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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    I had an appointment today to beg for mercy on our outrageous school tax bill. We have to wait a month for a response, geez!

    A big welcome to our newest Nesters - KatKins, foxtrott and sweettooth2! Find yourselves a comfortable twig and settle in, glad you're here

    Sooty, hope your internet clears up soon, that can be frustrating.
    Maisie, 8 days, good for you girl!
    Hi Sunni. The tomato jam is good, honestly.
    Chops, don't work too hard, OK?
    TranqWilly, I'll have to send you some chicken soup for your sniffles.

    Gonna call it a day, wishing everyone a comfy AF night in the Nest.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hey everyone, just wanted to check in and be accountable, I cannot tell you how much things have changed for me just since finding this site. Anyway, still AF (and loving it)...........been busy as a bee reading books and surfing the net researching all sorts of things...................I finally put on that dreaded Nicotine patch and put the cigs away..........I hope for good. But right now is the easy part, it will be tomorrow or the next day when I feel like tearing my hair out...........that is usually when I cave in and start smoking again, so I really need all of your prayers. I feel so positive about life right now, I cannot even describe it other than I have never felt so empowered and enthusiastic about making so many positive changes.....................hope you all are having a wonderful night


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the virtual soup Lav; can you fax over a pizza too?

        Hey Skittles. Good luck with the smokes. I quit over ten years ago and never went back. The patch made it pretty easy. Just find ways to take care of your physical needs. Eg- don't let yourself get too hungry or thirsty (h20 will help flush the nicotine) or tired... I made sure I had fruit around and kept snacking healthy all day. Avoid stuff that'll make you crash like sugar, caffeine, etc. Some is okay, but the up and down cycles act just like cigs in that regard. The patch takes care of most of the cravings -- just don't smoke if you feel like it, find something else to do instead.

        Take care.
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon in the Nest!

          It's Friday arvo and I've just knocked off work and had a bite to now waiting for that to settle before I attempt a walk . The weather is looking good,so thought I might go for a stroll down near the beach!

          :welcome: to all the newbies: Katkins(the guilt doesn't serve you..just keep putting one foot infront of the other);foxtrott well done on starting;Sweettooth the nest is a comfy spot!

          Lav- yeah, I don't 'get' tomatoe jam...just doesn't seem 'right' somehow

          Tranq- I'm into the green tea with mint or for a cold drink the green tea cordial! But also trying to restrict myself to one diet coke a day..bit of an addiction to caffeine here *cringe*

          Maisie-you are sounding great and doing so well! Pats on the back!

          Skittles- how strong are you for going nicotine free as well...three cheers to you!!!

          Sunni- I will have to look up Amaryllis and Ixia now..see what you've started!

          Sooty- too bad about those numbers,huh!
          Chops- you sound so industrious -how do you do it?

          Hubby away now, got to go for walk, then pick up kids from day care, then go see the true test begins.....? 30 days here I come!!!!!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            morning nesters, just a quickie cos I've gotta go and do some shopping. Hope everyone is having a good Friday.
            I envy everyone their nice weather - it looks like Hurricane Bill is staying here permanently.
            Anyway see you all later - if I don't get blown over ..... who am I kidding it would take more than a hurricane to shift this tubby sooty!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Reporting in from a dark, damp PA, had overnight thunderstorms. Rain is something we don't need, it's looking like a jungle here!!

              Skittles, congrats on your progress! I strongly urge you to join a quit smoking group. I did and am 101 days quit today Take a look at: It's a very supportive group, a lot like this one.

              Tranq, did you get the pizza? I think the peperoni fell off when I squeezed the pizza thru the fax!

              Chicken, glad you have your plan in place for the weekend - you can do this Enjoy your time with the kids! I'll be doing the 'Grandma thing' myself!

              Hi to Maisie, Sooty, Sunni & Chops!

