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Wow... today was a tough one

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    Wow... today was a tough one

    Hi all..

    First off.. no, I didn't cave. Still 7 days AF (12AF out of 17) and 10 days NF.
    But, man, today was a doozie. I was grumpy and grouchy and wanted a drink or a cigarette or both. Had I gone into town, I'm sure I would have come back with either or both.

    But.. it's after 8pm now... went to the gym, went to a dinner party after, and am feeling more like myself again. Whew. Close one.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    Wow... today was a tough one

    Good on you Sunshine. Last nigtht i managed to stay AF and NF as well. Quitting both is not easy.
    I stopped counting my AF days now,still counting my NF days. Quitting smokes is soooo hard

    All the best
    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


      Wow... today was a tough one

      I know those close calls with both - Excellent Sunshine! You are the rock star tonight!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Wow... today was a tough one

        Yay for you, SS! I was worried after I read one of your posts earlier, maybe in the Newbies Nest where I was lurking. You sounded like you were wavering. I am so happy you didn't cave, and I'll bet you are, too. I was having a really hard day today, too. I was right there with you! We have the same number of AF days for Jan., but you are currently in a longer stretch of AF days.

        Then, just about the height of the witching hour, I jammed my two little toes on my right foot into a doorframe as I was running to the kitchen to get some potatoes that were boiling over. I ended up in the Urgent Care. Little bit of a fracture. Now I'm sporting a lovely boot and crutches. I must say I was happy to be AF throughout this ordeal!

        Keep up the good work!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Wow... today was a tough one

          Good on you Sunshine! Tomorrow you will love how you feel.
          My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


            Wow... today was a tough one

            Good for you Sunshine - and I can't believe it, you?? Grumpy??? Na!!!

            Dill!! Your poor little toes!!! Those damn pots of potatoes - they do that all the time!



              Wow... today was a tough one

              Dill-Sorry about the toes

              Sunshine- you go girl! You stayed strong and you won!

              I too was having a tough time. Sat. night- nothing going on and a bottle of chard. in the fridge that
              clueless hubby bought for me before leaving for a month. ( He just doesn't get it yet).
              Well, he thought he was doing something nice. ANYWAY- I reached for the iced tea-had dinner-a HUGE bowl
              of ice cream and I am hitting the jacuzzi. Craving -GONE :thumbs:
              Made it thru unscathed. Next challenge- football playoffs tomorrow. ODAT, right?
              Thank God for MWO and all of you.
              Toughen up!


                Wow... today was a tough one


                I will be watching the playoffs too...for the first time sober! I will be thinking of you then. Here's to everyone remembering the games!!!
                My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                  Wow... today was a tough one

                  Way to Go Sunny!!
                  You are my inspiration. I am stiff AF-Day 4 once again. Not gonna attempt getting off the smokes for a little while. Stay strong woman. I am proud of you.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Wow... today was a tough one

                    HOORAH SUNSHINE!

                    I'll bet you feel even stronger now that you Know you are in control!!

                    Good going, girl.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      Wow... today was a tough one

                      OH - just read of your po lil toes --- YOUCH! (WHY are there so many nerve endings in your toes...? To what purpose?? lol)

                      You didn't say if you had to drive yourself to Urgent Care - but, just think had you been drinking!! You wouldn't have been able to...

                      That's something that has crossed my mine: Even tho I was drinking in the "safety" of my home, who's to say what emergency could occur where I would NEED to drive... and then either couldn't or... bad things, Really bad things, might happen as a result of me driving!

                      OH DEAR.

                      Hope your toesies get better soon!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        Wow... today was a tough one

                        Delta Moon, OMG! The play offs! Definite trigger, thanks for mentioning it. Knowing others are getting through today, I will too!
                        Savon, My husband drove, so that was good. But you are so right about drinking in the "safety" of our homes. I've thought about that a lot.
                        Thanks all for your exspressions of concern! I'm doing fine.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Wow... today was a tough one

                          Yay Sunshine! - you are rockin right along!

                          Poor Dill - sorry about your piggies! But you you have a new fashion accessory...


                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            Wow... today was a tough one

                            Job well done...I have those CLOSE CALLS when I go to Walgreen' scares me.
                            At Christmas they had a pretty display of jack Daniels by the front door...the Janis Joplin in me ALMOST took I don't go to Walgreen;s alone...better safe than sorry.
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Wow... today was a tough one

                              Thanks so much everyone.. yup, I'm glad I made it through.

                              Dillie... OUCH! I'm so sorry! So glad you kept AF through your ordeal! :goodjob:
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

