn story. The only reason that I don't share mine is that my family members and therapist have asked me to publish it. I am an RN and have only used baclofen for muscle contractures in brain trauma patients and for other neurological issues that result in muscle spasm, but I am very intrigued by it's potential.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbies Nest


      Like that 'flash' fact, that can earn any of you a spot on 'my favorite's twig'....okay, so I'm a little shallow.....being single can do that to a guy. Well, went to my 1st Spring Training game this year to watch the Dodgers & Angels....I always go a couple times every March, but this year got off to a slower start than usual....BEAUTIFUL day out at the ballpark!! Well, my little ones, time to recline....wishing you a wonderful and peaceful night................Papa Renewal.....and 'G'


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning nesters! Hope you are all well. I'm up and about early because I have a job interview to prepare for. But I'm in a bit of a dilemma - where I work, if you're on a fixed term contract and within so many weeks of it ending, they have to offer you interviews for any job that comes up that suits you. However, this job is in a different department, and not in my subject area - I don't think it's the right job for me, but on the other hand, I need to find work. Meanwhile, two great jobs have come up at a different University whcih would be perfect for me - but the closing dates are a while away. And it's a bit risky to wait. Anyway I shall give it my best shot today, and worry about what to do later, IF I get an offer.

        And I'm not sleeping well, which I think is because of all the job worry plus the relationship stuff *sigh*

        Anyway .... coffee's on, and I'll be looking for a very cosy little twig tonight. Have a good day, everyone.



          Newbies Nest

          PS what do girls get as a reward for 7 days sober? A flash of Viggo Mortensen's chest would do for me....


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning, Nesters. I can't think of a good reward for 7 days AF. I am afraid it is just too early in the morning for me, and pre-coffee. Creative juices are not yeat flowing. Good luck, LO with your interview. I agree that you should put your best foot forward for this interview and worry about the rest later. One never knows what the future will bring so it's always best to generate as many options for yourself as is possible.
            TresCool, welcome back.
            Sea, what article is Tres Cool referring to? I'd like to read about baclofan too. And with the AA, is it possible you just haven't found a group you click with? Or that you are going to so many different meetings that you feel like a perpetual outsider because you haven't been able to develop any deeper connections? I will admit, I have limited experience with AA but have been reading the thread about AA experiences in Monthly Abstinence and have been considering it for myself.
            Sweaty, when you took the bac for your upper respiratory infection did it reduce your cravings? Or were you too ill to notice?
            PR, You seem to be well-rounded in your sports interests. What's your fav baseball team? I am an Indians fan, of course. It's a long tradition in my family. Oh, aou never did tell me who you picked to win March Madness.
            I'm getting ready to take flight. Have a great day, all. Hey, Lil! Have you migrated early this year or something?

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest

              Baclofen Article

              Ocean was kind enough to post the link to the baclofen article in the meds section. Here's another from the Journal of Alcohol & Alcoholism, Vol. 37, No. 5 p. 504-508.


              While its a European study, and uses a statistically small popualtion (n=39), it does seem to demonstrate the effectiveness of baclofen over a placebo in reducing cravings.
              While there's life, there's hope.


                Newbies Nest

                Baclofen Article

                Ocean was kind enough to post the link to the baclofen article in the meds section. Here's another from the Journal of Alcohol & Alcoholism, Vol. 37, No. 5 p. 504-508.


                While its a European study, and uses a statistically small popualtion (n=39), it does seem to demonstrate the effectiveness of baclofen over a placebo in reducing cravings.

                "The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind."

                -Maya Angelou
                While there's life, there's hope.


                  Newbies Nest

                  just sprucing up before I sit down to type--dilli-doodle!!:H
                  I've sanitized my keyboard and now I'm ready to go!!!
                  Well there's been some pretty interesting conversation fluttering around this ol nest...meds, flashing birdies, baseball and pantyhose....what else have I missed???
                  Started off the week AF--which I don't even know why I even post that...cuz it's not like that's a 'goal' I just like the fact that I did it I guess...probably cuz for so long I never did--even go one day...I dunno. Anyway...going to look at a house (with my parents this time) this evening...for a second opinion...I like this one....I think, no, I do...yeah...wait...ummm....well...making decisions...not my strong point!!
                  Well I better get moving...have a lesson to teach on peer pressure...easy with the wise cracks!! :H
                  Hi to everyone else...and you know who you are!!!! :l
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good afternoon fellow nesters!

                    Just got back from 3 hours at the hospital. My 16 year old separated his shoulder at gym class. *sigh* The doc wants to send him to physio, too - SO not a good time for me to take off during the day.... arrrrrgh. Oh well, what can ya do?

                    Oh my, Sea, what big..... you have! :H
                    Tres cool.... 5 weeks is indeed.... you know... tres cool!
                    Sweaty... the toes are always the first to go... that'd be some chewy coffee! Ohhh! Or did you mean NEW ones??? :H
                    SD.. quit cleaning please - you're giving me a complex. God, you should see my desk. Well, actually, that's kinda the problem; you CAN'T see my desk!
                    I have absolutely nothing to contribute to the meds discussion here... so I'll just sit and listen.
                    PR... I thought we were DONE with sports, now that the dreadful football season was over? :H

                    Ok, birdlings... I am SOOOO behind now... I'll definitely be working late tonight. I just hope I don't end up with an ingrown office chair!

                    Have a grand afternoon and evening - take care of yourselves!

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sunni, ingrown office chair :H

                      SD, as sunni said to me last week - once you get done with that cleaning and dusting, think you could pop over to my house? Plenty to do here...

                      And yep, trescool, you are indeed, tres cool

                      PapaR, American sports are a mystery to me - I should get you to perch on a twig and explain it all to me some day

                      Dill, thanks for your good wishes, I didn't get the job but have had some useful feedback and know why. I've got two more applications out there, fingers crossed for those.

                      Have a lovely evening everyone!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you for the link, TC.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest


                          Sorry Sun, but sports doesn't end with football season.....helloooooo baseball. In fact, went to another spring training game today.....gotta love that. Well, goodnight my cherubs.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Evening Nesters ~

                            Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am going to find the nearest twig and get some rest. Spending a weekend with my grandson, working and doing schoolwork has caught up with me.

                            PR ~ I completely agree that sports don't end with's a year round obsession for me!

                            Good night all


                              Newbies Nest


                              Chopper, with that, you can ease on over to the 'my favorites twig'....


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sunnibutt:: Sports is NEVER done!! My beloved Boston Red Sox are gearing up to kick some ASS. How bout my Celtics!!! The Bruins are trying. I cannot wait to go to Montreal in all of my Boston Bruins clothes. Yeah, I am a Crazy, defiant wench when it comes to sports. You have No idea the depression that I suffer when football season ends. Glad you like the jabbers PR, but they are gonna disappear as soon as I get my lazy ass to change it. Yay, I got coffee filters, but Crap that I had to give my dog back to the EX. I will be sleeping on the FOTF (flying off to Florida) twig. Flight is booked. I am going to see my Daddy. Do you think he'll let me move back in at 47? LOL. He already told me I have too much
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

