I have a question, I'm not sure anyone can help me with but....here it goes...
I had a gastric bypass 15 years ago (I was an embarrassment to my dad)...I was pretty over weight. I've actually kept off the weight despite the 8-12 beers or a bottle of wine and 5 beers or 2 bottles of wine (yep I got it down to a science) a night. I think I have replaced my addiction to eating with the addiction of drinking....but it's so different to me since the bypass...the "buzz or relaxed" feeling comes so much faster and before you know it...hammered (like someone flipped a switch). I always feel I can come out of the drunken state fast too...as long as I get up right away and get my day started. I feel much like my food, my alcohol goes through me very fast. But I will tell you what, you don't want to be around me when the switch flips...I go from the funnest, happiest drunk to the meanest, rude, snotty drunk ever!! I've now turned to just staying at home where no one is here...when in public I can make one drink last forever...in fear of if I drank it like I normally do "people would know". I hate my double life...I can't wait to get to the doctor next week and to get my stuff in the mail...HURRY AND GET HERE!!!