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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Hey!! I beat Nettie to the punch!!

    Hope all my peeps are doing Great this fine Sunday morning.

    I officially passed my two week mark yesterday. I mentioned that I "may" drink some today IF I really feel like it. Right now, I don't. But, if I do, it won't be much (that will be sort of a test).

    AND, most importantly, if I do... I will Not get back to the routine... I know this is playing with fire. I would say it's 80% chance that I Won't. We'll see.

    To be honest, I have felt better (especially this last week) than I have in probably many months. Where some of this may be due to somewhat better circumstances, I have to admit that, JUST possibly!, Most of it is due to me not drinking!! At times, fairly often, I have even felt Euphoric!! Without booze?? How is that Possible????

    But it is. And I have to keep that firmly in mind. Life can not only be good without drinking, but it can be a lot BETTER. Happier!

    This is a great revelation for me. Despite the fact that I've heard so many say the same thing... I guess I still needed to experience it for myself! However, I Still love to hear it from others - reinforcement!!

    (Sorry for long post... I'm a fast typist, and before I know it, I've written a book! LOL!)

    Have a great day, my peeps.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Sunday

    Hi Savon and congrats on 2 weeks. It always seems easier not to have a drink when you know you can, just like when there is no AL in the house all you can do is think about having a drink.

    I have just completed 21 days. A nightmare weekend but I survived. Had to face some bitchy clicky mothers today and I didn't rush home and have a drink. Right now I just feel tired but I think that the feelings of pride will set in tomorrow.

    Have a good day to everyone just starting theirs.


      ODAT - Sunday

      Hey Savon - TWO WEEKS - good job! You SOUND positively euphoric! It's a good thing being AF!!

      Ezz - THREE WEEKS - woohoo! If other bitchy women don't make you drink...that is HUGE and you should be proud.

      Today is day 18 for me, there are cravings when I get really stressed, but alas I can finally cook at night w/o the first thought of having a drink.

      Hope you guys enjoy your day!


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        ODAT - Sunday

        Nettie checking in.
        Savon congrats on two weeks!!!! Its only goihg to get better. I am now 3 weeks AF like Ezzmae.
        Cat Belle is also doing great 18 days!!!
        Today(yesterday mmmm) i went to the beach and got sunburn. I will have to sleep on my side.
        I've forgotten my sunscreen and now i will have to pay the price.
        Another day without ciggie as well.

        All the best my dear ODAT's and all of you should be very proud.
        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


          ODAT - Sunday


          Hey you four folks are doing great. Congrats......... Stopping drinking is so difficult; I have been dry for about 5 months or so but I had lots of help. I used antabuse, finally, because I had stopped and started a thousand times. Finally, I took antabuse because I knew that I COULD NOT drink while taking it. So it worked at least till now. I am still tempted to drink but the thought of reverting to just another drunk scares me sober. I hope I can keep it up. I must say that looking life squarely in the eye sober, is a very mixed process .. some good some bad. But the absence of shame alone makes it worth the effort, not to mention the horrible hangovers. Good luck to all as we struggle to get out of the grips of the beast and God bless.


            ODAT - Sunday

            Savon! Great job on getting beyond 2 weeks! I am still working on getting past 7 day stretches. But I feel myself getting stronger and more hopeful.
            Ezz, Congrats on 21 days! Awesome!
            Cat, So great you made it to 18!
            Net work, sorry for you! I have had bad sunburns before. Great job on 3 weeks!
            Matt, 5 months is phenomenal! Well done!
            Hope you all have a great ODAT day.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              ODAT - Sunday

              savvy, congrats on 2 weeks!

              ezzy & nettie, congrats on 3 weeks!

              cat, congrats on 18 days, 3 weeks is just around the corner!

              Matt, 5 months is amazing, you sound like you'll be able to stick with it...

              Hey dill!

              I've got a meeting at 4 today that I'm dreading so I'm trying to stay busy and not think about it. I need to have a paradigm shift about this whole meeting thing. I hope it happens soon!

              My daughter had a sleepover last night and I'm getting used to my son's *#&##% lip ring so all is good here.

              Take care,
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                ODAT - Sunday

                Hahaha - Becoming! Too funny - lip ring. Wellll, I guess on the Bright side, it might be better than some weird tattoo.. Maybe if you take the ring out at some point, no one would be the wiser!

                While I'm Totally FOR freedom of expression, etc., I often think of these cute young bodies that... will eventually AGE... and THEN that "zowie" tat just won't have the same effect!

                Thank Goodness I missed that part. Coz I'm sure I woulda done it. Stilllll, perhaps a cute butterfly.. or ladybug? In a place where the sun don't shine??

                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Those piercing holes actually don't go away. My daughter had one under her bottom lip from when she was 16yo. She hasn't had a stud/ring in it for several years now, but will always have that little hole. My other daughter has her nose pierced and her TONGUE. That's one I will never get!!!

                  Nettie - oh to get a sun burn!!! That would be sooo nice.
                  Greetings to all ODATers out there!

                  It is 3C out there today, my house is dripping - really nice day, and am looking forward to a great run this afternoon - so is my dog!!!

                  xoxo peanut


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Becoming - My boy now has two lip piercings - and is hanging out for a tattoo. He's 15 next week. His Dad took him for the piercings as we were worried that he would have them done with poor hygiene. I don't really notice them now - it could be worse!

                    Well done everyone on your AF time. B
                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


