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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Sunni, cooler temps to move in tomorrow. It's been a bit too warm & humid here - have the AC on because my Q Tip hair has returned.........yuck!

    Lovemylife, so happy to hear you are sticking with your plan
    You work night shifts? I used to do a lot of them myself during my nursin years. They always left me feeling crappy - hope you are better with them!

    Queen, 50 days WOW! Congrats, great job
    I think a lot of us can relate to cravings & increased stress levels. I still use the Hypno CDs frequently to help decrease stress & to convince myself that drinking really does not help anything! I'm using the same thinking to help keep me away from the smokes too I'm looking forward to your cooler Ohio weather arriving here in PA tomorrow, thanks!

    Well, I'm wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
    Let's all keep an eye on G for Pops!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone.

      I'm starting to wonder when I'll be able to stop cooking my brain in this dessert heat. My golf game is turning into a mirage out here. 106f today, and I played through the heat of the afternoon. The pool and jacuzzi feels good though. I'll be back to normal temps on Monday. Mod'ing fairly well -- h2o is more vital than al when you need to stay hydrated. I could not imagine drinking out in this heat -- your head would have to explode.

      Lav, Q-tip hair? Hmmm. I don't get it, but that's okay - Must be a girl thing.

      Love'm, YaY for 3 days af!!! Don't worry about negativity, it goes away by itself after a while af.

      Queenie You Rock!!! 50 days is awesome. Go with it... af feels great and is a lot easier than mod'ing. I can say that there is a lot more satisfaction from af days than non-af.

      So Beag'ues, so when we going out? Sounds like you're doing well. Got any hot weekend plans?

      Chickster, hang in with the young'ins. They're mostly precious - then they grow up.

      Good night from the left-coast. 10pm and still 80f. I'll be Tranq-Toast by the time I get home.

      Sweet dreams from La La Land.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters, sorry wasn't around yesterday, things got a bit hectic with unexpected visitors who stayed for ages, needed feeding etc. But no Al for me although they disposed of quite a lot of Mr S's red wine.
        Hoping to go out somewhere today either for walk or something but sky looking grey and overcast - still as long as it doesn't rain that'll be ok with me.
        Have a good friday one and all I'll be back later


          Newbies Nest


          Good morning, fine feathered friends!

          Short day for me today... back on the boat to head over to my place this afternoon *ugggh
          However, Mr. Wonderful managed to snag a riding lawn mower yesterday (bought it for $160 - you couldn't RENT one for that) which we'll be taking with us. So maybe I will actually get a handle on the grass/garden situation this weekend. And, there'll be more cleaning, etc, of course. Ya know.. a FUN weekend.

          Toasty Tranq... I'm trying really hard to feel immensely sorry for you... but I'm failing miserably. Heat, Golf, Pool, Hot tub... nope.. sorry, can't do it! :H Wonderful, you are managing AL wise though... very happy for you.

          Sooty, do you run a soup kitchen?? I hear you feeding people all the time! :H Good gril for letting the visitors poison just themselves... it does get easier after a while, doesn't it?

          Lav... :H You know, with the picture you've painted, I picture you kinda looking like Marge Simpson. It's not a blue q-tip, is it????

          Queen... WAY TO GO ON 50 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! The 'fantasy' does sneak into my head at times as well... but there are a lot of other REAL pictures to take care of that real quick. I'm truly happy for anyone who CAN moderate... but it's just not in the cards for me.

          Loveml... on day 4 now? Excellent! Watch out, day 4 was a toughie for me in the beginning... lots of distraction, some yummy food, water.. and you'll sail right through it! You can do it!

          Hello beagle - how's our resident vet doing today? Btw.. do you mend birds? :H

          K.. folks, I'll be gone until Sunday late.. behave yourselves and play nicely!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good afternoon Nesters,

            Treated myself to breakfast out and a Flu Shot this morning...........don't I have the exciting life?????

            Tranq, Sunni - let me try to explain the Q Tip hair thing better. Um, let's see, when you have a short haircut and hair that tends to get frizzy on damp days........ picture a Q Tip that's not wound too tightly, short ends sticking out all over the place.......does that make any sense? Unlike Marge Simpson, my hair is dark blonde (not blue) I think Lil has the same hair situation, ha ha!

            Sooty, you need to hang a sign on your front door 'CLOSED' to visitors

            Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hey the Nest!

