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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey everyone,
    I can't tell you how logging on tonite and seeing all of the lecomes from everyone made me feel - soooooo good!!!!. Had a pretty crap mother's day really - my husband is being a pain...another story. Anyway, feeling much like a drink tonite -psychologically, not physically which I guess is a good sign. Just thinking about the posts I have read on this MWO site eased my thoughts enormously and stopped me from even going there in my head!! Thanks guys, feel so welcome and warm in the nest - such a soothing feeling to actually have some support (most of my friends live ages away and some I can't remember half of the teary conversations I have had with them, so have some bridges to build) - just can't at the moment, need to focus on myself for a while yet and recover.....Hope everyone's mother's day was great.
    Peace and happiness to you all
    AF since 26 August 2009- and loving it!!


      Newbies Nest

      Luba, Sorry your Mother's Day wasn't the greatest. I'm glad you feel welcome here in the nest!

      PR, thank you for the Mother's Day greeting. The priest recognized the Mothers in the congregation and gave a prayer and blessing. That was very nice, too.

      SD, please don't beat yourself up. Just take care of yourself, learn from the experience and move forward. :l

      Lil, that flower picture was taken in 2007, and yes, was in my yard. It's a vining plant called thunbergia(sp?) You can't tell by the picture, but the bloom is smallish: about the size of an impatients bloom. Have a fun time with your daughter!!

      OK, coffee's on, and of course, the DP for our SD! I think I'll run out and get some special donuts for today. I'll have them out before the rest of you wake!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters and Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums

        SD-We know exactly how you feel love. Just jump right back in. You know how many times I have slipped. It is a process. Never stop fighting.:l
        Lil- I think it was you who asked about the food program here. It is run by the Christian Youth Ministry.
        Good morning dill and thanks for the coffee
        Glad u feel cozy here Lu
        Always nice to see you PR and G
        Sure do miss Sunni butt.
        Good morning Chopper, Betty and all others who may land in our lovely nest today.
        I am off to my mother's graveside today with my Sis and cousins. Then we will visit m cousins' Mom. She is my mother's sister. Have a great day all.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning and Happy Mother's Day! I've been out of town and privacy and computer access were limited so haven't been posting for a few days. Sounds like the nest has been hopping and cozy as usual!
          Welcome Luba!
          Sweaty B...I agree this is one of the more positive threads! Great folks here working hard to make a change!
          PR and Sea thanks for the Mother's Day greetings!
          SD you've had so many good days and have been so positive...I hope you're letting go of the emarrassed part...I'm pretty sure we'll all been there and done just haven't for a while which is the part to focus on!
          Dill, thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers!
          Lil, have fun with your daughter!
          To everyone else...hi :hiya: and hope you're enjoying a beautiful day!


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Mother's day peeps.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Mother's Day!!:l

              Let me first say thank you for all your kind words of encouragement....every one I read brought me to's hard for me to hear those things let alone tell myself those things...I'm very hard on myself and right now just trying to fight back the flow of negative thoughts and feelings I have wanting to flood in...I can't let it, I will be back to square one if I let that happen. It was just hard to see the disappointment on parents' faces my sister made sure to let everyone know...and let me know over and over "how wasted I was". I was actually very thankful for my sister from CO being here...she and I had a long talk in the bedroom and she, like you all were very encouraging and not berating. Thank you.

              On a more positive note...Luba, I'm so glad you feel so welcome here...these people are truly amazing and wonderful and supportive and's just awesome to be able to come here everyday and share so openly and honestly to such a great group of people!! You'll love it here!!

              As always...thanks for the diet pepsi, Dill...and donuts even!!!! WOW!! You know those are my weakness!!!! Bavarian cream out!!:H

              I really wanted to get to church this morning...I'm having a MAJOR allergic reaction to some cheap contact solution I eyes are so red, itchy, and pretty much swollen shut this morning...yep...I'm a hotty this morning!! I hurt so bad...of course I'll have to wait to get into the eye doctor until tomorrow...what to do???

              Again, thank you all for your kind really means a lot to me!! I hope everyone has a fantastic Mother's Day!!! PR--thanks for the tuck in!!
              I'm back in the saddle ladies...and that makes no sense cuz I've only ridden a horse once in my life...seemed fitting!!:H Upward, onward!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                Flying in for the evening! Mother's Day 'round here was quite nice. For one thing, it was sunny. I worked a little bit in my herb garden: lots of little baby dill plants are coming up! Both my kids called and I enjoyed talking with them. We did a little shopping and Mr. Dill grilled some pork loin and we had corn on the cob. Mmmm.

                How did you all spend Mother's Day?

                SD, I'm glad to see you back up in that saddle. If you don't mind, I going with the wagon. I'm not very good at horseback riding!:H

                Well, nesters, sweet dreams!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest


                  Hope all my ladies had a wonderful Mothers Day today.....sweet dreams to all of you.
                  Pops.....and G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh My Happy Nesters, how are you all? I have been reading this weekend, but that is about all the time I have had! I hope you all had the BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!! You all deserve it, even PR cause he's got G

                    Dill, big hugs to you too:l I must explain to you, Lil and everyone. It melts my heart when you mention my son. Yes, he has his own place, keeps it clean and is so independent. Everything a mom can ask for, right? Well, for 18 years and even now at 20 years, I have made him my entire life. So when someone remembers my son or says anything about him, my feathers are all puffed out :H I don't know how to function without him needing something from me. Hence, I did turn to AL. How do I make a life of my own? I am very shy, don't make friends easily and have no clue what to do!!! Any ideas???

