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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi KTAB, Karens, Rolypoly, sdlovespackers, choppersmom, LilBit and dill and Peanut (if you're out there).

    I'm starting day two of the program -- topamax, book and supplements. Just ordered the tapes.

    I pray with all my heart that MWO will be my answer. I'm just not the AA type and after 15 years of drinking too much "wine" I have many fences to mend with my husband and 25+-year-old daughter. Only hope it's not too late. They have a lot of hard feeling because they've wanted me to quit for more than a year, and I haven't done so. Also seeing a Physiatrist. He's incredibly expensive, so I'm going to cut back to two time a month.

    I left my dream job last fall and haven't been able to find anything since. Miss feeling challenged, want to work, need the money and yet, I feel like I need to get a bit stronger first. My self-esteem is pretty low. Sorry to go on so long. These thread and the posting feel really good to me.

    Last night, I mentioned that I was concerned about taking my first dose of topamax. I took 50 ml before bed and didn't sleep all night long. Today my legs hurt, I had a dull headache and I was sick to my stomach. I also ran into a woman at the grocery store with my cart. Apologized profusely, but she wasn't amused. I didn't see her. My husband was with me and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

    I'd like to look into Provigil; however, my Physiatrist exact words were "we wouldn't be taking Provigil, next week he would add Naltrexone to the mix. I'm pretty frustrated with the guy. After more than six years taking Adderall for adult ADD, he insisted that I stop taking it. Now, I'm on this lovely topamax, no ADD meds, no Provigil (according to him) and need to function at a high level (if I can stay awake), because I'm writing my thesis. He and I will likely have a frank discussion when I see him next week. Arrogant drs. who are more concerned about addiction than a patients quality of life rub me the wrong way.

    Someone asked what I thought of acupuncture. It would very well for relaxation; also believe that it helped heal my liver function some. My acupuncturist is a great person, just need to wait until I am employed again before I continue going.

    Hope each of you get a good night sleep. It's tough to function without sleep. Oh, I figured out why topamax helps with cravings; I was too sick want to drink today.

    Love my new friends. Thanks so much for listening.



      Newbies Nest

      Hi KTAB, Karens, Rolypoly, sdlovespackers, choppersmom, LilBit and dill and Peanut (if you're out there).

      I'm starting day two of the program -- topamax, book and supplements. Just ordered the tapes.

      I pray with all my heart that MWO will be my answer. I'm just not the AA type and after 15 years of drinking too much "wine" I have many fences to mend with my family. Only hope it's not too late. They have a lot of hard feelings, because they've wanted me to quit for more than a year, and I haven't done so. Also recently began seeing a Physiatrist. He's incredibly expensive, so I'm going to cut back to two time a month.

      I left my dream job last fall and haven't been able to find anything since. Miss feeling challenged, want to work, need the money and yet, I feel like I need to get a bit stronger first. My self-esteem is pretty low. Sorry to go on so long. These threads and the postings feel really good.

      Last night, I mentioned that I was concerned about taking my first dose of topamax. I took 50 ml before bed and didn't sleep all night long. Today my legs hurt, I had a dull headache and I was sick to my stomach. I also ran into a woman at the grocery store with my cart. Apologized profusely, but she wasn't amused. I didn't see her. My husband was with me and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

      I'd like to look into Provigil; however, my Physiatrist exact words were "we won't be taking Provigil, next week he plans to add Naltrexone to the mix. I'm pretty frustrated with the guy. After more than six years of taking Adderall XR for adult ADD, he insisted that I stop taking it. Now, I'm on this lovely topamax, no ADD meds, no Provigil (according to him) and need to function at a high level (if I can stay awake), because I'm working on an important writing project. He and I will likely have a frank discussion when I see him next week. Arrogant drs. who are more concerned about potential addiction than a patients quality of life rub me the wrong way. I've never had issues with medication, just wine.

      Someone asked what I thought of acupuncture. It worked very well for relaxation; also believe that it helped heal my liver function some. My acupuncturist is a great person, just need to wait until I am employed again before I continue going.

      Hope each of you get a good night sleep. It's tough to function without sleep. Oh, I figured out why topamax helps with cravings; I was too sick want to drink today.

      Love my new friends. Thanks so much for listening.:thanks:



        Newbies Nest


        Hello there little ones....WOW, lot's of newcomers in the nest today....LOVE THAT! Welcome to our happy little home all of you....and Rosebud, don't ever apologize for a long post. We want to hear all about all of you and how we can best help you. Yes, it was a loooong day at work, and yes Lil......G was waiting at the door as always....he's pretty happy to have dad home now......well, I'm pooped, but you newcomers, tell us more about yourselves and pull up a twig and stay a while................goodnight everybody.
        Papa R......and a happy G


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, nesters! I am just popping on for a moment. My routine has been up-ended with my daughter and SIL's visit, but I'm loving the time with them!

          Rosebud, it is really tough to quit. Hang in there and stick with us!

          Lil, I am envious of the road trip. That sounds so adventurous! You be safe and have fun.

          PR, thanks for the tuck in!

          I'm short on time, so hello to Chops, Sea, LilBit, UNG, KATB, Pnut, roly and all else to come. Have a great day.

