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    MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

    I'm here! Not feeling well..had to drag my self to work today....

    I have a lot of catching up to do.

    I've noticed that since I've have not been drinking so often that my appearence has changed. My face looks different. Has anyone noticed this about themsleves?

    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

    MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

    Not yet, Jamms... will let you know in a while
    Hope you feel better by now.... :l
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

      Yes, I look different. My skin is glowing, my eyes clear and my hair glossy. I have lost weight and am generally happier which projects self confidence like I never had. Ol AL had me convinced I wasn't worth much and I am no longer under his thumb! May you find peace in your journey.
      Toughen up!


        MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

        I find I have less of a "moon" face - probably because I am not puffy and have lost some weight? Funny, but I only used to pee, like 2x a day at work - now, I am constantly running off to the washrooms!!! Not as dehydrated I suppose!


          MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

          Day 18/21 AF and Day 21 on Campral

          Hey guys! Jamms! Glad to have you back!!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
          Hello Delta Moon! LOVE your name!! Of course, I am little partial to the Delta down here!!! A
          And Sunshine!! Good to see you are doing better!

          As far as changes.....the first thing I seemed to notice is that the bloating around my eyes is gone! and my skin is just much more hydrated!
          I've ALWAYS taken good care of my skin, even when I was drinking, but I guess, I do a little extra when I'm not! I'm better about facials and stuff like that!
          I also take a BUNCH of vitamins and supplements, so that has got to be good thing, I guess!!!! Also, my hair seems to be better conditioned.

          I'll just be glad when some of this damn weight starts to come off! I feel less bloated, but am not seeing the weight loss that I expected when I quit drinking 10 beers a night!!!!
          I did crank up the cardio today though, so maybe I'll start to see a difference soon!!!!


            MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

            Hey everybody!! wow - its like a reunion - I thought you forgot about us JAMMS! How is the sick house! Do you have 'the crud' now?

            I have definitely noticed a difference in my face - no more redness or puffiness! My skin looks great! Like USM, I take care when it comes to my skin, but with AL it didn't matter. But now, it's great!

            Peanut- I am peeing like crazy too! But, I'm drinking way more water as a matter of habit. I take (2) 1L bottles of lemon water to class w/ me and drink them thru the day, so needless to say I sit in the back of class so I can make stealthy exits!:H

            Today is Day 21 for me!


            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
            -Alan Cohen


              MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

              Congrats on Day 21 Catbelle!!!! Way to go!!!!
              Good to hear from you!!!! :h


                MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                Jamms, Hope you feel better real soon! Thanks for starting the thread! I haven’t noticed a big change in my appearance, but I have had not strung a great number of AF days in a row yet. I’m at 15/21 AF. I’m working on it!
                Hey, Sunshine! Hope you are still improving. You asked me somewhere else on the forum about my toes. Thank you, they are mending just fine.
                Delta, good that your appearance is being positively affected by your efforts to be AF. You know, it just makes sense that it should! I mean, poisoning ourselves daily with excessive amounts of alc would have to have a bad affect. I think the dehydration alone affects the skin a great deal.
                Pnut, me too on the increased frequency of potty breaks at work! I hadn’t thought about it till you mentioned it!
                USM, do you think you’re eating more since you cut back on the drinking? I know I do. My appetite is much better as my stomach isn’t constantly upset by too much alc.
                Hey, CB. I saw you agreed with me on my Newbie Nest mini rant. I'm glad you said something because I felt like I was out on a limb; or should I say, out on a twig! HA!
                Good evening to all!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                  Hey Dill!!!! Yep! You're probably right!!! I mean, when I'm not drinking, I'm not smoking either!!! So, that means I have smoked very little in the last 3 weeks!!! I don't even think about it!! But I must be making up for it somewhere........

                  So, I think my metabolism just needs a great big jump start and I just need to keep my hands AWAY from the candy that is STILL hanging around from the holidays!!!....really good chocolate covered cheeries....yum!!!! and I USED to not have any kind of sweet tooth!!!! I'm gonna stock up on Sugar Free pudding and ginger snaps this week-end at the grocery! HA!
                  That's what it is! I've got to cut back on foodie calories and work my butt off on the treadmill!!!!!

                  Well, thanks for letting me talk to myself via this post!!!! :H
                  You guys all have a great night!!!! :l


                    MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                    Day 19/22!

