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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    CLUCK!!! (morning in chicken-speak!)

    How are we all this fine Tuesday!
    I am sitting here watchiing my grumpy middle-aged cat Merlin galavanting in the front yard with the old cat from across the road (we have called her 'Old Lady'),they are having a grand old time! Oh, for the life of a cat huh!

    Throstlebird-oops I mean Tranq!- I think it's probably a good sign that the internal chatter is still happening, mainly because if it becomes if we become relaxed about it too quickly then perhaps it will creep back up again. I see what they(the wise ones) mean though about how modding is harder than being AF..the thought processess are exhausting!

    Sunni (Fandango)- yup I can see you as this elegant,flamboyant bird!!! I think my old nag Mojo is about 35 years now, but although his whole face is grey, he looks good! But sometimes I expect to go out there to feed him one day and to find him 'gone'!

    Lav- I'm in for an AF September!!!!!!LET"S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeehaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sooty- what type of exercises you doing at the Gym? Mostly I am walking, hydrotherapy and a few light weights!

    Where are all our New Nestlings?? Don't they like our lovely nest in the Nickle-Nackle Tree
    Anyway, hope we are all staying strong and happy and healthy!!!! I love this Nest!
    (Pops- you are one of the 'Wise ONes' for sure)-can I call you Great Sage!!LOL
    Chicken *fluffing feathers with aplomb*


      Newbies Nest

      Still Monday evening here Chicken..........but it was a nice final day to the month of August!
      I actually turned the AC off today (probably the first time since May)!
      Thanks for sending the cooler weather Tranq...........

      I hope we didn't scare the new nestlings with the Nickle-Nackle Tree

      OK Sunni, Sooty, Tranq & Chicken - I'm ready for September......let's make it a good one!!!!!!!!!
      Have a safe evening everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest


        Chicken, you can call me 'any spice' you like......'great sage' is fine for now......I'm soooo glad this nest is a 'safe place of comfort' for you and everybody else.....have a wonderful night my little ones. Sweet dreams cherubs.
        Pops & G


          Newbies Nest

          LMAO Pops!
          You crack me up!


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters and a special greeting to the 'Great Sage'!!

            The sun is shining on this 1st day of September here in this part of the nest, a nice beginning to a brand new month. I'm feeling strong, hope everyone else is feeling strong too
            Chicken, I'm counting on as much CLUCK this month as you can really helps!

            OK, off to get my day started, have a good one everybody.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning, birdies... how are ya?

              OMG, I went to lay down after dinner last night... felt kinda woozy and really, really tired... ummm.. errrrm.. yeah... woke up this morning at 7:15 Holy crap, I slept for 12 hours or so! Sheeeesh.

              Tranq... yep, I find that the internal dialogue calms for a while and then starts back up again... that's the time to be on ones toes, me thinks! (And, not your partners, if you happen to be dancing.. if you know what I mean!)

              Chicken... 35??? Wow! Yeah, Sophie's face has got gray as well.. she's got gray hairs in her mane as well Good luck with your old guys (horse, cat, hubby, etc..) :H

              Oh, 'great sage' ...( I LIKE it - has a nice ring to it!) :bow ... how's 'G' adjusting? Letting you sleep yet?

              Lav... you must be looking forward to fall... boy, was it ever COLD out this morning! Nipply! Ooops... nippy, I mean!

              Sooty... Congrats on making it through the night and 7 days!!!! BLOODY WELL DONE! :l

              Ok, guys 'n dolls... need to get going. Have a grand day and awesome AF September, everyone!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Hello nesters, how is everyone on this new day of a new month? I'm very pleased to be entering september alcohol free and am really glad that you're all coming along with me.
                Busy day today will log in later


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Nesters,

                  Doing an early evening check tonight! I trust everyone had a good day???

                  Sunni, I am smiling, big time in this cool weather..........ahhhhhhhhhh, what a relief

                  Sooty, glad you are feeling good. We still need you to drive that bus.

                  Hope we have more visitors tomorrow - seem to be missing quite a few here today!
                  Have a good, safe evening everyone.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest


                    Quiet day in the nest eh??? Lavande, thank you for the 'special greeting'....I noticed you and Sooty visited again today...both of you have been constant visitors to this here nest....wonderful to see as your input is terrific. Sunni, yeah, G is doing pretty well. Better than before, but still not himself entirely. The fact I was hammering nails in walls all day to put up pics didn't help him much.......the place is slowly starting to take a little shape though...well, I'm sure we'll get a busier nest tomorrow. In the meantime have a peaceful night my little ones............Pops & G.......or 'Sage & Paprika'


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Everyone!

                      Sounds like everyone is doing well. I'll be on my toes Sunni, and hopefully no one else's toes -- funny 'cause I'm going to a wedding this weekend.

                      Chicken, it is kind of weird about dealing with the mod'g decisions, and the chatter that goes along with it. Sometimes I think "I gotta stop thinking about this stuff", but then I think that I can't let my guard down. I'd like to start thinking about other things like finding a life that's not AL-centric -- I guess as long as I avoid the compulsive urges, or feeling sorry for myself, blah, blah, blah I should be okay. Maybe I think too much.

