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Eek! Account reads -$133

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    Eek! Account reads -$133

    Funny, all 6 of the debits that took my account here were created by desperately ordering meds for alcohol abstinence, along with some things I totally forgot I purchased, during the weekend binge.

    Good thing I'm quitting, eh?

    When I add it up with the cost of fees for being negative funds, I'm about $300 in the hole and payday is a week away.

    Hmmm... I might be able to get the bank to reverse SOME of the NSF charges, but I dunno.

    Well at least I paid my vehicle's registration and just have to get it smogged ASAP-- they said I could only drive it one day, legally.

    Anyways, I'll be driving very careful over the next days, please say a prayer for me and if anyone's been here before, any ideas?

    I also have a $289 speeding ticket to pay for, but that's not due till March 13, 2009.

    I'm thinking-- use Feb to heal my account (I was going to pay the ticket next week but now I'll be healing my account).

    I need to find a pan to cook some rice in!

    Eek! Account reads -$133

    Wally -- you have a lot to struggle with. But be certain, that you can wrestle this stuff to the ground. Glad you are here on MWO and visit often. It really does help. I am sober this morning, without MWO I would be badly hung over. God bless.


      Eek! Account reads -$133

      Booze and money

      the only good combo for me was playing poker with moderate drinking. Otherwise, I would go out with the wife and our tab would typically be about $75 - $100 -- especially when we were in our Petron phase. it adds up -- even on good incomes so it is all relative. You wake up one day and wonder how you got back into debt.

      Day 18 AF and I have had the same $20 bill in my wallet for a week --


        Eek! Account reads -$133

        Thank you all. Instead of getting angry like I normally would, flipping out and getting drunk, I just looked at what I had to do, and I've got the plan; I wasted a lot of money-- I'm learning lots of lessons.

        Day 2 AF, yay!


          Eek! Account reads -$133

          the cost of alcohol...

          Think of it another way....I figured out and posted a few weeks ago that in just under 5 years I have probably spent close to $13,000 on booze!

          Supplements are waaaayyyy better!