          Oh, and SD, how was the re-do?

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Dill and all nesters,

            Enjoying a calm, relaxing weekend here - no worries. I did spend the day yesterday though fighting the nicotine demon. Today is day 6 of my quit, it's actually rougher than the alcohol quit.............Nevertheless, I am determined to stay on track.

            Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good Day Fellow Nesters
              You hang in there Roly. Very few get it right the first time. Never give up! Feel free to PM me anytime. Are You talking about chronic physical pain issues? If so, I understand that very well. My ex-husband was a hard working wonderful man until he suffered some terrible injuries and became a "doctor created" drug addict. Now the poor man has no quality to his life.
              Rose-Your doc sounds like a moron. He obviously doesn't know about treating underlying causes and conditions of alcoholism. Many people self-medicate ADD which is far worse than getting appropriate treatment.
              Ok, theres my rant.
              Fresh Starbucks beans ground up, coffee brewed. DP for SD
              Going to the Rock101 Skyshow. Free Live music and an amazing fireworks display, right in the next town. It is a great time. I am the driver so AF.
              Have a great day ALL
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Newbies Nest

                Hello guys great to find everyone in good form today. Lavande I sure am glad I never started smoking. Fair play to you for sticking at AF and NF it must be tough going at times.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi nesters, sounds like you're having a good weekend.

                  Here, here. Lavande! I couldn't agree more with KTAB. I quite the cigs 10 years ago and must say, the cravings were far worse for them than for the AL. I can't imagine someone quitting both at once. You're a saint. BTW, the nicotine demon turned into a wimpy little thing after the 7th day, and then it was only the habit to deal with, so hopefully, you're almost over the worst of it.
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello. This is my first post and day 1:new: I am hoping to completely quit drinking. I love wine too much! Today will be the first day AND a social situation to boot. Luckily my sister is not drinking right now so being at her home won't be as hard as it would if everyone else is drinking. I have two great girls and a wonderful husband and over the past week each of them has been upset by something or another related to my alcohol consumption. That definitely is a sign that I have some sort of an issue and need to take action.

                    Wish me luck and strength
                    AF since - 5/24/09
                    edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good luck Mom2, and welcome! What a great first step! You're in a wonderful place where you can find a lot of unconditional support. Please stick close and if you haven't read it already, MWO can really help you. The supps make a world of difference, and so do the messages from your well-wishing new friends. Hang in there today at your social event!
                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        Newbies Nest

                        LilBit;620644 wrote: Good luck Mom2, and welcome! What a great first step! You're in a wonderful place where you can find a lot of unconditional support. Please stick close and if you haven't read it already, MWO can really help you. The supps make a world of difference, and so do the messages from your well-wishing new friends. Hang in there today at your social event!
                        Thanks! I appreciate the well wishes and I will be in here a LOT. Support from like-minded people is soooooo helpful!

                        I am going to get the book but probably not the sups. I don't physically CRAVE alcohol but it is a habit. Once I start drinking though I do crave more The key for me is just not to start. I need to find something else to do in the evening for relaxation - maybe a walk or something - so I can break the habit of popping the cork once the kids are in bed!
                        AF since - 5/24/09
                        edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Nesters~ this place is a hoppin :H Welcome to everyone that is new! You have found a very peaceful and serene place here at the nest.

                          I don't have much time this morning so quick hello to Dill, Lil, Lilbit, Mom2, KTAB, SD, Peanut, Sea, PR, G, LaVande, Roly and I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!

                          It's another beautiful sunny day here in Oregon so I am going to go out and garden!

                          Lil, I am jealous of your roadtrip too. Can I come?

                          Dill, I am so happy you are enjoying the visit with the family. Precious times...soak them up!

                          SD, new on the redo please?

                          PR, have a great day and G will get lots of love from me today. I am missing my dogs, so is it ok if I take G for the day?

                          Sea, thanks for the's my fave.

                          Lilbit, did the fog clear? Where on the West Coast are you?

                          Love you all my dear friends :l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good luck to mom2ajt; This is my third day at MWO. It's great. Like you I love wine. Thankfully, no other vices, including other kinds of drink. But, I've loved it for too many years. I feel like this program is my answer. Good luck today. You can do it.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Seacailin,

                              Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom about my drs. treatment of my ADD and alcohol. Couldn't agree with you more and I enjoyed the rant. Need to figure out how to obtain Provigil. My brain is mush with my ADD meds and now with the added Topamax. Of course, the dr. swears that statistics show the chances of these side effects are miniscule.

                              Have a great day.



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey gang,
                                Just popping in for a quick hello before I go for a nap, as I am feeling very, very sleepy. Had a long hash run last night - 12km - and then up late and then up early to the Marathon, where we set up a "hash couch" at about the 24mile mark and have glasses of beer for the runners, IF they want it. This drinking/running club is quite the thing!!!! I've not been terribly successful going completely AF, but am planning an AF June and hopefully July too!! That's my plan, and I'M STICKING TO IT!!!

                                Hope you wonderful people have a relaxing Sunday and achieve your goals.
                                Be happy, keep moving!
                                xoxo peanut

