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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    hi rebus and welcome. lots of friendship and support on here. don't worry about feeling wobbly, it will pass and every day you'll get stronger.
    looking forward to getting to know you :welcome:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All.

      Thanks for your encouragement regarding the wedding party last night. Things went pretty well for me. First, I did have a great time enjoying family I haven't seen in a while and partying with all on the dance floor. Amazingly, I managed to stretch my first glass of wine (I'm normally a beer binger) through cocktail hour. Simply sipping and not focusing on drink as the primary activity was a key for me. I made sure to stop at the bar for a glass of water now and then. Just two more glasses of wine through dinnner and the rest of the evening. I ended up weak willed when my lady wanted to have a night-cap at home, so it was a total of four wines over a seven hour span. Within my moderate limits and except for the last one, according to plan.

      Chicken, you rock with the compliments, thanks. But I'm certainly no expert either. Hi to all the new folks. My experience here included a 30 day af commitment that I stuck to with the extreme benefit of this group and other folks on this site, the hypnotic cds and the full load of supplements. As my drinking was pretty focused on the weekends, I didn't have any serious withdrawals to deal with. I chose not to use meds because I didn't want to deal with the side effects or getting scripts, etc. I found that the supps and hypno were helpful in reducing my urges. The toughest part was dealing with my mind in social situations. Now I'm looking at moderation as abstinence 99% of the time. This is why the af stretch was vital to me in showing myself that I could chose abstinence and really survive the situation. Moderating isn't easy, but it isn't really hard provided I don't go over the edge into drunkeness and a total lack of control (so far so good).

      Ooh, I'm running late -- thank god for no hangovers -- I'm off to the golf course. Sooty I love the Beatles -- Norwegian Wood, Come Together, Hey Jude (the movement you need is on your shoulder), really all of Abbey Road are SOME of my favs.

      Enjoy all. Take care!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Sunday Morning Nesters!

        Sorry Sooty but we're having another bright, sunny, cool morning here This weather has energized me, I am grateful!

        Welcome to beagle & rebus! Hop into the nest, find a comfortable twig & settle in with us. We are happy to get to know you & help you reach your goals. As you can see we talk about all kinds of things here

        Sooty, I'd love to watch some sort of Beatles marathon on TV - would definitely make me feel like a young bird again!!

        Pops, hope you're getting some well deserved rest now. I used to work double shifts way back way I could handle that now!! Ugh!!! Say Hi to 'G'.

        Chops, waiting for a report on your date last night

        Chicken, hope you enjoyed your Fathers Day celebration yesterday! I'm going to kick back a little today & give my kness a rest, ha ha. Spent way too much time playing on the floor with my grandson yesterday but loved it!!!!

        I hope everyone has a great AF Sunday, I'll check back later.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hey TranqWilly - we cross posted.
          Glad you enjoyed the wedding yesterday - good job!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            well done on the wedding party Tranq - great restraint!
            The Beatles thing was lovely Lav - really old footage - took me right back and lots of songs that I'd forgotten but when they came on I still knew all the words - mispent youth I think!
            I'll forgive you your weather as long as I can have some.
            See you all later, have a lovely relaxing sunday


              Newbies Nest

              well its getting late in the nest and I'm planning an early night.
              Hope everyone had a successful sunday.
              Hey chops - come on tell us about the date ....I'm all agog the dirt gal!
              Seriously I hope it was fun.
              See you all tomorrow nestlers
              have a good one


                Newbies Nest

                Good Afternoon Nesters! Very late check in for me. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!

                Chicken, I hope you had a great Father's Day celebration!

                Tranq, great job on the modding! Sounds like you had a great evening. How did the golf go?

                Lav, thanks for looking up Grandparents Day! My little guy just got his first haircut. I can't wait to see the pictures!!!

                Sooty, watching the Beatles all night sounds great. I hope you enjoyed all the footage. That is something I would definitely want to see.

