I am a few days behind as we were out of town for a few days (one of which I spent totally trashed for no good reason). But I did read where you drank and feel bad.
PLEASE do not beat yourself up. You are my inspiration and every day I look for you and what you have to say..I feel a very strong connection to you somehow. If I knew how to contact you personally, I would (whatever the PM me stuff means or other comments).
I really f ' d up this weekend :upset: and when i got home to my computer i thought about what I would say to you and wondered what wisdom and encouragement you would give me. You are a very special person. you are doing great!
So stay strong and let me be strong. I can't seem to "get it" and had therapy today...then came home and drank! Yeah, that's worth $125 per hour not covered by insurance! Hubby snoring asleep at 7 PM, my life is so freaking exciting!
My friend at work quit yesterday--could not take the BS anymore, the horrid boss shit--gave up his retirement and all. Stress trigger for me is work--SEVEN people in a few months gone! Nothing to do with the economy--they were replaced--just the boss's personal vendetta. SUCKS.
Anyway, Sunshine. You rock and you need to know it.:thanks: