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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey all! Day 5 for me, too Jane- I've been buying the Hershey's dark chocolates- bite sized-so guiltless in a way! I tried Kudzu years ago-and it didn't do anything for me- but, maybe for you it will be different, let us know. I just realized that Jane and Hippy must be on their day 6-being in Australia and I'm a day behind- Have a great day everyone!
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Newbies Nest

      Wow good morning Nesters!

      Such a busy nest over night -
      Looks like the AF days are piling up left & right around here - that's terrific!

      For those of you using L-Glut & Kudzu, sorry I have no advice to offer. I didn't use any of the supplements myself - just used plenty of good, dark chocolate! I'm sure that's why I didn't lose any weight when I quit drinking. I pathetically gained 7 lbs. 2 months later when I quit smoking!!!! My focus this year, in addition to keeping my 2 quits is to lose that weight & then some...........

      Wishing each & everyone of you a terrific AF Tuesday, I'll check in later
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Thank you

        :thanks:I am learning how to navigate here now. Thank you for all the wonderful and kind words and thanks for the welcome. Still sorting through things here and in my life. Seems I have a ball of tangled yarn and need to work it all out now that I am not running to a bottle to hide in it. So much to sort through. I am taking it one room at a time in my life. (If that makes any sense?) Doing a little here and there but working on my own self is the biggest thing. How I can change so others will change how the react to me. Learning assertive skills instead of aggressive, an art in itself. Tools to do that are coming from the counseling. Hard work and allot of looking at me and where it all comes from. It is more at this point, what is in my box and what I can do and not what everyone else can do. If I change then they may. At least how they or I let them treat me. I am being more reflective with folks in my life, when they are dumping on me now I just repeat what they say and then let them answer themselves. I am not trying to fix the world anymore just myself. I can't help what other people do is my new saying. Practice will make perfect or at least livable right? I am not as strong as some may think but not as weak as I once thought I was. Still it is a roller coaster ride. Just hanging on and trying to get up and do the best I can with me everyday and as someone on here said and has the quote, (excuse me for not knowing to many names yet) Looking for myself sober. Comes from my most favorite inspiration song from Pink. I listen to it all the time. Also one from the Killers, It's gonna hurt sometimes. I just keep pressing on and seems I have found some new and wonderful friends here to help me and I will try and help them too if I can in some way? Attitude is everything and I am trying to get a good one. Thanks for being here for me and again, thanks for the wonderful replies. I will talk to you all soon. Until then, keep your shields up and stay strong.
        My respect,
        OK, I am starting all over. sigpic


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Everyone
          Its my first post, tho I have been 'lurking' for a while! Having a pretty hard time of it right now, trying desperately to go AF on nothing but willpower and plenty of self-help books. It must be the twentieth time I've tried, the longest was 3 months and felt great, but once the shit hit the fan I was off again. I had a rough Christmas booze-wise, and gave up drinking on Dec 27th, only to have a binge last weekend. I tried Baclofen last year and had a dreadful time with it, felt absolutely awful on it and had to give it up anyway as my GP would not prescribe it and it was seized by customs when I tried to import it myself! I live in Ireland. Its so nice to be amongst people who understand what this cursed disease is like.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Saor. Glad to see you in Newbies Nest.
            As I told you in my message, we are all in this together. We are all here because we have a problem with alcohol and want to get help to live a heathier, better life.
            Lots of folks from Ireland here. (I am proud to say that my background is 3/4 Irish. And have 1/4 Scottish blood thrown in for good measure.) I can't comment on Baclofen or any other drug because I don't know anything about them. I expect that others here could give you advice on that. From what I've read, a lot of people here have ordered supplements such as L-glutamine to help cravings, etc. I know nothing about those either since I don't have access to them. I doubt that I could order them from MWO, they would be stopped at customs. (I live in Greece). But a lot of folks here could tell you about their experiences and how the supps have helped them.
            I can say this tho', the more times you try to stop, the harder it is. And sometimes I think we reach for the bottle, not from physical cravings but because we've programmed ourselves to do that. We have a drink when we get back from work, to relax and one drink leads to another and another until we're passed out again. Or getting supper ready, we'll pour a glass of wine while we're making the salad, another couple with dinner, yet another while clearing up the dishes and it just goes on and on. You have to get yourself a plan and try to do something to get you over that "witching hour". The time of the day when you reach out for that first drink. There is a great thread here in the Monthly Abstinence forum called "Tool Box". I think you will find that reading it will help you a lot. Read the posts in the different forums. Ask what you want. Talk about what you need to. We are all in this together. Many helping hands reaching out to us on our path to a healthy life.
            I wish you good luck. Your kids need to have a healthy Mom. A sober Mom. And you deserve a better life. We all do.
            Take care,
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters!