                    Sorry to put a downer on everything.

                    SD, I hope you are doing better. Here is a big hug :l Just remember what a wonderful person and mom you are!

                    Sea, I am watching the Celtics right now. Close game! Good luck tomorrow with the interview. Keep us posted!!! :l

                    Beginning, it is great to see you!

                    Luba, I am so sorry you had a downer for Mother's Day.

                    Good night all! Thanks for letting me rant! You all mean so much to me!!!:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Evening All!!!

                      Chops--I think of the day where you are right now and it scares me to death...I am the same way...EVERYTHING is my son! I wish I knew what to say...right now people tell me to make time for find things I like to do...but I don't's like I don't want to waste one minute I have with him because time goes too fast...and even more so when you have to share your time (with the ex)...which we've talked about's sounds like you were a wonderful mom...and will always be...heck, I still call my mom 50 times a day and eat over there every Sunday night!! You never stop being "Mom"!:l

                      Sea--Go get 'em at the interview tomorrow...head held high...."I am woman, hear me roar"...or something like that...:H probably in a soothing voice if it's a nursing position!!

                      Dill- My day got better!! I still feel like crap about Friday...I guess I can never let my guard down...AL will always try to kick my butt if I let it...Friday it WILL be the last time!! I learned such a huge lesson on Friday...that old (other)me hasn't been around for 4 I hate her...back she goes...that's not me anymore!!

                      FYI--the guy called tonight...I got to apologize....he said he knew I was drunk, but he thought I was just having a good time...I wasn't out of control or anything bad...he said he knew my sister wasn't happy with I guess that made me feel a little someone on the outside not knowing me, I looked like I was just "having a good time" those who know me...I was pretty out of character! Anyway...he asked if I wanted to try it again and go out for dinner or maybe a movie! This week is pretty busy for me but I told him maybe next week...that way I could get a chance to talk to him over the phone a little I'm more comfortable! really is a super busy week!!

                      Ok--SD need to go to step dad prescribed some meds for my eyes...thank goodness the swelling has gone down and I should be able to go to work tomorrow!!
                      PR--as always...the well wishes are appreciated!!
                      Good night to everyone else (Beginning, Luba, Lil, UNG, SweEty...all others!!!)
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Monday, peeps!

                        Sea, I’ll be sending good vibes your way today.

                        Chops, the way you feel about your son, well most Mom’s feel that way. The “empty nest” syndrome is very challenging. I know my drinking escalated when the kids were first out on their own. My advice is: Don’t do what I did! It’s easy to slip into and it just gets worse! I had all that time on my hands that I needed to fill differently. I figured I wasn’t hurting anyone as I wasn’t ‘needed’. But I was wrong. There are times when things come up, and you need to be sober to deal with them. You need to be sober when your kids call. I can’t tell you how many conversations I have ‘lost’ due to al. What a waste. And even though the kids are grown and on their own, we are still important role models to them.

                        My kids didn’t see their Mom drinking nearly every night till she passed out. Thank God! I think you are very wise to be working on this problem and getting control over it. You still have lots of time with your son, just ‘different’. He still needs you. But it is also exciting to see our children becoming adults. You don’t want to miss out on any of it!
                        My 2 cents!

                        Yesterday, Mother's Day, I was AF. Both my kids called and I can remember each conversation! Sounds small to some, but priceless to me!

                        SD, I'm glad you got to talk things through with 'the guy'. I'll bet you feel loads better. Plus, you get a 'do over'! He sounds like a nice person.

                        Hey everybody, I gotta fly! Have a great day!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All
                          Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day. I had a nice day with my Sis and cousins. I planted some beautiful flowers at my Mother's grave. Best Mothers Day Present I got: Bruins won, Celtics won, Red Sox won!!!! Great night for Boston.
                          Coffee is on. I will be off to my interview soon, then to lunch with my cousin. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Cross post dill
                            Thanks for the positive vibes.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning everyone!
                              Good luck today ,Sea!
                              SD, great news that you get a "do over" (stole that from you Dill cause I like how it sounds)! You're still an inspiration to me.
                              Dill, that's great you had those priceless moments with your kids!
                              Chops, I can relate to being shy but I don't know how to adjust to a child leaving home...mine's still pretty young. I do know you sound like such a great, caring person!
                              Luba, hope you have/had a better day!

                              Any suggestions for battling the thoughts of "I deserve a drink" and changing the thoughts of AL as a reward?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning ALL!!
                                Boy does it feel good to start a fresh new week!! I know, that sounds crazy cuz it's Monday and all but I just feel so much better today!!! It's a beautiful day eyes have really cleared up, got to work this morning and was "needed" first thing for a situation with a student...all is as it should be LOL!

                                Giddie up...right, Dill??!! Hang on, cuz here we go!!! It's going to to be a great AF week! Sea...are you feeling the vibes on this end too??? They are coming your way from SD!!
                                Happy Monday to those yet to come!!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