                      Wow, Sooty you've got that bus seven days down the road huh. That is great! And Chicken's got it going too. You guys are doing great!

                      No prob on the weather -- more on the way, today was perfect here.

                      Well I think I'll let you 'spice birds' have fun - I'm snoozing-out already. Good night all.

                      Take care.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        I need to stop drinking. If I continue to drink everyday I am going to start hurting people I care about. The same excuses I give to my parents for not answering my phone are not going to work. I can hear the hurt in their voice. I am slowly slipping up and screwing up college. I am in my last year of it. Why can't I just sit down and study and say "screw everything else" why must I have one beer at the end of the day. Its never just one beer. Just like its never just one day of smoking up. I have to stop completely.

                        I have to quit.


                          Newbies Nest

                          This feeling of guilt I have when I talk to my parents is terrible.....I can't afford it anymore....


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            It's a beautiful morning here in this end of the nest, cool, crisp, sun shining...........I'm happy, energized, loving it

                            Welcome triton64! I'm glad you're here, please find a comfortable twig & settle with us in the nest.
                            Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it right here on the website, it's a quick read. You also need to make your plan. Take a look at the Toolbox thread in the Monthly Abstinence section. It's full of great ideas to help you with your plan. You have a strong desire to quit drinking now you need to get just one AF day under your belt, you'll be amazed at how great you feel. You'll want another, then another. Stay close, check in with us as often as you can, we're here to help!

                            Tranq, Sunni, whoever sent the cool pleasant weather here - thank you! It's just what I needed
                            I'm on call now for babysitting duty Monday & Wednesday afternoons now that my daughter-in-law has resumed her classes. Spending this time with my 9 month old grandson is possible because I found MWO and I will be forever grateful to all of you!!!!!!!!!

                            Have a great AF Wednesday everyone, I'll check in later.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Goooooood Mooooorning Vietnam!
                              Oops.. no... that ain't right... Gooooood Mooorning Nestlings!

                              Welcome Triton! You've found a wonderful place for support and to help you on your way (out). All of us are all too familiar with the feeling of guilt and shame... you're not alone. I gather that you are still very young - so your chances to get away from AL are AWESOME! How would you like to join us in the 7.5 day pact? It's only a week - let's see how much and how well you can get things done without the nasty liquid? We'd love to have you!

                              I so hope this day turns out better than yesterday - man, what a whopper that was - on all levels. But, that was yesterday and today is a new day. No, no, AL wasn't involved... no worries. Day 25, I believe.Hey, did you know that you can't go back to a previous month and enter in the Drink Tracker? I forgot to enter my nice round comfy ZERO on August 31st... hrmpfh.

                              Lav, good to hear that you are enjoying this cooler weather. I would gladly send you ALL of mine... in exchange for a week or two of REAL summer. So, what have you got planned with the grand baby? Anything special? It's a little early yet, but I had my daycare kidlings collect leaves and seeds and nuts and just about anything that looked interesting (except for the doggie presents - for some reason they looked good too, to them) and made them into collages and whatnot... mind you, he's a little young for that yet.

                              Great Papa Sage... I'm glad that G (PAPRIKA?? How did you come up with that one? :H) is settling in for you. Some kitties are better about changes than others. Once you've got everything in its place and he has found his most favourite, comfy spot - he'll be just fine.

                              Sooty... yeah, you in the driver's seat!... 7 days? Well done, girlie!!! VERY well done!

                              Tranq... I hear ya. I actually got kinda mad/peeved at some point. The internal chitter-chatter was SO obsessive and annoying. The good news is, it DOES ease up with time. It really is about building new habits and associating new feelings with familiar activities.

                              Phew.. so much typing and I'm still on my first cup of coffee... need to rectify that... NOW.
                              You birdies all have a wonderful AF day... I'll check up on you later! Physio in a little while... ouch.
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 11one and Dusted!

                                Evening the Nest!

                                All good here..tired and happy and content with the world.My babies are all abed and I am settling in for a bit of TV before bed myself! Hubby has a 'gout' flare-up (ex-navy-used to drink MUCH alcohol).So he is not feeling the best and is in bed already (poor love). Since the gout he mods very well!!!and only drinks light beer.

                                Hope we are all happy in the nest too and peeping along merrily!

                                Sunni-what's your physio for? I have to go get my neck looked at soon..urgh!
                                Lav-have fun with your grandson! I am loving life with my girls, now that I am finally living in the 'now' with them!! Oh, what I was missing!!
                                Welcome Triton- you can feel safe here. Talk and listen as you need to and you will do okay (plus Sooty is a pretty good bus driver:H)
                                Hi Sooty- beep that horn driver!!!Yay for you!!!Well done!!!
                                Tranq-who won the game?
                                Oh Great Sage! what is Paprika up to? Hope 'G' is curled up in a safe spot and that all your pictures are straight!!!!

                                Off to bed in a bit,see you on the morrow!