              Hugs to our newest nesters KatKins, foxtrott & sweettooth - how are you this morning? I hope you're all feeling strong! Be sure to have your plans in place to help you thru the weekend, very important especially in those early days

              Well, we're looking forward to more tropical storm related weather this weekend, whether we need it or not - sigh.......

              Have a great AF Friday, I'll check in later.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Day 5. Hi everyone n thanks for the warm welcome - this nest is so comforting. Feeling better in myself today - very tired but doing ok. Looking forward to the bank holiday weekend to get some rest n relaxation (I hope) - got jobs lined up to keep me out of trouble if it should call. This will be my first sober weekend in at least two years - n I don't even feel frightened?? (how weird is that) or is it just that I have finally woken up to the fact I was killing myself?? Anway hope everyone is doing ok? will pop in later.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Friday.. yay!

                  Good morning, Nestlings!

                  How are we this morning? Between tropical storms, hurricanes, and the likes?
                  An(other) overcast day here... too cool for August - hrmpfh.

                  Lav... I will really have to try that tomato jam... what will you think of next? And... I missed pizza? Darn!

                  Heheh.. chicken.. no, YOU started it.. with them fancy flowers!
                  Sooty... :H "this tubby sooty"????? I don't even know how to picture that!
                  Skittles.. kudos on giving up the smokes as well... I tried that earlier this year - but failed. Another attempt is on the horizon, though.
                  Tranq... still running after that nose? Hope you feel better by now!
                  Miranda - here's wishing you an AWESOME AF weekend! Come here, if you feel close to caving, ok? Weekends are usually a bit slower but somebody will be here for sure to talk you through it. As for being 'frightenened' - it's the AL we ought to be scared of...

                  K.. folks.. I had a looooong night scrubbing rugs like crazy. I'll show you some pics when I get the time. My 'friend'/tenant was using a lot of my furniture (which I had agreed to) - but MAN... I don't understand how you can live that filthy. I wouldn't want my dog laying on that rug.. much less a toddler. Oh well... it came out pretty good... may have to do it one more time before I put it down here.

                  I should try and get some work done now... since I'll have to run out to physio again shortly - ack. Have a great morning/afternoon/whatever!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All,
                    Day 13Af free for me, still having trouble sleeping, no big surprise, that's why I started drinking all those year ago. A glass or two of wine to sleep. Thought it would get easier, not yet. Didn't drink yesterday, no Al in the house thank god, but eat too much junk...didn't even enjoy it just ate it anyway. Drinking lots of de-cafe tea and water, taking my weight in seems like. No physical craving, just mental sh----
                    Anyway still didn't get my wallet back from my husband, haven't gone to the store, and right now can't trust myself to go alone.
                    Thanks to all of you who share, I get get support from reading the posts. My husband really wants me to go to AA, I am mortified at the thought so that makes me more determined to stick to it myself with all your help. I am too private to share in public...
                    You all are going so well congrats!!! Happy and AF weekend.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yeah you! I think nicotine is harder than AL to kick! It is just much more 'acceptable' than AL. The only place you can smoke without grief is in 'The South'; and that is getting worse!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quickie to say goodnight. Hope all is calm and peaceful for everyone in the nest.
                        Friday done and dusted thank goodness, time for hot choc and settle down with my book
                        See you all tomorrow
                        love Sooty


                          Newbies Nest


                          Morning All!
                          Saturday am here and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired!
                          Up three times last night with Dani (last one at 5:30am this morn) then Loren is up and at them at her usual time of 6am! How did I used to do this and have a hangover most nights? Was I stupid or something?????

                          ANYWAY, now that I've got that off my chest *grumbles inwardly still* I am now officially into Day reward night for me tonight...toenail painting I have decided..for a 'me' treat! Can't do the finger nails as I have none-urghhh, always chipped and broken!

