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    MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

    Hi january gang.

    1more - feeling better? Find anything out about Baclofen?? Did you talk to your doctor?
    Jamms - did you drink enough water yesterday?
    Hi to Dill, USM, Cat, Moon and everybody else on this thread.

    By the way Dill, I did register for the race. And, I have sent off my reservation for 2 double hotel rooms for my team - apparently the rooms fill up pretty fast - Grand Cache is not exactly a booming metropolis!!!! So this is it - I am committed and TERRIFIED!!!!

    I was this close to getting wine yesterday!!! I think ever since BF mentioned it a couple of nights ago, it has been on my mind. Such a battle. And it got really cold outside and by the time I got home, I was shivering and couldn't warm up and couldn't imagine myself getting into that swimming pool. But my son - smart boy that he is - said "go swimming mom, you know you will feel so much better when you do". And he was soooo right - great swim and I felt much better. Drank 2 AF beers instead.

    Have to get to work - I have my least favourite work task again today. I think next year, I will make my technician do it, although she'll probably give me the silent treatment for a month if I do that. Hey, if I can do it, so can you!!!!! (but that's just my opinion! actually, I think she's too short!)

    A fabulous friday to everone!
    xoxo peanut


      MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

      Happy Friday everybody!!!!! I hope everyone is doing well and fine! I have logged on really quickly just to check in!!! I'm busy trying to get spreadsheets updated and to the accountant by this pm..ugh....
      Anyway, hubby and I are planning a low key week-end! We MAY go out to dinner tomorrow night with another I may try and mod for that. But we'll just have to wait and see....I honestly don't know yet.
      I'm doing really well on my Campral, so I'll just see how I feel!!!!

      Hugs to you all!!! Peanut, Dill, Jamms, 1MC (feel better), Delta and Catbelle!!!! You guys all just rock!!! Peanut, when did you say the race is??? Just curious! YOU CAN DO IT!
      Hugs from the REALLY WARM SOUTH!!! :H (this weather is crazy......)


        MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

        Hi guys! I hope you are all well. Oney, just get back in the saddle! You can do it. I myself am feeling poorly this morning. I caved yesterday on day 4. I am disgusted and angry with myself. I feel like crap. I ask myself, "WHY?!". I was doing so well. I was feeling great. I think it was because I felt great that my brain tricked me into thinking, yet again, that I could drink 2 and stop. I feel like an idiot.
        I WILL be AF today.
        I wish I was as strong as you guys.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

          Hey everyone
          hope all is well. Hey Dill, the only thing we can do is get back on the saddle as you said. Sorry you're not feeling well this morning hope this day goes better for you. Dont beat yourself up the AL already did that. I know what you're saying about the brain and our thoughts. But just remember we are not our thoughts, some how we have to re-learn to use positive thoughts affirming thoughts that can get us through that moment when our brain is telling us we need to drink. Purhaps using a mantra or affirmation when those moments come.

          Louise L. Hay, in her book you can heal your life, says that the probable cause for alcohol addiction is feeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy and self rejection. So she suggest a new thought pattern/affirmation we can say out loud to ourselves to change the thought pattern:

          " I live in the now. Each moment is new.
          I choose to see my self-worth. I love and
          approve of myself"

          It doesn't hurt to try it so I'm committed to using this affirmation. I just starting reading the book and I also have it on my ipod so I'm going to listen to it.

          Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will come back later.
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


            MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

            Dill, pick yourself up now......don't give into that feeling of dread for the whole day!!
            You are strong. You have proven it before. The one thing you are feeling weak about this morning is the VERY SAME WEAKNESS WE ALL HAVE!!!!! HELLO!!!!!! (read that again, please.)
            None of us are totally immune to AL cravings and cavings!!!!
            That is why we are all here, know talk, to share, and to come's a new day!!! A new chance to do something different!
            I am sending good thoughts your way!!!! Feel better!!!!! :h


              MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

              what happened to the thread this week? anyone out there?
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                Heellloooooow? Anyone out there? Yeah, that's how it feels, eh 1MC? I was sad that this thread seemed to fizzle out, as it was one of my favorite little supports. I saw your post in ODAT today and replied to it. Did you see it?

                Anyhow, I'm here. Mostly I post on Newbies Nest, ODAT and rarely Monthly Abstinence. (Monthly Abs is a treasure trove of inspiration.) My journey to be AF has been bumpy so far, but I am focusing on the positive. I always appreciate hearing from you. I feel like we're in the same boat. I guess I'd call it "the fits and starts" boat, as opposed to the "slow but steady" boat!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  MWO PROGRAM START Week 4 Jan 19

                  Yea threads start out great and then I think people have one or two bad days and feel like they can't post. I know I felt that way. Hopefully both of you are during fine. I hope Jamms is okay, haven't heard from in a while.