                    Good morning!!!! I guess everyone is getting a late start today!! I got to work early myself and am off to get my hair done!! Yeah!!! It will be a treat to do that today!!!
                    I hope you guys are all okay!!!!!
                    Hugs from the cold south!:l


                      MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                      USMgirl-When..when..does the weight start to come off.....??? I think I gained!!!!

                      CAT- Yes, I have the Crud allright..those people gave it to me...I have no idea how I'm at work right head feels like a brick is in it...the good thing...I haven't thought about AL in days! 21 days!!!! :goodjob:

                      I'm having a problem remembering to drink's like I dont' have time....I remember "oh crap..i din't drink enough water today" right when I'm going to bed..I really gotta work on that!

                      Hi Moon, forgive me for not saying hello earlier....:welcome: my hair looks great also...I'm thinking about going back to blonde....

                      DILL- Hang in there buddy. I agree with what you say about dehydration effecting the face is alot smoother but has some dry....I'm definetly dehydrated.....

                      OK, Ok,,,,I'm gonna go get some water!!!! Anyone have any ideas how I can get a grip on the water thing...I mean why is drinking water such a friggin' issue for me.....

                      Thinking about taking my 7 year old to the movies...but he doesnt want to see "hotel for dogs" he wants to see...the "dark Knight" I say no...any thoughts form you.....

                      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                        MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                        Hi guys!
                        Working like a demon here on a particularly distasteful task. I have to do this for 3 days and I'm done until next year at this time (milling spelt wheat).

                        So sad to hear you caught the sickness Jamms! Get better! I haven't seen the Dark Knight, but wouldn't mind just to see Heath's performance. Who plays Batman in that by the way? I think maybe 7yo might be a bit too young yet????

                        Congrats on day 21 Cat!! You must be soooooo pleased with yourself! Way to go!

                        Happy to hear your toe is mending Dill. And hey - 15/21 is just fine! Is today 16/22?? An improvement over the "old days"???

                        I need a hair cut too, USM - my swim cap won't stay on my head anymore, which is a sure sign my hair is just too darn long! I'll have to start braiding it and letting it hang out the back - I do think that looks weird though! And I tell ya - I just can't help smile at your phrase the "cold south".......

                        I am at 18/22 today. I feel so fine. I really wish and hope I can remind myself how this feels when I start to overindulge in vino and stop myself!! Somehow, I get a brain lock and just don't think of anything else!!

                        The cold is coming back here on the prairie - 21 for tomorrow I think. I do hope it doesn't get as bad as it was before our brief respite I want to do more outdoor running and it's pretty hard to motivate myself to go alone with my dog when it is impossibly cold out! But I am nervous about the Death Race and feel I really need to get going on training, although most of the training will likely have to wait until after the thaw. I hope that comes earlier than May!!!!!!!! ha!

                        Best finish my lunch and get back to the mill - ugh!!!!
                        xoxo peanut


                          MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                          Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I'm not doing to great, I don't know if it's PMS or what but just feeling down. Unfortunatley I did't do to well this week. drank for three consecutive days. That's probably why I'm feeling down. But... today I will not drink. I seriously considering asking my doctor for anti-craving meds. I read about a medication called blacofen it doesn't look like it has the side effects that topa has so I'm calling my doctor.

                          I'm happy to be back, I really missed everyone. I'll dust myself off and keep on moving without AL. Cat congrats on 21 days, that's great!

                          Hope everyone reaches their goal today.
                          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                            MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                            oh I forgot to ask. has anyone tried baclofen? it looks like it has GABA which is one of the supplements recommended so I placed an order for it.
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                              Hi everyone! I'm making it through today AF, so I is 15/22. (did my counting wrong the other day when I posted it was actually 7 days with alc. But, as to your question, Pnut, that is a huge improvement! And I'm hoping to keep on.

                              So, Pnut, did you acutally register for the race?
                              Oney, I am taking Campral and am not sure if it is helping or if it is my attitude shift. I went right on drinking for a month while on Campral. I am going to finish this bottle and go without and see what I think. I have no experience with Baclofen. Glad you are back! Dust yourself off and get back in the game.
                              Jamms, I don't know why it is so hard to remember to drink water! I go all day without it when I am at work and I even feel thirsty. I guess when we're busy, we just igonore our body's signals. Which is probably why we get tripped up and buy alc at the end of the work day....I mean we are so thirsty! Anyway, these days I usually pour myself a huge glass of ice water when I get home from work and keep it with me all evening, refilling as needed.
                              USM, hope your hair turned out great! I need a trim, too!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