              Well shortly we are taking the wee chicks to go 'visit' a new puppy (Urgh-what am I letting myself in for?) Friends over this arvo, but good thing is they don't drink!
              Last swimming class for Loren today too for term holidays..busy saturday,but it's all good!
              Glad to be AF!
              Will check in later for an update on whether we end up with this puppy or not!
              Luvs ya's


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone,
                yesterday my husband tells me we were invited to one of his co-workers house along with other people he works with. Now we both know they are heav y drinkers as we used to drink with them on occasion.
                he asks me if i want to go or stay home (and i know why) but i go thinking this is 51 days AF i can not avoid being around AL forever, i need to be strong & AL was all around me when my son got married and i did not drink if i could do that i could do this. well the host was nice and right off offered me soda, diet soda, flavored water all non AL drinks so i think to myself wow my husband is talking to his co-workers about me and my problem????????? but i get flavored water and so does my husband who is sitting right next to me which i did appreciate it felt like support to me out of 10 people only 3 of us were not drinking AL. I could see it and smell it. it went o.k. i mean i dont know these people very well some i had never met. i was nervous before it started but it went o.k. I did notice i even drink my flavored water faster than anyone else at table was drinking their drink is that weird or what? so i had many glasses thinking well i wont wake up foggy or with a bad headache at could see some of the people getting drunk which i never noticed before when i drank..
                anyway on way home he says we can have fun without AL and it is no big deal to him and HE DOES NOT MISS IT AT ALL and he can live without it! i think to myself is this the same person who a week ago was on his rant about him drinking wine in his own house????? Am i going crazy here or what?! Talk about mixed messages. I did not say much last night but i will ask him sat (maybe by email since we often do communicate better by email) thank you for supporting me last night it did help me and i do appreciate it but why is the AL still where i asked you not to keep it in our house? i know it is there and every day i want to drink it. i did not want him to say or think i was looking for a fight or trying to ruin a nice night etc.
                thats all for now
                i was sleeping like a baby when the 2 dogs woke me up barking. now they are sound asleep how i wish they could talk at times!
                just the other day i told my husband i was at day 50 and that i still harbor the fantasy of drinking in moderation like him and he said "well i think you already know the answer to that ? inside yourself"
                so he was saying ive been there and tried that more than once with no success why go back ?
                anyway sunday i have another test, so they ever end? A friends house she is having lots of diff chili & beer the invite said.
                take care everyone
                i notice some of you changed your pictures!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow qod - that's quite a complicated situation unfolding in your house.It does sound like at least partner is being supportive perhaps? To accept going out & not needing AL anyways.
                  Hey everybody!
                  Lav - hiya,over your flu shot yet? sore arm? erg. I'm lucky I don't get flu very often & it's gone in 3 days if I do get it...triple strngth echinacea the key.
                  TranqWilly - are you asking me out on a date darling? Ooo,I'm all gooey & fluttering eyelashes like crazy! Golf does suck big time though as my eye-hand coordination is up the whazoo & the thought of hitting small white balls...hmmmm...could be nasty.
                  Sunni - hey there! Resident vet doin ok - but stopped my vet thing for a bit to get moi shittos together,too stressful & was increasing my wanting to consume.But I do like birdies - I have a Lovebird called Lentl tucked inside my shirt atm! Little buggar self-traumatises something horrible though so in a bizarre twist of fate he's on serenace (haloperidol - antidepressant) which I am sometimes tempted to share with him!
                  Lav -I like those CD's also - got them just the other day in the nick of time & am quite impressed with results so far.
                  Chooksty how are you going? We have the best weather atm don't we.I love spring.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Congrats Lavande on 6 months AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (today)
                    way to go
                    we are proud of you
                    Qof D


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      I woke with a great big smile on my face today
                      Yup, I made my 6 months!!!!!
                      Let me tell you kids's all about attitude or in my case LAVAN-ITTUDE!!!!!!!!

                      Thanks queen, you stick to your guns, you're doing great!

                      I'm off to the Apple Festival for a little good, clean fun
                      I'll check in later.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thnx. Definately needed that vote of confidence this morning :-)


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello nesters, hope everyone is doing well and keeping up speed to catch up the 6 month one! I for one am in for the chase.
                          Had a good saturday and weather quite kind so been out for a walk. Feeling tired from the fresh air I think so going to have a lazy evening and watch some rubbish on tv
                          See you all tomorrow


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoo All!

                            Big pat on the back Lav for 6 very cool!
                            The weather here is great at the moment and we are enjoying alot of 'outside' time, especially as we now have a new addition to the family.His name is Dusty and he is a 10 week old Border Collie X,brown,white and smokey grey colour,with the loveliest grey eyes! Very placid and lovely far?
                            QOD- well done for getting through the social occasions unscathed! Just keep taking it ODAAT and you will get there!
                            Sooty- you sound good and like you're getting your exercise! Somethng I should be doing today!Urgh!
                            Hey Tranq-Sunni, Beags and all the nesters! Hope everyone is perching comfortably on their twig and enjoying the weekend!
                            Luv ya's


                              Newbies Nest

                              chicken, good to see you - sun coming out here now so I'll be outside with our dog soon.
                              We have a border collie - he's very old now but he is the gentlest of creatures and we love him to bits. If Dusty is half as nice he'll be wonderful!
                              lav how does it feel to be 6 months and a day old? Positively purring I bet!
                              This just a quick one to log in so to speak, back later. Have a relaxing sunday everyone.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi - not sure if I should be here, but I am a newbie and could use a little "nesting" to settle in. I look forward to being able to claim 6 months like Lav has. Congratulations on a massive achievement! I'm on my day 1 and taking things one day at a time. I'm aiming for a booze free October to see in my 34th year. It'll be my first birthday since 13 without anything to drink. It's about time.

                                Best of luck to everyone

