It hasnt always been easy, but is getting easier, I went to my Doc yesterday as I get really bad skipped heatbeat's sometime tachycardia (been in hospital a couple of times for that) one part of my brain understands that this happens to most people, (they are just not awear of it, I am so hyper awear of my heartbeat its not funny) & that its to do with the electrical impulse that regulates your heartbeat, but the other part of my brain is knows that it feels like my heart has stopped so i end up getting an adrenalin rush cause I get such a freight & i stress out & end up having panic attacks & so it beomes a vicious circle, i have had tests done & my colestrol is good etc, so hes not to worried about it, although he thinks I might be suffering from generalised freefloating anxiety (ie I'm not stressing about anything in particular, just stressing LOL) so I have started taking St Johns Wort to see if that helps,
I actually did not mean to start with that , as I said its day 45 AF for me today, so I am having a celebratory day, I have given myself a face mask, am going to have a nice lunch do some housework, then do a little shopping, have a nice dinner planned, then a couple of favorite moivies, curled up on the couch with candles & incense going.
What I really wanted to say was thank you to everyone, you have inspired me, helped me stay strong, made me feel a part of something, having you all here makes the journey worthwhile.
P.S. how ironic is this, is 45 days AF for me & i'm planning to celebrate that AF & yet I am having a craving, LOL. I cant stop laughing about that. :H even if i wanted to give in I cant, it my 45 days AF celebration, gotta love life.