Thanks for being there everyone. I don't post much but I do read, read, read. You all are very inspiring and I think most of all the fact that I see myself in nearly every one of you, and many of you have done sooo well I admire you and that motivates me. It gives me the positive reinforcement I need.
My friends just don't understand. Just last night I explained that I was going to try for 30 days AF and she said, "well after that I think you should keep going, don't stop at 30." I understand her intention but geez don't crush my goal. Normal drinkers just don't get it.
I come from a family of many addicts. Mostly booze. Both my parents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and therefore I even married one!... I am thankful I sort of wrecked my life early on, at 30, and realized. Hopefully I can keep on this journey so I don't pass this on to my son.
Anyways wanted to brag a bit and say :thanks: