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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Sunday morning Nesters!

    It's actually dry & sunny here this morning kids!!
    Good, can't wait to get outside, feel the need to putter around the yard today

    Chicken, I think I'm going to look for a copy of your book. I'll save it for my grandson, I picture the two of us enjoying that book together someday.

    Looking forward to the fall colors here too Sooty. We have a heavily wooded area just behind our home that explodes into color each Fall, very pleasant to look at

    Tranq, you go ahead and send that chilly weather this way - that's what starts our Fall color explosion!!

    I'm probably going to start my Fall house cleaning in the chicken coop. It takes a while to get things tidied up in there......... we're down to 18 hens now, lost 2 over the summer. They're getting older now, we're not getting as many eggs. I guess at this point they pretty much turn into pets!! Might think about increasing the size of the flock next Spring. Receiving day old hatchlings in the mail is really a trip. They are so cute

    Well, have a wonderful day one & all, will check in later!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      well its sunday night in my nest - where has everybody been all day? I've had a good day and hope everyone else has too.
      See you all on Monday gang, take care


        Newbies Nest

        I dont know where everyone is either, but normally I would be getting ready to go buy a 12-pack about now....................I am so bored! I cannot find a thing to watch on TV, feel like I am climbing the walls. But not about to drink because of it! Think I will go sit on the patio for awhile and read. See yall later.


          Newbies Nest

          Good Afternoon Nesters ~ I hope everyone has been out enjoying their day. It is a beautiful day here in Oregon. I have actually had nothing to do today, but laundry :H This is unheard of, but I am enjoying each second of it.

          Thank you all for the condolences, thoughts, and prayers. I will find out shortly when the funeral for my step-grandfather is later today. The weekend has been filled with a lot of memories of not only him, but my stepdad as well. They are together now and that brings a smile to our faces.

          My mom, oldest niece, and I had a day out for shopping yesterday. It was quite fun and we really just enjoyed having a girls day. A nice break and took our miinds off things.

          I will check in again later tonight. Thinking of you all :l :h


            Newbies Nest

            Skittles!!!HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!

            Morning the Nest!
            Bright, sunny Monday here and I have finally had a decent night's sleep...yay!
            Kids slept well for once and we are all up and ready for the new week!

            Skittles- how you holding up? Hope you enjoyed your book and sitting on the porch relaxing? By the way Skittles,what type of bird are you in this Nickle Nackle Tree??? Come on let us all in on your secret??

            Lav-the book would be great to share with your grand son, the illustrations are fantastic!My Mum did a similar thing with another book called "I Love you to the Moon and Back" for my girls, they read it together regularly as a little tradition!

            Sooty-what are you now..Day 7???Well done anyway!

            Chops-glad you had a girls day out,always helpful when things are bad! Keep your chin up and that great attitude of yours going!!!We are here for you!

            To all the other Nesters....where are you guys!!
            *cluck cluck in curiosity*


              Newbies Nest


              Hello ther through my end of the week marathon at work....little hazy on Sundays, per usual, as the long hrs take their toll......luckily, Gilligan let me sleep in this morning. He's adjusting a little better. Still not back to normal by any means, but getting better. We played some fetch the last couple nights which shows me he's coming around.....Chops, yeah it's been around 113 degrees here as of late....whew....thank god for AC.....Chicken, like your husband, I was not a cat guy AT ALL....never had them or wanted them.....till almost 9 years ago when one of my staff and her daughter convinced me to try a couple of kittens from their cats litter.....named them Titus and of course Gilligan.....BEST decision I've ever I'm an ex jock, big guy, not exactly where cats roost....but T & G were (and are with G) the lights of my life.........
              Well, wishing all my little ones out there a great start to this week.....goodnight cherubs.
              Pops & G


                Newbies Nest

                Sending you all my love and warm wish Papa, Sunny, Lilb and M.....Chopps...seriously...I miss you and Dill the most these day (sniff, sniff) I hope all is well with everyone!!! Things are going so well here...but I totally know they would be EVEN BETTER if I wasn't drinking!!! AHHHH!!!! I hate this!!! I'm a 'functioning alcoholic' like my dad....FREAKIN SUCKS!!!!!!! I hope your journey continues to be a positive one...I miss you guys!!!!
                BIG HUGE HUGS!!!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Guys. I'm just getting in from the golf course and have been outside all day. Temps in the high 60's and mostly sunny. Great day! I had one beer with my brother after golf, then made it home to watch my team (Da Bears) on pre-season football. I considered stopping to grab some beer for the game but said "NO WAY". It feels great to choose not to drink!

                  Sorry I missed you earlier Skittles, I tend to stay very busy on summer weekends. Wish I had a patio I could get out on and read, or bbq or something. Hoping to move to better amenities next year.