              T, nice to see you here again. Sounds like you're doing lots of work in learning about yourself & how to handle life in new & healthier ways. A positive attitude & outlook will help you tremendously. We all have to change our thinking to keep movng forward! Stay with us, we can do this together

              saor, hello & welcome to you, glad you found us! We try to make the nest a comfortable place for all new fledglings. Just find yourself a comfy twig & settle in for a while

              stirly, you sound very happy - things must be going well

              Still dealing with very chilly weather in my end of the nest........have a fire lit in the fireplace to take the chill off. Think I'll just jump on the roost & settle in for the night.

              Wishing everyone a safe, comfy night - I'll leave the night light on....
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Woo! Woo! Lots of af folks here! That is great!

                Jessie/Chill - "Tranq, why don't we start a singles club."

                Oh, I'm all over that one - I've been dreaming of an af singles club. Would be fun, not sure if we could start a singles thread, but we could rock the nest!

                Hi Chicken - stay un-grumpy!

                Fluff, Hippy, Jane - day 5! Wow! I don't think it's possible to be snarly eating a kit kat (one of my favs). I've been hooked on some fudge-brownie frozen yogurt. Someone got me addicted to Giardelli dark chocolates too - an expesive habit to boot!

                Not sure about Kudzu either - I've gotten a lot of mileage out of the other supps though. I've come to depend on l-glutamine and gaba. I've also liked 5-htp, which was not on the original list, but someone recommended it in a forum - it kick my mood up a notch almost immediately. Plus I'm still doing all-one every morning. I think the Holistic Healing Forum has a lot of info on supplements.

                chill - "must reread some of the entries writen with horrendous hangovers.." Good if you need a scare - sometimes I find those depressing reads. Getting the stuff off my chest is good therapy though.

                TsHope - "Looking for myself sober." I like that line - I still lose myself sometimes, but it seems like its getting easier to find me as the af time goes by.

                Saor - "Its so nice to be amongst people who understand what this cursed disease is like." Yes, you've found a wonderful place here. No judging, just people helping people.

                Stirly - "You have to get yourself a plan and try to do something to get you over that 'witching hour'." You are so right! About the plan and about witching hour. The better I understood those times and triggers, the more chance I had to do something about them. I was also there pouring wine while making dinner, eating dinner, after dinner... Not opening the bottle in the first place certainly helps - or not having any around to open...

                Haven't heard from Openheart - Hello if you pop in later! Hope you're doing well!

                G'nite Lav wherever you are! Thanks for leaving the light on.

                Take care all!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 6 ...

                  Good morning! Hi Tranq- you sound real chipper-must have been a strong cup of joe to get you going! I'm having mine now -first cup of the day is always the best! I was really groggy this morning I just cannot wake up right away-just want to stay in bed... must be all the good sleep I missed while drinking and now making up for it. Hope all have a great sober day and welcome to Stirly, Saor, and TS Hope!
                  Luv, Fluff
                  It's always YOUR choice!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Where's the sun? Why is it so dark out at 8 am????
                    I'm praying for Spring

                    Hi fluff, glad to hear you're enjoying better sleep these days. It's great, isn't it?

                    Tranq - you can rock the nest if you want - just give me a little warning so I can put a seat belt on first

                    Waking up with no hangover is simply the best.........that's why I recommit myself to live AF every day!!!
                    Wishing everyone a terrific, AF Humpday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening All!

                      I'm staying up late, and not because I'm drunk and feeling like..."who needs sleep anyway...I'm more than human..!"

                      I'm awake because I had massive amounts of sleep today on account of my sinuses flaring up again and a Dr's visit. Called in sick to work and then holed up at Mum's place while the kids were at day care and must have slept a good 6 hours or so!!!

