Then I get to work (I work at a High School, in the caf?. department, yup I'm a luch lady) and there is nowhere to park due to the snow, the kids take the staff parking, which forces me to go searching for a parking spot. I'm new there this year so I only do 3 hours a day, which means I don't get there till later than everyone else I work with, so I end up having to park at our Middle School, there is usually a parking spot or two available, of course then it takes an extra 5 min to walk to work. Well, yesterday I get out of work and find a ticket on my windshield from the school officer. Talk about being upset, so I go back in to the High School and ask him why he gave me a ticket, he said he didn't see my parking permit, so I told him where it was, then he didn't know it was me. So I think ok, that's alright, he didn't know, so I ask him if it is ok to park there ( shouldn't have done that) and he tells me no because it is actually part of the High School student parking, he showed me another place I could park, if there is any space which is even farther away, unless I can find a student parking spot in the High School lot, why in the world is it ok, to take a student's spot in the H.S. Lot, but not ok in the M.S. Lot which is for the H.S. students, makes absolutely no sense. I just don't get it, really felt like I was getting the shaft by everyone yesterday.
Then to top it off, I come home, order a pizza for my son, he only had 10 dollars and it came to 20 so I told him to ask his dad, which he gave him the other 10, which is fine, but then when the pizza guy showed up I asked my husband to get the door, because I was trying to clean up the kitchen and he was sitting watching TV and he said you answer it, it's my money that paid for it. Wow, was I pissed, what a crappy thing to say. I told him that was a sucky thing to say and he apologized, but come on, so I don't make the money he makes, but at least I am working. I don't even get to have cash in my wallet, I try to keep a 10 dollar bill, but either one of my kids or my husband takes it. He makes sure he keeps at least 60 out of his check in his wallet and he has a work gas card and takes a lunch to work, so where does it go?
Anyway through it all I didn't drink, thought about it but didn't, did not want to make my day worse by caving in. Praying today will go better. So sorry this is so long but really needed to get it out!