                  Hey Chicken thanks for info on the book. It might make a great xmas gift for someone with a two year old to entertain. Too bad we can't use our bird pics for avatars!

                  I'm just hanging out at home with the Bears game. Enjoy!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening Nesters,

                    I'm still here Sooty - as usual!
                    Skittles, there has been nothing on TV for quite a while. I'm back to reading for good, healthy entertainment
                    Chops, glad you enjoyed your downtime day - need that now & then.
                    Chicken, it really is nice to be able to sleep again, isn't it? Almost makes you feel human, ha ha!
                    Hi Pops, glad to hear G is settling in. I used to work very long stretches myself, glad those days are over.
                    SD - missed you. Why are you drinking again? Anything we can do?
                    Tranq, you will send that cool weather east now, right? How did Da Bears do today??

                    I'm closing up my end of the nest now, another long day done.
                    Wishing everyone a safe night, see you all in the morning.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Lav. Bears beat Denver 27-17, just pre-season -- doesn't mean much; just building up for the opener against Green Bay in a couple weeks. Good Night.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 9 is a close call!!!!urgh!

                        Afternoon Nesters!

                        Well I've just managed to ward off a MAJOR craving and am currently sipping Diet Coke like it is manna from heaven!!!! 3:30-4:30pm seems to be the evil hour for me!

                        Thought I was going to cave though and self-talked manically for a good half-hour to get through! Just kept saying "alcohol wont make you feel any better about will make you feel worse in the end" and "just try a diet coke first and see how you go"! Seems to have worked so far (touch wood).

                        Lav-I used to be an avid reader or fiction and non fiction, but now my reading repotoire seems to comprise children's stories and the occasional magazine! I miss reading a good book from cover to cover in a matter of days or even hours, but even more than that I miss my sleep! But for all that I would not have it any other girls are my life and I am so lucky to have such bright lights in my life!!!!

                        Wow Tranq-your determination is great to see! Those sorts of events do usually involve lots of drinking and the fact that you 'chose' not to is so great! It is very much like 'you' are back in control of your life , not 'AL'-I hope I can reach that point too!

                        sd- hope you are going okay? Are you modding or has something happened to cause the drinking again? Big hugs anyway!!!!:l

                        Pops- I love to hear stories about men getting 'blindsided' by the insinuous affections of a feline! Don't they just make you work for their love? I love that they are the archtype of a freespirit!!!

                        Skittles-how you hanging in there?
                        Sooty,Chops,Sunni and all the rest-:h
                        *clucking affectionately*


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters, miserable old Monday here but I'm really pleased to be here. Last night was really tough but I got through it and am so happy to be hangover free. Today is Day 7 for me and that's a bit of a record recently so I'm determined to get to September on a dry run!
                          Off to the gym in a minute and to get a few bits of food in - hope everyone has a really good day. Bank Holiday here in the uk that's why the weather is horrid!
                          See you all later


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            It's dy here for a change Sooty!
                            So glad you and Chicken both worked thru your tough spots yesterday. I'm proud of you both

                            Hope the rest of our nestlings check in today, this last day of August.
                            I am firmly commited to an AF September and would love to have lots of company

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Monday, will check in later.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fandango bird - me thinks!

                              Good afternoon Nestlings!

                              Hope everyone survived the weekend unscathed - phew... it was a busy one!

                              All is well now; I'm home for the day (except for a quick dash to the store to fetch dinner). Had my daughter and her b/f visit... it was just wonderful. Great to see her and her brother get along so well, too.

                              Never did get Miss Sophie loaded (think I mentioned that) on Saturday and she behaved very oddly yesterday (Sunday), laying down a lot.. not eating much. It suddenly occurred to me that she may have been telling me something by not going on the trailer. I sat with her for quite some time last night and had a long talk with her. If this is her time to run in greener pastures then I need to let her go and be happy and grateful for the years I've had with her. She's 33 (WELL over the normal life expectancy) and she has been a most wonderful horse and companion. To my delight, she was up and eating and nickering this morning! Maybe she was just having a lazy Sunday!? I hope so. But, I also don't want her to keep holding on, if life isn't any fun anymore.

                              Anyways.. it's 2pm and I just got back from depositing my daughter and b/f back - time to get to work! I will try to read back and catch up later.

                              Have a wonderful day, all!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone.

                                Way to go Sooty and Chicken. Like Chicken said to me -- You can be in control of your life, not AL! It sure feels good to get through a weekend without a Monday morning hangover.

                                Wow Lav, end of August huh. Still feels like October here! My 30 days af spanned over parts of July and August. I just realized today that I've had about ten drinks for an entire month. I've had that many in an afternoon before! It does feel good to, well, feel good! I still think about AL a lot though, in terms of why I drank, drink, drunk, etc in retrospect, and all the mental baggage that goes along with it. I wonder when/if that internal dialogue will go away.

                                Take care everyone.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

