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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Monday, Nestlings!

    Busy day here... trying to get work done and need to chauffeur kids around (somehow those 2 things don't work well together!)

    Past the 2 week mark now and starting to feel a change. Not thinking much about AL anymore - Drinking truly is NOT an option.

    This will have to do for now.. will try and check back later! Hope you are all doing well!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest


      (Oops wrong fowl gender-my bad!!!!!)
      *Cluck cluck*
      Wake up it's a beautiful morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Yup-it's Tuesday morning here and I'm revving up my engines for the day ahead! Just wanted to give you all a wake up call from sunny Oz and say good luck for a brilliant AF day for all the Nestlings!

      What's happening in your day? I'm shopping early with the kids and mum to beat the rush! Then home to unpack and put little chick down for a mid day nap! Then a weekly visit to a friend for a Play date! Then home to cook dinner before preping for work and Day Care on Wednesday! That's my day...but who knows what other little adventures may occur.....?

      Have a good option to avoid the drink on Friday when hubby is away, will be taking the wee chicks to a circus act on Friday that is one difficult day sorted!
      Will try to achieve one of my intended 'pet'projects on Saturday which is to paint a dolls cot (old one from my childhood) and get it ready for Christmas for the chicks! Have been trying to get to it for over 6 months now, so this will be a good weekend to get it started at least.

      Will check in later, but for now I'm on that pyschedelic bus ride to sobriety!!!!!!!!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All!
        Just bumped into this site and became a member.
        Hope to contribute regularly here from now on...

        Am a regular drinker....doing it for past 5/6 yrs continuously without a break.
        Had suffered a fit/seizure recently. Had to be on medications now.
        My 14th day without alcohol (a record for me!)

        Hope to find comfort in this nest!!!



          Newbies Nest

          welcome aatakila! There's always room here for another nester!
          Don't be shy!


            Newbies Nest

            hello again

            Hello there my little ones....after about 6 weeks, I have returned. Loooong story, but I'll be brief. My house was delayed in escrow and closed about 4 weeks late. Meantime, I had my internet, cable, etc disconnected before my initial closing date....sooooo, it was me, G a ton of boxes and a radio for close to a month. Very stressful, but we made it as I moved into my new house the day before yesterday. Today is my 1st day of internet and cable for a month......and jeez am I glad to have it back!
            I see there are a lot of newbies here since I left....and you're probably wondering who the heck I am. I am Renewal (also known as 'Pops').....I started this nest a while back. I'm so glad you all kept it going so well in my absence. I knew you would as you are such a special group. Actually, I won't be around too much for a bit as I have a lot of stuff to take care of as you can imagine. Sooo, welcome to you newcomers! And thank you to all you 'veterans' for your continued support for one another.
            Lastly, 'G' (Gilligan) has had a tough transition. He's still spooked.....I'm trying to get him back to norm, but we're not there yet.....been tough, especially at night.
            Anyhow, missed you all so much....and happy to be back home.
            Have a wonderful night sweet cherubs.
            Pops & G


              Newbies Nest

              Sunshine_gg: Thanks for the thought, "Past the 2 week mark now and starting to feel a change. Not thinking much about AL anymore." I'm at 5 days and still thinking about it quite a bit. Driving home from work is the big trigger; I want to drive in the driveway, go through the door, feed the cats (first things first), then pour a glass of wine. I hope I feel like you at two weeks!


                Newbies Nest

                :l PR!!! :l

                Oh, it's good to have you back!!! So, THAT's why you didn't answer emails
                It sounds like you had a heck of a time with the 'move' ... I hope you and G get settled in real quickly now!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  The Nest is all atwitter today Glad to see so many checking in!

                  Pops & G - Welcome back! Hope you can settle into your home without delay. You have been missed. We've been busy recruiting, think we've done fairly well!

                  Sooty, glad to see you back online as well. I don't know what to do with myself when I have no internet access - it feels weird!

                  Sunni, we had warm, not humid weather today, maybe my hair will start to relax, ha ha.

