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    Hi all from down under..... just checking out this site and think the support and posts are great. I have tried the AA thing and it didnt sit right for me, not out of resistiveness or denial but just the way I felt isolated and other things so I guess its not for me. But for those who AA has worked then cool.
    Has anyone else felt this way?

    Lady :new:


    Giday mate!!! Glad to see you here at MWO. As far as the AA thing goes - I have been a member on and off for many years - I take what I like and leave the rest. However, I do live in a very small town - so that has its plusses (and obviously its VERY not-so-plusses!!!) I LOVE the philosophyof One Day at A TIme, and Staying away from that FIRST drink etc - these days I do not do as many meetings, but I am a darn near daily logger-on into MWO. It is a hugely supportive, encouraging and non-judging site. As far as my alcoholism goes -well, nothing short of HUGE/CHRONIC/Whatever!
    All best to you darl - keep reading and posting x
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



      LadyOz, Love the name. I do both this site and AA. I am very fortunate to have found an all womens group. I also live in a small town and choose a meeting about 1 hour away, once a week. It does give me that face to face contact I need and names to call. This site is great because I can log in any time of day or night and get tons of support and advise. I could'nt do without either. Welcome




        Hello ladyoz and welcome.....I'd like to invite you to come join us on the Newbies Nest thread....fantastic place to get started...hope to see you there...



          :new: Me too LadyOz! Maybe I should have called myself LadyUk - I love your name! This is a site of support that I've been wondering ever existed. If, like me, you'll have close friends and a good family but don't want to burden them with your own worries of your weakness then I think this is a great place. Like you, I can't even contemplate 30 AF days. I didn't even do that when I was pregnant (TWICE!). It's something I'm not proud of and thankfully I have 2 beautiful, healthy and happy daughters. If I had a magic wand, I'd wave it for the following 3 wishes: 1) to not drink Monday - Thursday with no problem, not even a thought crossing my mind; 2) on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday not to binge drink and 3) not to use wine as a ticket to feeling better/confident/happier. Is that too much of an ask? Yep, me thinks so to. So, until they invent that particular magic wand I'll have to just hang in round here, look up some of the products that are available to help with cravings and hope instead of viewing the chilled bottle of white wine in the fridge as a harmless 6 glasses of fun juice I should look at it as the drip-feeding of poison to my liver which, of course, it is. Righty-oh, have waffled on far too long. Look forward to hearing more from you LadyOz.
          verheated: !!!!!




            Thanx guys for the nice welcome ..... :h