                      What is strange is that the night before I slept quite well and so was suprised that I still needed quite so much! But, I think it was Fluff who said maybe I'm just not used to having a settled sleep? I guess when you have copious amounts of alcohol mixed with a caffeine mixer (diet coke) your sleep will be screwed up somewhat! It is almost as if my body has gone.."now let me sleep for real and stop fighting me you stupid girl".

                      Today is Day 3 for me and I am feeling......quietly pleased! Still getting the cravings, but now I just want to give myself a chance to heal and enjoy living!
                      To all the nesters, new and old, you rock!:h

                      The next few days will be the hard part..the real test!

                      Luv Chook


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening Nesters!

                        Chook - I'm profoundly jealous of your ability to sleep like that!! I hate to say it but that's something that just disappears when you're over 29
                        Keep your eye on your goal now - I know you can do it!!!

                        Spent the day working, nothing special but the temp did go above freezing for a few hours - Yay!!!!
                        I've never been a big fan of winter........

                        Greetings to those who fly in later.......hope everyone had a good AF Humpday!
                        Yes - the night light is on!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone. Just wanted to brag that I have actually reached one week with no AL!! Woo hoo... Am so impressed with myself. It is amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it. Yesterday i even went on a freefall ride at the local theme park. Had a panic attack while the guy was strapping me in but got thru it. Now if I can do that, I can do anything (not good with heights).
                          Hope everyone has a great day.
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi All!

                            Fluff - I haven't quite figured out the wake-up-chipper formula yet. It's kind of hit and miss. Some days I have to peel myself off the sheets. I'm wondering if it might be my late night snacking patterns. But a man's gotta have his chocolate fudge brownie frozen yogurt.

                            Anyway, why not chipper. The only time I'm grumpy is when I'm home alone and bored -- or the whole month of February, whichever comes first. Cool thing about mwo is I'm never alone - we've got a whole world of kindred spirits here.

                            Chicken - nice three days. You know the concept - treat yourself very well, the healing will come if you let it. It's all good. Hope your sinuses get better.

                            HC - brag all you want. Strut! A week is a tremendous milestone! Keep it rolling. Free fall? Like a bungie thingie - brave stuff! I like going fast, but not upside-down or hurtling face first towards the pavement.

                            Ok. Gotta pack for Florida. Not sure how often I'll be able to check in through the weekend; but I'll be thinking of you all.

                            Take care!
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mid Morning here and a big hello!

                              Hi Fluff and Hippy,congrats on your af days, well done!It is a nice feeling isn't it. If my sinuses were not playing merry-hell right now, I would probably be enjoying my af-ness right now too

                              Lav that 6 hours was a rarity! Good thing I got it thought, cause my youngest wee chick was up all night last night and has a scratchy throat this morning *sigh*

                              Great advise and insight into the big picture of Al Stirly!

                              Saor..welcome! yes I had a big Xmas too and that is why i am here trying again, just like you! But atleast we are trying! Keep your chin up!

                              Have a great trip Tranq! And make sure you take that cup of Joe with you okay! (just in case the late night munchies are the culprit!)

                              Have a good one folks


                                Newbies Nest


                                Lots of activity in the nest--glad to see everyone here marching along, putting one foot in front of the other. Me, too.

                                Hippy Chick, Fluff, Jane--way to go on those af days--what a gift you have given yourselves. Keep on keeping on.
                                Hi there Saor--good for you for posting. Try to keep in mind this is a process and take your slips as a way to figure out how to be more proactive with staying af when it's tough--maybe anticipating the rough spots and planning on responding to it differently. Take good care of yourself.

                                Tranq- "The only time I'm grumpy is when I'm home alone and bored -- or the whole month of February, whichever comes first." Thanks for the laugh, friend. Packing for FL sounds fun--hopefully you won't need your parka down there anymore.

                                Hi Chicken--I've noticed I need to sleep alot when my body is trying to fight off some kind of virus or something--one of the things I've been working on is letting myself rest guilt-free and I think it's helped me with being af.
                                Lav--stay cozy and warm. Thanks for leaving the nightlite on.
                                "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