                  Chops, good to see you too! You are the eternal student

                  Chicken, you are Clucking like crazy - good for you. Nice to hear you're making a good, solid weekend plan - you can do this!

                  ATK, hello & welcome. Find a comfy twig & settle in with us. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

                  Maisie, 5 days, good for you. Sunni's right, as time passes you will find yourself thinking about AL less & less. I really don't think about it much either anymore. When I do think about it my thought is NO, I don't want it! I am so much better without it.

                  Well it's been a good day but a long one - time to turn in.
                  Wishing all Nesters a happy, safe night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just checking in before going to sleep. Day 3 AF after an embarassing slip-up. But I actually feel great, because school started today and I found out I can still solve differential equations!! I am quite optimistic, and realize that to do well this semester, drinking alcohol is NOT an option. Thank you all for being here. I read the posts and you guys keep me motivated to take care of my health and my mind.


                      Newbies Nest

                      new to site do you guys still socialize with freinds that drink trying to cut back afraid of losing my social circle


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone.

                        Welcome gin. I was af for 30 days and managed to hang-out with pals -- I made up a little white lie about having some medical issues that I needed to clear up. It wasn't too bad - I was still able to relax and have fun.

                        Maisie you will feel great after a couple weeks af. There's a ton of confidence and strength and peacefulness that comes up.

                        Just checking in -- long day here after a really busy weekend. Take care all. Have a happy Tuesday.
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Can't go to bed before checking in with my nest buddies....chugging along here finishing up Day 7. I hope one day to lose count.
                          Maisie, Days 4 and 5 were a little more difficult than the rest for me. Hang in there--you're doing great! Have you considered the supplements kudzu and l-glutamine? I just started on those yesterday and had a craving free day today. Don't know if it's the supplements or the day, but I had a good day!
                          Way to go Krazykatt on Day 3--woot woot!
                          Great to hear everyone chirping away--G'nite all
                          "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just a quick fly-in tonight for me. Goodnight to all the Nesters! I will catch up with everything tomorrow.

                            BIG, HUGE Welcome Back to Pops and 'G'...I have missed you both so much! :l:l

                            Hope everyone reached their goals today. It is great to see so many in the nest. Until tomorrow my fellow nesters!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              The ticket taker has let you down again fellow travellers - getting bored with myself now.
                              Anyway I'm back on the bus - thanks to everyone for their patience with me. hope everyone else is doing well.
                              Will be back later, hopefully feeling less ashamed!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Big Hugs Sooty!

                                Evening the Nest!Day 3 here.... going for round 4!

                                Just come in from running around like a ding-bat with the neighbourhood kids...jeez now they all expect me to play chasey and what not,,urgh! (Ok I've made a rod for my own back, but must say I enjoy it too!) Took them for a slow ramble up the road (diet coke in hand) to show them the ocean, then scoped out the local ants nests and gave a quick run down on what happens in an ants nest etc etc; found a bush spider to look at with cute stripey legs, then another game of running race! Have now managed to drag my two (and one extra) inside so I can check on dinner and stop my ears from freezing off in the cold wind!But its all good!

                                Dear Sooty don't beat yourself up about're probably nursing a hangover which as we all know is a punishment in itself! It's usually me doing the stumble off the bottom step of the don't feel too bad! We all just have to find other ways of dealing with the 'curve balls' that life throws us, which includes lonliness, worry and sometimes even just plain old boredom!

                                Interestingly I've become aware of how restless I am sleeping lately and seem to have developed some unexpected body aches at night...which I never noticed until someone mentioned the Restless Leg scenario! But now I think maybe that is my problem too...dang it! Or maybe its the caffiene in the 1 diet coke I allow myself a day & the three coffees in the morning that I usually have! But then when I was drinking I would often have quite a few coffees and then numerous Diet cokes with bourbon most what's with that? Surely my caffeine intake is less now?
                                Greetings again Pops & G, I met you briefly before you went away, so glad you're back again with lots of sage advise and all! This Nest is the best thing to happen to me in a LONG time, so right now here's a big:thanks: for the miracle of the Newbies Nest!