                          Had a good day Friday, work was okay. Went for a walk in the arvo to the beach and then got utterly soaked on the way home in the rain... but was actually kinda a strange way! Collected girls and had a girls night out, just the three of us... took them for tea at HJ's and then to the "Wild West Circus" done through the local PCYC group here. It was quite good and we ate hot popcorn! Then home and bed for the wee chicks! Read a magazine and went to bed pretty early and did not get ONE SINGLE craving, which for a Friday night is just AMAZING!
                          Well saturday is going to be busy, so I am not overly concerned about cravings today, but was worried about Sunday. However, have just been invited to a 3rd b'day party with the that will help with that, fill in the time and all!

                          Resolved-you are going great-guns, be proud of you!
                          Hi Teba
                          Sooty- 'tubby Sooty', well I am fighting off the food cravings with the whole not drinking thing lately and in the last 12 months have managed to stack on atleast 4 kilos, so I will call myself 'plump chook' or maybe 'succulent chicken' (that sounds wrong!:H;
                          Sunni- wow I don't envy you that job! I could not see your pics for some reason so am just imagining in my mind's eye how bad your place was with that woman! Makes me so angry when people don't respect each other GRRRRRR! well she willl have bad mojo hereafter anyway, what goes around comes around!
                          Miranda-so glad you are with us, stay close and we will all help each other!
                          Lav-wow that storm is giving you a serious ride huh? Hope all is well though, they can be beautiful in an awe-inspiring way! nature and her mysteries and all! Hey, next time can we have a seafood pizza? I don't mind if you send it by express ok?:H
                          Sooty- that hurricane is doing a job too! wow and I thought our little storm yesterday was impressive!
                          To all the Newbies in our cosey nest...stay strong!
                          Chicken *clucks encouragingly*


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Nesters ~ very late check in for me today. I have been swamped at work, more so than usual. Is it winter yet, so we can slow down around here???? :H

                            It has also been quite another sad day. As I said before, my stepdad died two weeks ago. Well, last night his father passed away. It was two weeks to the day between these deaths. I am at a loss here.

                            I apologize for not addressing everyone. I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking of you. I will check in either later this evening or tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has reached their goals for the day.

                            Take care and big hugs to you all!!! :l:l:l


                              Newbies Nest

                              So sorry Chops..big hugs for you!
                              It's always uncanny how these things happen like that. My Dad and my Uncle passed within a year of each other! The week before my Dad died (unexpectedly) he read in the paper about his old mate passing away...was shocked, then Dad died so soon after!!! Makes you wonder!
                              Thinking of you and yours,
                              Luv Chicken


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nestlings!

                                It's dark & it's still damp here - time to call it a day!

                                Just wanted to say congrats to Miranda on 5 days, great!

                                Sunni - you seem like the 'adventurous type' - try the tomato jam! I made a whole wheat foccacia bread for dinner - they went well together

                                Skittles, Tranq - how are you?

                                Resolved, you heading into 14 days now, that's fantastic! Congrats on your accomplishment. Why is your husband pestering you about AA? Is he a member? I don't know if you are familiar with my
                                'Lavan-ittude' but it jumps out from time to time. I just seriously wish people, who know nothing about a certain topic, would stop giving their advice - especially when it's not asked for.......Sorry, I'll jump down off my soapbox now..... You keep doing the great job you have been doing, we're proud of you!

                                Teba, are you a smoker down South? I know it's hard to find a place to enjoy a smoke any more, that's one of the reasons why I just quit. I had great success with

                                Sooty, if you're enjoying hot chocolate it must be cool where you are

                                Chicken, when my kids grew up I thought the sleepless nights were over. I forgot to count menopause & aging dogs (afraid of thunder storms) in the mix...........
                                You may have any toppings you like on future pizzas

                                Chops, sorry to hear about another loss in your family, such a difficult time. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

                                Gonna put this tired old body to bed soon. I hope my old dog doesn't hear the storm predicted for tonight!
                                Have a safe and comfy night all, see you in the morning.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