                Pops, I did get a PM from you. Did you get mine back? I hope you are getting in some much needed rest today. Hugs to you and 'G'!

                Sunni, thinking of you dear! Hope you are enjoying your time

                Welcome Beagle and Rebus! You have found a great place to be!

                Ok, so the date went really well! What a total gentleman. He actually opened doors for me!! We had a wonderful time just talking and laughing. It's been quite some time since I have met such a great man and enjoyed all the conversation. And, there will be a second date too!

                Well, I have to go do some school work now. Will try to check in later. :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters!

                  Hey Chops! I just popped in to say that's great news about the date! You deserve the very best.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters!

                    Everyone sounds like they had a great weekend! Same here, lots of special treats for Dad and family time. Had an impromptu arvo with the neighbours and their kids, but happy to say that I did not drink despite others imbibing! Feeling really good and ready for this first ever venture into week 3 AF!

                    Tranq-the wedding sounds like it was a really successful event for you!
                    Lav- go easy on those knees!!!!
                    Chops- glad the date went well....!
                    Pops & G- have some R&R now you two!
                    Hi Dill-good to see you!
                    Sooty- what you been up to?
                    Rebus & Beagle- you've found a good place to be and get yourself healthy!Keep posting!
                    Busy day ahead guys, so will check in later!
                    Have a good one all


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      9 pm here Chicken - thinking about calling it a day! Starting week 3 huh? Very nice!

                      Sooty, I'll be happy to share some of this nice weather with you. I know it won't last forever but it has been nice for several days now

                      Chops, glad the date went well. Where did you find a gentleman? Ha ha! My daughter-in-law cut the little guy's hair last week. She used his Dad's clippers on him. Looks good, not too short. He had been sweating so much in the heat, now he's cool

                      Hi Tranq, hope you had a nice day on the golf course!
                      Pops & G, are you rested?
                      Rebus & Beagle, how did it go today?

                      Dill, thinking about you every day! If I can help in any way please just let me know.

                      I took advantage of the Labor Day sales today & bought 2 new pillows for my bed. Hopefully my neck will like them and stop hurting..............

                      Wishing everyone a safe, comfy night in the nest.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        weekend over,starting new week....

                        thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.I look forward to beginning my journey! Today will be my first day that I will not drink.I was going to write "hopefully not drink" but I reckon after reading a few wiser words round here that would be setting me up for failure.So it's Monday morning here in Oz,& a cool spring day on the horizon,& my real test will come at 5pm this arvo.I've got to get my life back & I hope that you guys can help me!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters.
                          Beagle can you find yourself something else to do at 5 p.m. - have something planned in advance. Go for a walk/swim anything to get past trigger time?
                          Chops so glad the date went well - glad you found yourself a gentleman and good luck for date Number 2. When is that going to be? cor I'm a nosey old sooty but it just sounds SO exciting.
                          Chicken I've been keeping busy daughter got friends coming to stay so I'll be cooking vast quantities today ready for the onslaught. Well done on entering week 3 you should be a very proud chuck today.
                          Lav the weather actually looks as if its improving here this space.
                          Back later have a really good monday everyone


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just wanted to share with you - on Sat night my daughter went to a party which turned out to be a bit of a flop. I'd told her I wouldn't be going to bed too early and she phoned at about midnight just to check if I could pick her up or should she get a taxi.
                            What a good feeling to be able to say I'll come and get you (I was still up anyway) and just jump in the car and drive to get her.
                            Its the little things like this that make being AF so good. That's all - just felt like telling you!


                              Newbies Nest


                              On day 1.

                              Trick that I used to use was to put the oven timer on for an hour... if I got that over I'd try another hour and so on.

                              Another one I'd do was to have a bath.

                              And the most blindingly obvious one ( it did take me a while to get it ) was not to have any alcohol in the house.

                              Love Jackie xxx

                              AF since 7/7/2009
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Newbies Nest

                                what a good idea about the timer - and its not a trick its a strategy! Well done
                                that's how wars are won - strategically

